They're going to want to move into Buckingham Palace soon!!
Blairs demanded press treat their children 'like William and Harry'
By Melissa Kite, Deputy Political Editor
(Filed: 03/10/2004)
Tony and Cherie Blair demanded that their children be given the same protection from the press as Princes William and Harry, according to the former director of the Press Complaints Commission
The Prime Minister and his wife summoned Guy Black, who is now Michael Howard's director of communications, to Downing Street to ask that Euan, 20, Nicky, 18, and Kathryn, 16, be "completely removed from the media spotlight".
Guy Black, former director of the Press Complaints Commission
The request has been revealed by Mr Black in an interview for a forthcoming book about the Blairs' inner circle, The Blairs and Their Court, by Francis Beckett and David Hencke.
The book describes how Mr Black was summoned to the Prime Minister's private flat at No 11 in March 2003 and shown into a room with Mr and Mrs Blair, their friend Carole Caplin and Fiona Millar, Alastair Campbell's girlfriend, who was then Mrs Blair's assistant.
Mr Black says in the book that Mrs Blair "looked like a volcano that was about to erupt". Mr Blair told him: "I would like to have a similar
agreement which has been reached between the press and the Royal Family over the coverage of William and Harry." Mr Black says he replied: "I'm afraid we can't do this, Prime Minister. Your children are not going to be public figures in their own right. William and Harry are heirs to the throne.
"We are certainly willing to take up any complaint about the breach of their privacy, but we cannot give an undertaking to do that."
He continues: "Blair frowned. Cherie looked furious. The Prime Minister was interrupted by a telephone call from the Russian leader, Vladimir Putin. As he left, Cherie exploded."
Mr Black says Mrs Blair then raised another element of recent press coverage. She asked him to take action against the Daily Mail because it had claimed she bought a cheap bottle of wine for her husband's birthday when, in fact, she had purchased an expensive one.
"What are you going to do about it?" she asked. Mr Black replied that she should take any complaint to the Daily Mail's editor. The PCC did intervene on the Blairs' behalf earlier this year with a direction to editors not to report a private family problem that is an open secret at Westminster.
The Blair children have made many appearances in the press, some unfavourable, including
Euan's drunk and incapable escapade in Leicester Square in 2000.
Mr and Mrs Blair have not always hidden their children from public sight. The family are pictured together every year on the Blair's official Christmas card, and Mr Blair has referred to his children when making policy.
He set a "Euan test" in his efforts to make the Millennium Dome interesting. After the birth of Leo, his youngest son, Mr Blair posed for pictures in Downing Street, clutching a mug imprinted with the image of his other children.