Special "Paris Match" Morocco: an event not to be missed!
The French magazine " Match of the World " the fifth number (November-December of which) has just been published by the weekly Paris Match, is entirely dedicated in Morocco, and it on the occasion of the fifty-year-old of the independence of the Kingdom. The previous numbers were dedicated in Brazil, in Canada, in China and in India.
" The Kingdom of Morocco is, after the empire of the Japanese, the most ancient monarchy of the World ", underlines the influential managing director of the writing of Paris Match, Alain Genestar, for whom Morocco has the chance to be aimed by a King armed well for synthesis, between modernity and respect for religious tradition.
In the editorial which it signs with Alain Bouzy, the chief editor of Match of the World, Alain Genestar notices that after big countries of the size of Brazil, after Canada, after China and after India, Morocco, which stays, with the eyes of the Europeans " one of the most intriguing countries of the planet ", was chosen in this fifth number to be its spectacular advances, notably in the field of democracy and in respect for human rights.
It recalls, in this frame, the job of memo fulfilled by Authority Equité and reconciliation which he describes of ' " unique institution in the Arab world ".
" This commission created by Mohammed VI, organize sessions of catharsis collective publicly and by a direct broadcast on television ", note the magazine which mentions also huge not crossed by the Kingdom with the overhaul of the right of the family which dedicates equality between the men and the women consequently.
For " Match of the World ", the economic development in Morocco is incontestable, especially in the area of tourism. " It is conjugated force from the monarch, from youth and from the businessmen who will be able to take out the country of the rut ", he underlines.
Match of the World which dedicates a place of choice in this number upon the return to banishment of the father of the late nation SM the king Mohammed V, note that people who recuperates freedom see an instant marking with his history.
Freedom was found, intervened with the return of banishment of the King November 16th, 1955 is an essential event as well for the Moroccans as for the Frenchmen, according to the magazine. For the leader writers of publication, this birthday is opportunity to take stock of the situation and to draw up a balance sheet of relations between both countries with a common history.