Princess Marie's Fashion and Style Part 7: June 2012 - March 2013

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Jan 29, 2005
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Welcome to Part 7 of the thread for Princess Marie's Fashion & Style!

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** Princess Marie's Fashion and Style Part 6: April 2011 - June 2012 **

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:flowers: Happy Posting! :flowers:
Awful outfit, sloppy & the shades of blue dont match. Marie looks kind of scruffy, it seems she cant even put in the slightest effort when attending an event.
I'd have to agree. The pants aren't bad and seem to fit nicely, but the upper part is sloppy looking and looks huge on her.
Just a mess.. It appears she couldn't care less how she looks. She needs a hair cut, as well.
Pieces alone are nice but together its just awful.
I like her pants and with the right top and heels, this could've worked great!
This is positively atrocious. The shades of blue are nice, but not together. It looks like she picked these pieces randomly as she was rushing to get ready.
Daria, you took the words right out of my mouth. I was going as far to say that she forgot about the engagement and had to throw anything on she could grab at hand while rushing out the door.
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Very unflattering. The pants are awful!
I think the outfit is perfectly suited to the situation...She was there to open a new charity clothing shop...It would not have looked right if she was in some sparkly designer uptight suit, too ostentatious, precious and pretentious...She downplayed her status (as Princess) and tried to walk the delicate line between smart (clothing) but also casual and not too intimidating...I think she did well and I am just picturing what Mary might have worn to such an event...No doubt she (Mary) would have been criticised for being too over the top, insensitive to the cause (in restrained Prada?) and too stiff and unapproachable (in a tight skirt/dress)...I think Marie was just dressing according to situation, even dressing emphatically...It was probably more thought out than any of her other choices...Contrary to those that believe she just 'threw' that ensemble together as she walked out the door...
On the contrary, I felt it was too untidy a look and thought she could have done better assembling a more coordinated outfit. No one is saying that she should have worn a pretentious or ostentatious designer ensemble, but with more thought to it, she could have dressed in a casual yet stylish manner suitable to the occasion. It does appear to me as if it were thrown together and not what I'd expect a princess to wear to a public engagement, be it a charity shop or a more upscale venue, IMO.
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Could have been quite cute as the event did not require anything major in the dress code department.The cuff is a bit odd and the look could have been sharper but not bad for her really.
I like the pants but I need a full front view of the whole outfit. Separately it may have looked ok
OK I admit that this may not be the best outfit of Princess Marie, BUT:
Don't overlook the fact that Marie likes wearing trousers for her more informal public appearances ;). She get's away with it because of her place in the royal hierarchy and because of the general informal Danish dress code!
Next, Marie was opening a charity shop in a small Danish town in a more
or less deprived area! There are plenty of these charity shops in Danish towns but their opening formalities are way off the royal radar! Maybe she only accepted this engagement because she's living in the neighbourhood and because she's expected to do something for the community.
So AnnaNotherThing is spot on: Marie is dressing according to the situation! She's dealing with people for whom meeting with royalty is probably a bit daunting; people who are unfamiliar with formal dress codes. IMO Princess Marie did walk a delicate line and she could easily have been critizised if she had dressed up for this particular event!

I understand why some of you react negatively but I also note the fact that you are from countries with more formal dress codes than Denmark!

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Pieces alone are nice but together its just awful.
I like her pants and with the right top and heels, this could've worked great!
Although I find the pants to be an interesting color for pants I do agree that they have potential. Their cut is nice. Judging from what was seen of the blouse it looked nice, and would look nice with the right pencil skirt, perhaps. So I agree, nice pieces but they need to be worn separately.
I think Marie was just dressing according to situation, even dressing emphatically...It was probably more thought out than any of her other choices...Contrary to those that believe she just 'threw' that ensemble together as she walked out the door...
The outfit doesn't look thrown together to me as well and it is more appropriate for the particular situation than that awful outfit from the garden party was. The problem IMO is that the colours of the cardi and the pants are a bit mismatched (too similiar but not the same) and that the top is longer than the cardi which always looks a bit untidy (also on Mary).

I think the outfit is perfectly suited to the situation...She was there to open a new charity clothing shop...It would not have looked right if she was in some sparkly designer uptight suit, too ostentatious, precious and pretentious...She downplayed her status (as Princess) and tried to walk the delicate line between smart (clothing) but also casual and not too intimidating...I think she did well and I am just picturing what Mary might have worn to such an event...No doubt she (Mary) would have been criticised for being too over the top, insensitive to the cause (in restrained Prada?) and too stiff and unapproachable (in a tight skirt/dress)...
You only have to look at the pictures from Greenland to know that Mary is perfectly able to dress according to the cause, situation and surrounding.
Marie on the other hand more often gets it wrong than right IMO. In this case the outfit wasn't wrong but it just wasn't really good. Normally she looks best when dressed casually.

Princess Marie at the anniversary celebration of UNESCO Denmark yesterday, June 26,
wearing a nice and elegant dress in light pink:

** Full view ** Upper part **
I do love the dress, the colour, the shape and the lengh of the dress suits her just well!!!!! It's nice to see her back!
Very pretty dress; anyone know the designer?
I love the dress! It's very elegant, lovely and classic!
that dress is a dream and it fits marie beautifully. this style is just for her. very similar than the dress she wore for the christening of athena, which i also loved.
Beautiful elegant style, great fit and color for her; it looks like she's wearing her circular pearl and diamond pin.
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For me thats one of the very rare occasions where Marie looks really classy.
Very classy but not flattering in anyway.
The color is nice, very spring/summer.
I really like this light, summer dress. It Marie look very delicate and feminine.
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