reniapl said:There are some new videos with Stephanie partitipating in french TV programme HIT Machine:
It is always striking me when watching videos that she is very charming person and has a lot of grace.
tbhrc said:I had the same problem because I opened the site with firefox but if you open it with the Internet Explorer it works. If not tell me an I will upload it to xousendit.... Hope this helps....
photofan said:I wish videos you've heard Charlotte voice? I wanna to hear it!!!
Here you can read the speech, well it is still in french....budge9 said:Thanks tbhrc! You are right her voice is beautiful. I just wish that she had given the speech in English. Oh well, I suppose you can't have everything you wish for! She looked a bit flustered at the beginning of the speech and slightly nervous as she read it. It's probably just because she was tired from the Monaco National Day celebrations the day before. Thanks again!
Budge xXx