All I said is that the U.S. did not act alone against the Kaiser. Secondly, Iturbide in his Plan of Iguala wanted Mexico to be autonomous, but ruled by a member of the Bourbon family and still under the authority of Spain. And Maximaillian was a French puppet, mostly.
As for the Shah, do you think that Farah's account is accurate or biased. That was her husband and she loved him. He was a liability, but in 1979 President Carter allowed him to get treatment in New York. The Iranians demanded we turn him over and we didn't and so they took 52 American Hostages and held them, in miserable conditions, for 444 days.
As for whether the we should have had Hirohito renounce his divinity, it is just talk. He was never divine. Those who wished to think of him as divine could have still done so. It was a nonsensical belief, but, as you say, their right to believe it. It they wished to, they still could. So, perhaps, we liberated them.