Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2021!

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Site Team
Jan 29, 2005
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2020 has been an extraordinary year.

It feels we've never been as much seperated and as much united at the same time before.

Socially distanced but united in the care and thoughtfulness towards others and in the hope for and confidence in better times.

The virus has changed our lives and it has changed the royal life we were used to.
A large number of royal events and celebrations had to be cancelled, it has become much quieter and many of us missed the distraction the royal world usually offers, and that in a difficult - maybe even very sad - time just when such a positive distraction was more than needed.

Against that backdrop the coming Christmas and New Year celebrations will also be very different for many of us.

Nevertheless and precisely because of that we would like to wish you and your loved ones an extra Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year 2021.
Stay healthy and confident and let us hope that 2021 will bring us back to normality!

All the best!

Iceflower – on behalf of the whole TRF Team


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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all Christians from the Forums!:holly::xmasbell::stocking::santa3::poinsettia::xmastree2::newyear::newyear1:
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Stay safe!
Here in Victoria we can't see the great conjunction at the moment for the rain that's been pouring for a day and a half! Oh well, better luck in 800 years time!

A very Merry Xmas to everyone and a much brighter New Year. 2021 will be much, much better.
Here in Victoria we can't see the great conjunction at the moment for the rain that's been pouring for a day and a half! Oh well, better luck in 800 years time!

A very Merry Xmas to everyone and a much brighter New Year. 2021 will be much, much better.

It's overcast and rainy here too. We'd actually have to drive somewhere (a lookout point on the mountain) to see the sky anyways. Too many trees.

2021 *has* to be better for all of us. I'm thinking positive here. :D
An early Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I thought some of the cat lovers here might appreciate this photo I took earlier on in the month:


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An early Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I thought some of the cat lovers here might appreciate this photo I took earlier on in the month:

Look at that beautiful orange tabby!!

Happy Winter Solstice! Tonight if we look to the sky, we'll be able to see what has been nicknamed as "the Christmas star". It's been over 800 years since this conjunction last appeared. Jupiter and Saturn will appear so close that they will seem like a double planet or a very bright star. :D

I had the pleasure of seeing it last night through our binoculars. It is something that I'll never forget as I never thought I would see two distant planets so close to our Earth.

Iceflower-Thank you for this lovely seasonal message. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you all!!! :xmasbell: :xmastree2: :stocking:
:xmasbell:Merry Christmas! :holly:
Season's Greetings and a Happy New Year to all of you!

I hope that you and your loved ones will stay save and healthy while still enjoying a peaceful Christmas.

We all know that 2020 hasn't been the best of years, and that there are still difficult months ahead of us. But I'm convinced that there are better times ahead of us and that we can look forward to an improving situation in 2021.

Stay save!

Merry Christmas and all the best in 2021! It can only get better. :wreath::wreath::wreath:
Merry Christmas around the globe...I wish you love, health and happiness...x Liz
In these uncertain times it is wonderful that some things stay the same. It is Christmas morning and we still celebrate the birth of the Chrstchild. There is still love, joy and most of all, Hope this Christmas day. We don't have to be in Chuch to give thanks and there is Skype or Zoom to enable us to share the love of Christ with family and friends.
i have officially lost it. i do not know what day it is anymore. For some odd reason, i thought yesterday (the 23rd) was Christmas Eve so I made the big meal. Glazed ham, sweet potatoes, veggies and a huge bowl of ambrosia salad. Now I eyeball a ham every time I go in the fridge and it's definitely hamicide time around here. Our holidays will be quiet ones with just the two of us (three counting our Foodie with a Snout) and relaxed and cozy. We'll be keeping in touch with family and friends via the phone over these days.

From our house to yours, I wish you all peace and joy and love and light and a whole lot of laughter and may your spirits be bright. 2021 has to be a better year for all of us and I look forward to it in anticipation.

I was lobbying for New Year's Eve to ring in a do-over and have 2020 again. But that won't fly because its engraved in our brains as an annis horribilis.

Soo . . may the coming year bring us more love, joy and hope and may 2021 be the year science triumphs over misinformation and we set Covid-19 on the run.
I'm more of a lurker than a poster, but Merry Christmas to those who celebrate and Happy New Year to all.

I was lobbying for New Year's Eve to ring in a do-over and have 2020 again. But that won't fly because its engraved in our brains as an annis horribilis.

Soo . . may the coming year bring us more love, joy and hope and may 2021 be the year science triumphs over misinformation and we set Covid-19 on the run.

I'm not staying up until midnight on Dec. 31st to ring in 2021. I'm staying up until midnight to make sure that 2020 leaves! ?
i have officially lost it. i do not know what day it is anymore. For some odd reason, i thought yesterday (the 23rd) was Christmas Eve so I made the big meal. Glazed ham, sweet potatoes, veggies and a huge bowl of ambrosia salad. Now I eyeball a ham every time I go in the fridge and it's definitely hamicide time around here. Our holidays will be quiet ones with just the two of us (three counting our Foodie with a Snout) and relaxed and cozy. We'll be keeping in touch with family and friends via the phone over these days.

From our house to yours, I wish you all peace and joy and love and light and a whole lot of laughter and may your spirits be bright. 2021 has to be a better year for all of us and I look forward to it in anticipation.

Merry Christmas Osipi. Lets hope this is the end of this awful year soon....
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Wishing you all excellent health, joy and good luck! Stay safe! ⛄
Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and that 2021 is a much better year for all.
Seasons Greetings

:ausflag: :heartflower: :poinsettia: :nutcracker:
Seasons Greetings

I along with many others around the world will be praying for a better 2021. This year has been terrible for nearly everyone.
Wishing all our terrific Forum members and Moderators and those lurking in different threads a safe, happy and healthy New Year.
And Dear Osipi, you have to stay OFF the Egg Nog!! Ha!

CHEERS to everyone.
Hello everyone. This year 2020 really sucked. We all minded our own business, and got hit with an enemy we can not see. I think the worst of this virus is people get locked down have no conduct with family and friends, can't hug their grandchildren they feel isolated and hopefully not forgotten. Some may ask themselves what can I do to help. This virus brings out the best in some people and sadly the worst in others. I survived this virus, believe me I felt like getting hit by a train head one .I for one would like to Thank all the frontline workers who did their job and more. Also a great Thank you to everyone who made sure that people were not forgotten and had been taken care of. This invisible enemy is teaching us what is important and what is not. Sadly so many paid with their lives. I wish you all a very happy New Year and good health. Hope 2021 will give us plenty of Royal news and events for us to watch.
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I want to wish a happy year of 2021 to the entire TRF team and to all members of the forum as well.
I hope that 2021 will be a positive year for everyone and that we can all achieve our dreams and be healthy above all.
2020 is a year to forget, this year will remain in everyone's memory for the worst reasons.

I hope that in 2021 we will be able to watch some royal events and a lot of real positive news. :flowers:

Happy New Year to everybody!

Best Wishes to everybody on the forum, stay safe and hopefully 2021 will head in the right direction.
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