Service of Thanksgiving for the Duke of Edinburgh; 29 March 2022

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I think, in my opinion, it is good for her to have a family member to take this short journey with her.

And I am so glad she obviously seems to be attending!
It's not a "short journey". It tooks almost an hour to arrive from Windsor.
Here is the reason the Queen and others wore green…a tribute to Prince Phillip.

The Queen, the Duchess of Cornwall and the Princess Royal were all dressed in dark green in a subtle tribute to Philip, whose livery colour was Edinburgh Green. A number of others throughout the congregation also wore the shade, including Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award holder Doyin Sonibare who delivered a special tribute about the effect Philip's youth scheme had on her life.
It's disappointing that the dress code seems like it was an "anything goes". I've seen royals in all colors, burgundy, green, blue, pink, and black.

The only appropriately dressed royal women were the Countess of Wessex, Queen's Mathilde and Máxima.

If I didn't know the occasion Zara, Anna, Camilla, and Catherine look like they're dressed for a day at the races and not a Memorial Service.

The Funeral was one year ago so plain black is not appropriate at an anglican church service that is not a funeral.

Darker discreet colours is always appropriate to any occassion.
There was a request to wear the colours of Edinburgh tartan - forest green and dark blue. Dark green was also the colour of his office.
Sorry if this question has already been answered, but why were the British royal ladies as well as Queen Letizia and Princess Beatrix wearing green? Does it have some special meaning?

I have heard it being mentioned that green is one of the colours of the Edinburgh tartan, and that is why it was worn. My own sense is that generally muted shades (grey, navy, green) are probably most approipriate for a Service of Thanksgiving.

Queens Mathilde an Maxima were very elegant, but their attire was more appropriate in my opinion for a funeral service rather than a service of thanksgiving.

I have to agree with you. But I think Max was wearing a grey dress under the black coat / wrap, and it was not fully visible.

I thought Mathilde just got it wrong.
I think it was nice to see Princess Christina of Sweden with the King and Queen of sweden
From the Order of Service

The Right Honourable the Lord Wallace of Tankerness QC, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, reads

To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One.

Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth.

Why sayest thou, O Jacob, and speakest, O Israel, My way is hid from the Lord, and my judgment is passed over from my God?

Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.

He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.

Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Isaiah 40: 25–31

Thanks be to God.

I wonder if the choice of Bible reading was a subtle nod to the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. "Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall" brought to mind how the Duke, inspired by the tough but for him rewarding regimen at the then all-boys boarding school he attended, wanted to use his award scheme to encourage young people to test themselves with physical challenges, among other things.

Camilla is wearing a dress that pays tribute to what was Philip's last official engagement - when he handed over the position of Colonel-in-Chief of The Rifles. The dress is in the colour of The Rifles and she is also wearing the badge that she has worn to all events with The Rifles. She is paying tribute to him by the dress and badge.

Here is the reason the Queen and others wore green…a tribute to Prince Phillip.

The Queen, the Duchess of Cornwall and the Princess Royal were all dressed in dark green in a subtle tribute to Philip, whose livery colour was Edinburgh Green. A number of others throughout the congregation also wore the shade, including Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award holder Doyin Sonibare who delivered a special tribute about the effect Philip's youth scheme had on her life.

That is a nice touch. A more formal version of the pink worn at Ari Behn's funeral.
What i found a bit odd was the placement in the Church. That foreign heads of State like the King of Spain etc. where placed after in row 6 or so after minor members of the RF. I could habe undertand it when they had been descednants of Philip but so it seemd odd.

But perhaps because this was an Family Event
Also when leaving one could see that the had to wait quiet a long time in the Church entrance
Odd question - was the service held in a side chapel and not the main altar? I find the arrangement of the seating odd. Isnt Westminister Abbey seating side on to the alter - am I getting confused by my churches.

Also odd that Serena Stanhope attended and not Savanna or Mark Phillips. Not going to ask about Sarah, Duchess of York.
Such a moving service with beautiful tributes and lovely music. I liked that they finally took some of the great grand children to the church... It gave more the feeling of a family service than a pompous state occassion.

Though there seems to have been some serious traffic jam in London today... Most of the BRF arrived in a very strange order...

I must admit that i was surprised that they had decided to have Andrew escorting The Queen, but i think they handled it well (=not showing him too much and not showing The Queen’s obvious fragility too much).... I have no problem with him being present as it was a service to remember his father...
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Odd question - was the service held in a side chapel and not the main altar? I find the arrangement of the seating odd. Isnt Westminister Abbey seating side on to the alter - am I getting confused by my churches.

No the service was held in the main church.

Maybe you are thinking of St Paul’s Cathedral ?
The Duke of York escorting the Queen must have been a last-minute decision. The Order of Service presents him as arriving in between the Wessex family and the Cambridge couple, and accompanied by his daughters and sons-in-law.

Where were the York princesses and their husbands placed in the order of arrivals, given that the Duke of York was not accompanying them?

I think it was nice to see Princess Christina of Sweden with the King and Queen of sweden

Are you certain it was Princess Christina, Mrs. Magnuson? (Technically, she is not a Princess "of Sweden", although the British royal court would probably refer to her as one.) She is not listed among the foreign royal guests in the Order of Service.
Odd question - was the service held in a side chapel and not the main altar? I find the arrangement of the seating odd. Isnt Westminister Abbey seating side on to the alter - am I getting confused by my churches.


As far as i remember, the royals nowadays are not seated near the Main altar anymore. Not even at the Cambrige Wedding unlike at earlier royals Weddings.

Wonder what is the reason for that change.
I suppose we can be thankful that they didn't put the foreign royals in the attic.

The transportation seemed a mess. On the way out several monarchs were waiting in the doorway of the abbey for what seemed to be an eternity. Not as disorganised as Fabiola's funeral but not far from it.

The Dutch queen and princess both came with a lady-in-waiting, namely Mrs. Crince le Roy-van Munster van Heuven and Mrs. van Karnebeek. I believe I also spotted a Swedish lady-in-waiting.

Edit: I believe that the lady with the purple scarf actually was- technically or untechnically - Princess Christina of Sweden.

As for the descendants of the sisters of the DoE, I could recognise Bernhard of Baden and wife & eldest son, one of his brothers (with long hair), the prince of Hohenlohe and wife, his sister Xenia & husband and Pss Katarina of Yugoslavia (daughterof the late prince Tomislav of Yugoslavia). But there must have been more. And walking with them were also the landgrave of Hesse and his wife, née countess Faber-Castell.
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The transportation seemed a mess. On the way out several monarchs were waiting in the doorway of the abbey for a long time. Not as disorganised as Fabiola's funeral but not far from it.
Not like the Brits where all events normally run like clock work but thankfully not a chaotic as a Belgian Royal event.
Despite recent events, this is a memorial to Andrew’s father. He should be with his family. He is sitting with his younger brother.

In my opinion, the Queen made quite a statement here by having Andrew travel in her car and escort her virtually to her seat in the Abbey - that he has her love and support and is still a beloved family member.
Lovely to see the great grandchildren at the service and so glad to HM as well. A lovely service and gathering.

Prince Albert seems quiet chummy with the extended British BRF, he greeted Lady Gabrielle warmly with a kiss, chatted away with Lord Snowden and Peter Phillips and I thght I saw Zara mouth "Hi Albert".
Query where the lunch for the visiting royals was held. Probably St James’s Palace, if BP is largely out of action. Perhaps Clarence House?
Unsure how much should be read into it - it was more of a convenient arrangement. The press were to be kept away from the Queen getting out the car - so they also will not take pics of Andrew. Also the Queen needed someone to support her in and out of car and down the isle.
Sometimes need out ways attempts to give signals to the press
Grand occasion all in all, worthy of the late Duke! Some thoughts:

Everybody looked so old! I don’t mean that as an insult but more to reflect how much the past two years have aged us all.

It was nevertheless nice to see a proper gathering of European royalty. Princess Christina of Sweden was a nice surprise, clearly she had some special connection to Philip.

Princess Alexandra and the Duchess of Kent were conspicious by their absence.

I was really moved to see how frail the Queen is! Fortunately she seemed sprigthly as ever in spirit. Hopefully she can attend the celebrations in June.
Everybody looked so old! I don’t mean that as an insult but more to reflect how much the past two years have aged us all.

Yes I was taken aback too by how old the Dukes/Prince of Kent/Gloucester suddenly seemed to me. Everyone seems to have aged a bit these past two years.
I doubt there was a request to wear green as the Duchess of Cambridge , Countess of Wessex, and the majority of the royal grand children did not wear it.
Thus with variety of colors from the royal ladies it seemed like a hodge podge.

It was a Thanksgiving service not for a Christening but this was also the funeral for the foreign royals as they never got a chance to attend due to Covid-19.

When in doubt (and it seems there was) it is best to wear black as many of the royal guests rightfully did.
It was interesting to see which aspects of HRH's life and legacy were chosen as a focus in the prayers. The Cadet Forces, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, and the World Wildlife Fund are the three organizations mentioned by name.

The Reverend Kenneth MacKenzie, Minister of Crathie Church, says

Let us give thanks for his service as Consort, liege man of life and limb, and of earthly worship to Her Majesty; for his devotion to family, to Nation and to Commonwealth; for his strength and constancy.

O Father of all, we pray thee for those whom we love but see no longer. Grant them thy peace; let light perpetual shine upon them; and, in thy loving wisdom and almighty power, work in them the good purpose of thy perfect will; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Reverend Canon Jonathan Riviere LVO, Rector of Sandringham, says

Let us give thanks for his energy and spirit of adventure; for his work with the young to discover new skills and serve their communities. Let us pray especially for the work of Cadet Forces and all engaged in The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

Teach us, good Lord, to serve thee as thou deservest; to give and not to count the cost; to fight and not to heed the wounds; to toil and not to seek for rest; to labour and not to ask for any reward, save that of knowing that we do Thy will; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Reverend Canon Martin Poll, Chaplain to the Royal Chapel of All Saints, Windsor Great Park, says

Let us give thanks for his work in conservation and the good stewardship of the environment, in bringing together people of many faiths, and in the work of the World Wildlife Fund.

Almighty God, whose loving hand hath given us all that we possess in creation; grant us grace that we may honour thee with our substance, and remembering the account which we must one day give, may be faithful stewards of thy bounty; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Reverend Canon Paul Wright, Sub-Dean of Her Majesty’s Chapels Royal, says

Let us give thanks for his gifts of character; for his humour and resilience; his fortitude and devotion to duty; that we may follow his good example in the service of our fellows.

O Lord God, when thou givest to thy servants to endeavour any great matter, grant us also to know that it is not the beginning, but the continuing of the same unto the end, until it be thoroughly finished, which yieldeth the true glory; through him who for the finishing of thy work laid down his life, our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen.​
Looking at one of the wider group photos, I was confused as to why William was all the way back in the fifth row, until I realized it was Lord Frederick Windsor! It might just be the lighting or the angle, but the resemblance is uncanny.

This is the photo.
I didn’t see Serena Stanhope attending, perhaps I missed her on the BBC coverage.

I could see Savannah, Isla and Mia waving an gesturing at someone across the aisle and wondered if it was perhaps Autumn?

I must say that my mum and I both find the Dean of Windsor a very boring person to listen to!
I'm just starting my day here and haven't started watching the service yet. I'd just like to remark that I agree with Roderick. I love how a simple statement was made by the arrival of Andrew wth his mother. I remember so many comments being made about Andrew's even attending this service as if he had so soiled his reputation that he shouldn't ever be seen again in public.

The strong message was sent by arriving with the Queen that Andrew is her beloved son no matter what and they came together to honor the life of a beloved husband and a beloved father. It worked perfectly.
I didn’t see Serena Stanhope attending, perhaps I missed her on the BBC coverage.

I could see Savannah, Isla and Mia waving an gesturing at someone across the aisle and wondered if it was perhaps Autumn?

I must say that my mum and I both find the Dean of Windsor a very boring person to listen to!

Serena wasn’t there. Divorced from David in 2020. The 2 kids were there. Margarita looks like her mother. Peter’s ex wife Autumn wasn’t there either.
The Duke of York escorting the Queen must have been a last-minute decision. The Order of Service presents him as arriving in between the Wessex family and the Cambridge couple, and accompanied by his daughters and sons-in-law.

Where were the York princesses and their husbands placed in the order of arrivals, given that the Duke of York was not accompanying them?

Are you certain it was Princess Christina, Mrs. Magnuson? (Technically, she is not a Princess "of Sweden", although the British royal court would probably refer to her as one.) She is not listed among the foreign royal guests in the Order of Service.

Princess Christina, mrs Magnuson today
Pleased to see some of the great grandchildren at the service - i always felt that if it hadn’t been for Covid the older ones would have attended the funeral.

Lady Margarita Armstrong Jones is indeed the imagine of her mother.

Tells a lot that so many of the minor royals and their kids and spouses made the service (including a first appearance at a family event for Flora Oglivy’s husband Tim) [.....]
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Serena wasn’t there. Divorced from David in 2020. The 2 kids were there. Margarita looks like her mother. Peter’s ex wife Autumn wasn’t there either.

I realise that, I was responding to a previous poster who stated they had seen her attending.
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