Tsar Alexander III (1845-1894) and Empress Marie Feodorovna (Dagmar) (1847-1928)

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Thanks for that, a lovely clear picture. Oh if only Georgi (brother of Nicholas) had not got sick. Might have had a different historical outcome.
Thanks for that, a lovely clear picture. Oh if only Georgi (brother of Nicholas) had not got sick. Might have had a different historical outcome.

Grand Duke Georgi could have possibly continued to have been the heir to Tsarevich Alexis instead of Grand Duke Michael. I picture Georgi marrying a lovely royal German princess who was well-bred.
Tsar Alexander III | Biographical Glance

"Alexander III was the epitome of what a Russian Tsar was supposed to be. Forceful, formidable, fiercely patriotic. He was the embodiment of the fabled Russian bear. He came to power at a critical point in Imperial Russian history. The Industrial Revolution had finally come to Russia and capitalism was taking root. Foreign investment within the country was at an all-time high."

Interesting and balanced video on youtube (~ 10 min).

Have the letters between Dagmar and her first fiance Nixa ever been translated?
Empress Marie Feodorovna had No happily ever after.
Funeral of Empress Maria Feodorovna (1928):

Dagmar was Danish, as we all know. Queen Louise, her mother, used to refer to her daughters, as the"beautiful, the clever and the good. The "beautiful" was Queen Alexandra of England, the "clever" was Dagmar and the "good", was Princess Thyra. Dagmar was clever and knew how to manipulate. Alexander III loved her very much, so, if she had in any way, tried to stem his anti-semitism, he might have listened. But, then, only the very liberal English portion of royalty, such as King Edward VII and his sister Empress Victoria of Germany had any feelings or lack of prejudice for Jews.

She should've known better. At best, she said and said nothing. At worst she supported their bigotry and heavy handedness. Note how her husband and son governed the Russian multitudes with no regard for their health, happiness and prosperity, living like God Kings in medieval feudalism, periodically sending millions of peasants to the meat-grinding cauldron of European wars.
It's no mystery that.(prominent Jewish Banker, Philanthropist) Jacob Schiff floated the Japanese bonds that helped them crush the Russians in 1905.
Also of little wonder why so many Jews took up Socialist and Zionist causes. It's true that certain Jews (i.e. Sverdlov, Yurovsky) had a part in the execution of "Bloody Nicholas" and his family, but at that stage no place was safe for them in Russia, which is why they Kerensky couldn't simply send them over the Finnish border from Petrigrad; even the workers in Ekaterinburg tried to lynch the royal family, ironically being saved by their bolshevik captors at the train station.

What is the price for millions of peasants and Jewish deaths, their pogroms, torture, and suffering he was responsible for?

Alexander III and Dagmar sowed the wind and reaped the whirlwind.
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Reading the latest bulletin regarding the health of Tsar Alexander III of Russia at the Livadia Palace
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