Crown Princely Couple's 'Dannebrog' Tour of Jutland: August 22-26, 2011

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Imperial Majesty
Apr 18, 2010
Eastern Jutland
BT informs us that Mary and Frederik will go on a cruise with Dannebrog, for the first time since 2004. (Yes, no mistake. That's what the article says....). ADDED: This is originally from Ritzau.

Kronprinsparret på sommertogt til Jylland - Royale -

They will visit the town of Skagen at the nothern most tip of Jutland on 22 August. - The light is fantastic there, and around 1900 a lot of painters flocked to this town.

Then further down the west coast of Jutland to Hanstholm on the 23 August. - A fishing town and about as far away from Copenhagen in every respect as you can get in DK. Mary will get her fair share of problems understanding what the locals are shouting! - If the choose to speak in dialect. And along the north west coast of Jutland, you don't talk, you shout. It's windy there, ya know. :p

They sail on to Hirtshals on the 25. August. Also a fishing town like Hanstholm and very similar in every respect.

Then it's to the east coast of Jutland to Aarhus on the 26. August. In time for the start of the Cultural Week there.

That should please the tourists. Skagen, Hirtshals and Hanstholm are crawling with German and Norwegian tourists at that time of year. - Great beaches nearby.

The details of the visits have not yet been determined nor can the court say anything about whether the children will go as well. At that time of year, the schools will have started and Christian has probably started to attend pre-school.
CP Couple summer cruise: August 2011

Billed Bladet also has the story about the summer cruise with Dannebrog: Billed-Bladet - Kronprinsparrets sommertogt til Jylland

And this is actually the first place I've seen where it's mentioned that the last time M&F went on a cruise with the royal yacht was in 2008.
Perhaps not surprising that a magazine which specialise in royalty get the facts straight.

It's speculated wether all four children will go as well. But it's considered likely that at least Elvis and Shirley will accompany their parents, as they by then will still be very small.
Official program from Kongehuset

August 22-26
Crown Prince implements summer cruise with Royal Yacht in the period 22-26th August.​

August 22
Crown Prince arrives at Old Pier, Port of Skagen with the Dannebrog and pays an official visit to Skagen pm. 10.00.

*Crown Prince holds a reception at the Royal Yacht at the Old Pier, Port of Skagen, at. 19.30.

August 23
Crown Prince arrives in Hanstholm with the Dannebrog and pays an official visit to Hanstholm pm. 10.00.

*Crown Prince holds a reception at the Royal Yacht in Hanstholm pm. 19.30.

August 25
Crown Prince arrives in Hirtshals with the Dannebrog and pays an official visit to Hirtshals pm. 10.00.

*Crown Prince holds a reception at the Royal Yacht in Port of Hirtshals pm. 19.30.

26. August
Crown Prince and Princess to attend opening of Aarhus Festival
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(I assume the moderators will move this post.)

Sunday 21. August. M&F will board Dannebrog and start sailing towards their destination in Northern Jutland (*). Frederik is at the same time Regent.
Frederik will on that same day attend a memorial service in Norway in honor of the victims for the atrocity there. (I presume Joachim will be regent/Rigsforstander for a few hours).

Monday 22. August. The visit starts in the town of Skagen. A place M&F are very familiar with indeed from holidaying there. As you know the clock is always 10.00 when Dannebrog moor at the pier.
The visit will basically be a copy of an official visit by the Regent Couple. With the local dignitaries lining up, local band, a colour detail from the local Home Guard, flowergirl. - Perhaps even Guards Hussars.
M&F will be working together and individually.
It will end in the evening with a reception onboard Dannebrog for the local pings before she will sail.

Tuesday 23. August. Again at 10.00 (no matter what your clock tells you) Dannebrog will arrive in the important fishing port of Hanstholm. (**) Where they will be recieved by a very highranking civil servant. Now Hanstholm is located in the municipality of Thisted and M&F will be driven in a carriage along the coast to Thisted, where they will be recieved by the local mayor and what not.
The distance between Hanstholm and Thisted is pretty far! - Even on bicycle! (Yes that's an idiom).
Here they'll go through the drill again, except that Thisted municipality is pretty big, so they'll get around!
It'll all end with a reception onboard Dannebrog.

Wednesday 24 August. Break.

Thursday 25. August. Arrival in another fishing harbour, Hirtshals. During the day M&F will also visit the town of Hjørring further inland.
Mary will be visiting Børglum Convent (***) where the TV2 Christmas calendar for children is currently being filmed. More on that when we get there.
And as always, a reception in the evening.

And that's the end of the cruise. Perhaps. Because M&F will be present at the opening of the yearly Cultural Week in Aarhus on Friday and it's likely they'll hitch a ride onboard Dannebrog.

(*) If we are to be pedantic it's actually Vendsyssel, but to keep it simple: Northern Jutland.

(**) In the towns of Hirtshals, Hanstholm and Thisted, we are about as far away from Copenhagen as is possible in DK, in every way. People don't talk in that part of the country, they shout. Should they choose to speak in dialect Mary and Frederik too (not to mention the press corps) will be left standing there. - Yeah, okay...
There is no pretence in that part of the country either. If people smile at you it's because they mean it, they don't show their teeth just to be polite.
Should you be so fortunate that they say something positive about you, it's huge praise! Married couple's can easily go thorugh an entire life together without saying the sentence: "I love you" more than a handful of times. I'm serious! You don't use big words easily up there.
The humour is extremely dry. You can sometimes be left wondering: "Did they just ridicule me? Or where they being polite"?

(***) Børglum Kloster = Convent was a rich abbey before the Reformation in the 1530's. The place itself goes back to at least 1086.
Now because the Reformation in Denmark took place from the top down, almost free of the horrors of the peasant rebellions of Central Europe it was handled in a pretty pragmatic way.
You see, the munks and sisters of mercy in the convents were most often younger sons and daughters and widows of the nobility and no one wanted to harm them or kick them out on the street. So the munks and nuns were simply allowed to stay the rest of their lives there and as they died the convents were quietly taken over by the Crown. In Børglum that happened without a fuzz in 1557.
A very civilized way to handle that problem and something I as a Dane feel pretty proud about, on behalf of my ancestors.
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Thanks Muhler, I hope you and the other Danish boardmembers are available to give us all the info, updates and translations when the tour starts.
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Frederik in his navy uniform and the two cutest royal children - win win.

Great start of the summer tour today, August 22, the twins are on board and have been shown!
nice pictshares & links :flowers: very nice
Babies :p
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Those babies are so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute. I´d be very tempted to to give a gentle pinch on those cheeks!!!!
Mary looks extremely charming, which is no exception. She emanates royalty from top to bottom! :blush::queen4:
Wow, this is some....spectacle. I don't mean that in a bad way, but all the people it must take to make something like this happen is incredible! How super exciting to be there and take part!!!! Excellent pics. THanks!
Muhler said:
(***) Børglum Kloster = Convent was a rich abbey before the Reformation in the 1530's. The place itself goes back to at least 1086.
Now because the Reformation in Denmark took place from the top down, almost free of the horrors of the peasant rebellions of Central Europe it was handled in a pretty pragmatic way.
You see, the munks and sisters of mercy in the convents were most often younger sons and daughters and widows of the nobility and no one wanted to harm them or kick them out on the street. So the munks and nuns were simply allowed to stay the rest of their lives there and as they died the convents were quietly taken over by the Crown. In Børglum that happened without a fuzz in 1557.
A very civilized way to handle that problem and something I as a Dane feel pretty proud about, on behalf of my ancestors.

I agree, you should be extremely proud of your ancestors for not only the above but the Danish rescue of the Jews in World War 2, among other events. I sometimes wish Denmark was a superpower but that's a whole other topic! :flowers:
Fred looks dashing and handsome as most men do in a uniform, and the princess looks classy. The twins must have given the crowd a real buzz seeing them for the first time. The crew will enjoy their company for the next five days I'm sure.
I was just thinking how lucky Mary's lady in waiting is, she goes on these trips so she gets the "backstage view", new clothes. What a great job. I'm sure there is craziness at times with scheduals and wardrobe malfunctions but still......Its not like you have to make the doughnuts.......!!!!!!hehe
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I agree, you should be extremely proud of your ancestors for not only the above but the Danish rescue of the Jews in World War 2, among other events. I sometimes wish Denmark was a superpower but that's a whole other topic! :flowers:

Thank you. :)
DK has a long history of protecting the Jews living here. Also in connection with the state bankrupcy in 1814. Someone had to be blamed by the street mob and the Jews were easy to pick on because you could tell them apart. - In a time where you by a glance at people's clothing could tell their occupation, social standing and often where they came from with a very high degree of accuracy.
There were riots and at least one Jew was killed, so King Frederik VI cracked down hard on the rioters and had soldiers protecting the Jews. - Leading him for a period to be labelled by the rabble as "King of the Jews".

By 1943 the Jews had been assimilated into the Danish tribe and people would almost stop and stare if they saw an orthodox Jew in the street. In practically every other respect the Jews were indistingushable from other Danes. Now, being a part of the tribe also means protection.
In that year the Danish government resigned as it felt it could no longer function due to the increasing demands by the German occupation and for the rest of the war DK was administered by civil servants.
Until then Denmark had been an autonomous protoctorate. Which from a very pragmatic point of view was an astonishing feat of diplomatic tight-rope-walking. Hardly something to be proud of though. It's a national embarrasment that can be compared to the Vichy government in France. Pragmatic, but....
Anyway, the Danish Jews had been left alone. They were never required to wear the yellow Star of David, their properties were left alone and they were rarely harrassed, enjoing the full protection of Danish law.
However the plans for die Endlösung also included the Jews living here and they had all been registered, ready to be rounded up. The order was given shortly after the resignation of the government and the internment of what was left of the military, leading to sporadic fightings, also around Amalienborg.

But, and this is something Germans can be proud of.
There was throughout the war a silent agreement between the Danish resistance and the German Wehrmacht about live and let live. German soldiers could walk the streets unarmed and alone without fear of being harmed and German officers and soldiers would not be direct targets for the resistance. In return the German military kept one eye shut, - often both eyes.
As such the German high command in DK knew perfectly well how to get in contact with the Danish resistance. And when the plans for arresting the Danish Jews were laid out, they were leaked to the press, to civil servants, to the resistance and to prominents Danes. The vast majority of Jews were warned and went underground at least with hours of warning.

It goes without saying that the resistance movement simply could not organise the hiding, feeding, moving and evacuation of thousands of men, women and children. That involved many thousands of ordinary Danes who often with a moments notice found themselves joining the resistance, because the local priest, doctor or police officer knocked on their doors and asked if they could hide a family in the attic for a few days.
Others were asked to provide motor transport, provide food (the rationing made sudden hoarding of food suspicious) or to sail refugees across to Sweden.
Some wanted payment, it wasn't all charity and good will. A very few betrayed the Jews. - They paid a high prize later on, either being liquidated by the resistance or stripped of their citizenship after the war and expelled to Germany.

All that took time, weeks, before the Jews had all been evacuated to Sweden.
It's litterally impossible to hide say 30 people in the outskirts of a costal town in DK. Within two days half the town knows it.
During all that time especially the German navy was - shall we say - surprisingly inefficient. Patrolships were out for maintanence, off on excersize, very conspicious, suffered "engine problems", so they couldn't catch up with a fishing boat, alas..., and if they did board a fishing boat the German sailors were often blind and deaf.
In other words: It should have been no particular problem for the German navy to intercept or at least discourage any effective evacuation to Sweden if they really wanted to. Yet, the vast majority of the Jews got across.
What the Jews had to fear the most were Danish collaborators, stupidity (there was after all a limit to how blind and deaf the Germans could be), bad luck, the Sicherheits Dienst, SD (along with the then handful of Gestapo officers in DK. But the German security forces were few and relied on the Wehrmacht. And the German military intelligence, Abwehr, couldn't care less) and the odd and eager Nazi officer/NCO.

I can't remember off hand how many Jews who were captured, certainly much less than a thousand in total. And they still enjoyed the protection of the tribe. Despite there being no Danish government, the Danish Jews were not send to the extermination camps. No labour camps, where they would be worked to death. They were placed in an "ordinary" (bad enough!) concentration camp, where they were allowed to recieve red cross parcels and were reqularly enquired upon by the Danish (civil servant) administration.
In fact it appears to be very likely that Danish and Norwegian prisoners. be they Jews, resistance, police officers and others in the camps, were treated very mildy in return for a very convenient unofficial diplomatic channel via Sweden, and in particular via Bernadotte. There are certainly enough pointing in that direction...

Well, I intended this to be a very brief account of the evacuation of the jews, and look how it turned out! :whistling:
Okay, I hope I didn't bore too many of you.
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Muhler said:
Thank you. :)
DK has a long history of protecting the Jews living here. ...

Can there be a Muhler's Danish History thread? that was great! Thanks so much :wave:

Since this is the second tour after 2004, will perhaps the Dannebrog tour become a more regular fixture on M&F's calendar?
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This is not their second tour, it's the 4th.
2004 (biggest cities), 2006 (Bornholm), 2008 (various islands), 2011 (North Jutland)
ricarda said:
This is not their second tour, it's the 4th.
2004 (biggest cities), 2006 (Bornholm), 2008 (various islands), 2011 (North Jutland)

Thanks for the correction, there was an article that said it was their second, weird...
What a lovely start of the our with the couple showing off the adorable twins, would've made a perfect family picture if Christian & Isabella were also with them.
Mary looks really nice in that dark dress matched with the printed scarf and hat.
This is not their second tour, it's the 4th.
2004 (biggest cities), 2006 (Bornholm), 2008 (various islands), 2011 (North Jutland)

Yes, and we can hope they will go on their own yearly cruise from now on.

Now, for those of you who swoon at the sight of a man in a navy uniform interacting with small children, look no further: Billed-Bladet - Kongelig sjov i Skagen: Kronprinsparret spillede med

In Skagen M&F visited a number of daycare children. Dagpleje = daycare children has a slightly different meaning than in English. A person is employed by the local municipality to look after three to five children plus his/her own child/children. These children will be looked after in the carer's private home under the supervision of the municipality. A kind of municipal full time nanny.
For practical reasons they sometimes meet so that the children in their care can meet and interact with other children. And that's what happened here. In this case children in "nursery age", i.e. from one to three. - Many parents prefer their children to be looked after by one adult, rather than a number of adults at a nursery or kindergarden.

Okay, back to M&F. Frederik appeared to be on level with the children from the beginning. He gently began beating his cap, substituting it for a drum, while Mary was beating a drum. - Whether that inspired the young musicians to some additional creative effort is not mentioned in the article.

You are welcome, American Dane. :)
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Thank you to those who have provided the links and articles. The pictures are very lovely. Hope that they have a pleasant cruise. And yes, the twins are absolutely precious.
Wow Frederik in uniform holding a baby...:wub:

To me Vincent looks very similar to Christian at the same age
Princess Josephine resembles Prince Henrik to me while Prince Vincent looks like Princess Mary.

The cheeks on these babies! They are so adorable:)

Now, for those of you who swoon at the sight of a man in a navy uniform interacting with small children, look no further: Billed-Bladet - Kongelig sjov i Skagen: Kronprinsparret spillede med

. :)

Yep, a handsome man (in uniform no less) playing with children...gets me everytime;)
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Frederik is wearing the full dress uniform of the navy while standing on the bridge, holding one of the twins. Don't know which.

From pic #18, he has changed to the more practical dress uniform, complete with the free fall jumpwings on the right side of his chest.

The last picture is from the Skagen museum. Around 1900 Skagen was THE place to go for a number of classical painters, partly due to the exceptional light there, partly because Skagen was "exotic" - and because everybody else who was something in the artworld around that time went there.
One of the classical motifs were fishermen. And painted in a realistic way with the stout fishermen doing whatever they were doing on a day to day basis, the paintings are better than historical photographs.

The visit was very well featured on the 19.00 news on TV2.

A large gallery from BT: Tvillingerne er med på sommertogt |

The painting in the last picture is called: "The drowned" by Michael Ancher.

A video from TV2 Nord, Regional tv: M&F are here leaving Skagen Museum at the end of the visit in Skagen. As this is being typed the reception onboard Dannebrog should be about to end.

Mary said in the five minuttes segment on TV2 news at 19.00 that the twins are fine and that it's cosy to have them with them.
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The babies are growing so fast! They're both extremely cute, and it's nice they're getting some alone time with their mom and dad.

Both Mary and Frederik look great, better than they have in awhile. I hope they enjoy the trip!
Both Mary and Frederik look great, better than they have in awhile. I hope they enjoy the trip!

Probably. I think Mary in particular is genuinely enjoying to be back on the job, away from nappies, crying children and feeding.

Not to mention that M&F are great when working as a team.
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