The Prince of Orange and Princess Máxima, Current Events 3 (Sept 2004 - Feb 2005)

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Royal Highness
Oct 11, 2003
United States
Here is the new thread for news and photos of Willem-Alexander and Maxima. Enjoy! :)
There she is! I had wondered what had happened to the couple. I saw the Queen was back to work 2 weeks ago and even Constantijn and Princess Laurentien, but not the PRince and Princess of Oranje.

I'm not a fan of those shoes, but other than that she looks great, happy, and relaxed :)
Alisa said:
There she is! I had wondered what had happened to the couple. I saw the Queen was back to work 2 weeks ago and even Constantijn and Princess Laurentien, but not the PRince and Princess of Oranje.

I'm not a fan of those shoes, but other than that she looks great, happy, and relaxed :)
the shoes look clunky, like from the sixties (or eighties), and the colour......
maxima was lovely yesterday with that hat....
Thanks for the great pictures. Maxama looks great. I like the colours and articles that she is wearing but here, I find that some of the colours don't seem to match each other. It could just be the lighting!
The dress that Maxima wore at Batatus she wore also two and a half years ago on the Antillen.

On Boulevard they found the face of Maxima a bit rounder, maybe she ate much in Argentina or is there a baby coming?

About the rumours of a marriage crisis: Maybe the argue about the embrassement wit Inge de Bruijn, but I don't think this is a treath for their marriage.
I also don't think they have a crisis. They got their conclusion from the German press and from looking at the photos.
Prive is a gossipmag, I don't think it is true. They are already two weeks back in The Netherlands and now there was suddenly a crisis because they walked not together, when W-A was playing golf. Such a nonsense.

But two days later there was also this picture. I mean, they look happy:rolleyes: and Amalia so cute :eek:

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That peach color does not flatter Máxima one bit, livelier colors are much better for her.
IMO, on the last pic, baby Amalia looks a lot like Vittoria of Savoy.
I found this article through a yahoo link:

Royals fight gossip over 'marriage troubles'

20 September 2004

AMSTERDAM — Dutch Crown Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima are investigating whether legal action can be taken against gossip magazines in the Netherlands and Germany after they published articles suggesting the royal couple was having marital problems.

The gossip magazines honed in on the royal couple after the Olympic Games in Athens, where a photo was taken of Prince Willem-Alexander and star Dutch swimmer Inge de Bruijn arm-in-arm in the Holland Heineken House.

The prince attended a function at the venue on invitation and several gossip magazines later ran stories suggesting there was more to the hug than met the eye. They also suggested that there was a strained atmosphere in the Wassenaar mansion of Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima.

A spokesman for the government information service RVD dismissed the suggestion as nonsense, news agency ANP reported on Saturday.

And the prince and princess are reportedly so angry that they are investigating what legal action can be taken against the magazines, two of which come from the Netherlands and two of which come from Germany. There is national and international case law that might assist the royal couple's battle.

The European Court of European Rights has previously ruled that the privacy of Monaco's Princess Caroline had been violated. The ruling was against a German magazine which published photos of the princess' private life without her permission.

Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima are regularly locked in legal disputes with media in regards their privacy. The last such case involved the publication of photos of their baby daughter Princess Amalia, which were taken from Maxima's stolen digital camera.

The popular royal couple has also crossed hairs with the nation's media by obtaining a Wassenaar Council ban on photographs being made of them through the fence of their mansion De Eikenhorst. The ban was eventually overturned.

Despite this, Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima won a legal case at the end of February against gossip magazine Prive, which had published photos of the inside of the royal couple’s mansion without their permission.

[Copyright Expatica News 2004]
I just heard on tv that the two drop the case, bur they are still very angry.
By the Way, Maxima looked great today!
From Benelux Royals Message Board:

Royal wedding 020202 and a 'bomb'...
Two former chief superintendents of the Amsterdam police now say that a man had been arrested on 02.02.02, the wedding of The Prince of Orange and Máxima Zorreguieta, who had been carrying a fake bomb in his rucksack and who had stood along the route ... According the police we were spared a disaster...
The police say they were extremely happy that everything went well after all.
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When you are in the public eye

Gabriella said:
I found this article through a yahoo link:

Royals fight gossip over 'marriage troubles'

20 September 2004

AMSTERDAM — Dutch Crown Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima are investigating whether legal action can be taken against gossip magazines in the Netherlands and Germany after they published articles suggesting the royal couple was having marital problems etc..
After the divorce in Denmark, it makes you realize how hard it is to be in the public eye all the time. MArriage is hard enough but with the whole world watching your every move, it is a whole lot tougher! i hope they are just fine.
While the couple's frustration is understandable, I think they need to realize that they shouldn't fight everything that is written about them in the press. It will make them come off as a bunch of sour pusses. A simple official denial is really good enough.
Article: Introduction Máxima almost finished

I translated an article about Maxima and her work. Uhmm, the translation is not perfect, but I guess the Non-Dutch understand it better than when it is in Dutch :D

Introduction Máxima almost finished
Hans Jacobs Friday 15 October 2004 - THE HAGUE -

The introduction programme almost finished. Next week Wednesday princess Máxima becomes member of the Council of State. Soon she makes confessed what she will do with all her new knowledge. Doing nothing is not her style and there is much that interest her . "You continue learning a life long", thinks Máxima. For three years Máxima (33) ` have met the Dutch society. Immediately after her engagement with prince Willem-Alexander she started with that. She readed a package house brochures, reports and notes and had hundreds of conversations for preparation to dozens of working visits and introduction meetings.

From a child stay in Etten-Leur, the means of the national ombudsman and the flower sale by auction in Rijnsburg, to drugs addicts and a nursing home in Sneek. Her impression of all those well-known and unknown things in the society?
"It is very pleasant to live in the Netherlands", judges the princess.

Because her introduction programme, which will end in begin 2005, generally takes place outside the publicity, the gossip magazines made the picture of a Máxima which shops only and celebrates holiday, the last months . "Where is Máxima" asked also the Parool(dutch newspaper): "She is so talented, why she stays background?".

"Nonsense", says a spokesman of the Goverment Information Service (RVD) with a reference to the extensive programme. In December a television documentary must make that clear for everyone. She is also mother. Beside that there is a official introduction programme, the 'Oranjefonds' (Orange Fund) and the Prince Claus Chair (The Curatorium of the Prince Claus Chair is chaired by Máxima). Also she continues working for the so-called commission Rosenmöller, which is for better participation of foreign women to the society. A subject that the princess really likes. She is self an immigrant , thus Máxima. Not only in the Netherlands, but already before in Brussels and New York. And her fatherland Argentina is a country of immigrants. That mix of cultures, she meets now again, interests her very much and that is clear when she has working visits. Máxima sounds credible when she tells the foreign women that speaking the language is so important. Máxima has at least one trait that is the same as her mother-in-law, Queen Beatrix: the in-depth preparation. Everyone who met the princess the past three years, praises her knowledge and good questions.

It is sometimes a problem with the time, because the princess doesn't want that the nanny take care of her little daughter Amalia all the time. So when she reads reports at home in Wassenaar, she also rocks Amalia in sleep.


So there is a television program in December. Maybe 7 December (Amalia 1 year old)???
Maxima nominated for 'dumb fur' award

Princess Maxima, the Argentinean-born wife of Dutch Crown Prince Willem Alexander, has been nominated for the "dumb fur" award. Bont voor Dieren — an organisation that campaigns against the use of fur in the fashion industry — nominates 10 Dutch celebrities every year for the ignominious distinction. The nominees are singled out for wearing fur or saying "dumb things" on the subject. The organisation said people such as Maxima and other celebrities should be role models and not support the commercial fur industry.

That reminds me that Mathilde was proclamed "bont bitch" ("fur bitch") by that same organization at the wedding in Amsterdam in 2002. I coudn't care less, and I hope the same goes for Máxima. I love fur, and I love wearing it. In Europe people in general don't react so violently against it as in the States.
Hannelore said:
That reminds me that Mathilde was proclamed "bont bitch" ("fur bitch") by that same organization at the wedding in Amsterdam in 2002. I coudn't care less, and I hope the same goes for Máxima. I love fur, and I love wearing it. In Europe people in general don't react so violently against it as in the States.
sorry but this may be off the topic here...but what's so wrong wif wearing fur? after all we eat meat and wear leather shoes?

I agree wif you hannelore, i love fur, only living in sunny singapore, wearing one will indeed make me a 'dumb fur"!!!
Eliza said:
sorry but this may be off the topic here...but what's so wrong wif wearing fur? after all we eat meat and wear leather shoes?

I agree wif you hannelore, i love fur, only living in sunny singapore, wearing one will indeed make me a 'dumb fur"!!!
There are many people who do not eat meat, or wear leather shoes. Animal rights activists feel that it is unethical and cruel to eat animals and use their hide for our own purposes. They are usually the ones behind these types of campaigns. They bring awareness to the issues, but alot of times take it a little too far. Organizations such as PETA have been known to break into stores and destroy merchandise. They also can say some pretty mean things about people.

I guess I would also be considered a dumb fur if I wore a fur jacket, seeing as how I live in a warm climate as well. :p I do love the way that it feels though.
Well, I don't have a problem with her wearing fur. I agree that there are plenty of people who no longer eat meat and who are firmly against wearing fur, however, I also know several people who are vegetarians, but also wear fur.

I personally don't care one way or the other. I think that everyone has a right to believe whatever they like. I disagree with this whole "role model" thing put forward by this organization. Whether Maxima is Princess of the Netherlands, she should be allowed to have her own tastes and likes and dislikes. Some of these anti-fur individuals take things too far, especially here in the states. Whether a person considers wearing fur to be cruel is left to the interpretation of the individual.

What I would love to see is more of these anti-fur and animal crusaders devote more of their time to causes that affect human beings. I wish that so many of them could not only devote their time and passion to animals, but also to people. Wouldn't that be wonderful and make a huge difference?
From the Benelux MB:

Máxima's entry in the Raad van State will be broadcast live by Nos Actueel. Queen Beatrix will preside over the extra meeting, and Máxima will give a speech at about 14 hrs.
She will also give a speech Nov 5, in the plenary chamber of the Tweede Kamer, to a group of parliamentarians from memberstates of the EU.
Máxima is to announce her new plans (emphasis in work) later this week, or soon thereafter.
Isabel said:
Well, I don't have a problem with her wearing fur. I agree that there are plenty of people who no longer eat meat and who are firmly against wearing fur, however, I also know several people who are vegetarians, but also wear fur.

I personally don't care one way or the other. I think that everyone has a right to believe whatever they like. I disagree with this whole "role model" thing put forward by this organization. Whether Maxima is Princess of the Netherlands, she should be allowed to have her own tastes and likes and dislikes. Some of these anti-fur individuals take things too far, especially here in the states. Whether a person considers wearing fur to be cruel is left to the interpretation of the individual.

What I would love to see is more of these anti-fur and animal crusaders devote more of their time to causes that affect human beings. I wish that so many of them could not only devote their time and passion to animals, but also to people. Wouldn't that be wonderful and make a huge difference?
I concur. It really sickens and disturbs me how these ppl are so into the rights of animals, but when it comes to humans...I think they are a little perverse and I am coming to think that they would rather spare an animal life instead of a human life. Isn't hunting banned in England? That is so not fair. If I was a Princess/in the public eye I would wear fur anytime and everytime I wanted and not apologize for it. Afterall I eat animals so I can wear em to. I wish we could do a countteraatack and tell those ppl to back off and get some sense! Anyway I wonder do M&W have marital problems. It would be sad if they did.
Reina said:
Anyway I wonder do M&W have marital problems.
No :D

(It was German gossip nonsense, that story about WA and Inge. Even the editor in chief of gossip magazine Weekend told the stories were nonsense. If he, Marc van de Linden, says that than it is really very very very nonsense. German gossip, pffff.....:mad: )
Yes indeed, the German press get's really annoying now :mad: !!!

But I don't like Marc van der Linden or Evert Santegoeds either :p ;)
xxLindaxx said:
From the Princess Máxima Messageboard posted by Orianna:

Maxima will be in Mexico october 24
She will be in Puebla Mexico with former president Jimmy Carter and wife Rosalynn Carter.

The Project is about building houses for people with low income.Maxima wants to bring the project to Argentina.

Argentine Newpaper Infobae (Spanish)
Very good! :)

BTW. Here some pictures of Princess Maxima today

AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS - OCTOBER 18: Dutch Princess Maxima visits the "Continental Sport" Youth Sports Prevention Project October 18, 2004 in Amsterdam South East, The Netherlands. As patron of the Dutch Orange Fund, the princess awarded a euro 15,000 prize to Continental Sport for its initiatives in the field of social cohesion among youngsters. (Photo by Michel Porro/Getty Images)


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