ñaki Urdangarin Liebaert is the sixth child of Juan Maria Urdangarin Berriochoa and Claire Liebaert Courtain.
He was born in Zumarraga, Guipuzcoa, on 15 January 1968 and soon after his birth his family moved to Barcelona where he lived until the age of 16. He then moved to Vitoria where he lived for two years then returned to Barcelona where the Duke and Duchess of Palma de Mallorca live today.
He studied at the Caspe - Sagrado Corazon de Jesus School in Barcelona, and at the Santa Maria del Pilar School in Vitoria, playing in their handball teams. At the age of 18, he began to play professionally in the Barcelona Football Club handball team, eventually playing in the Honorary Division until his retirement in the summer of 2000.
While he was a professional handball player, he completed his undergraduate studies. He graduated in Business Administration and Management, specialising in Human Resources, at the University of Barcelona. He was awarded a Master's degree in Business Training and Auditing, as a Development consultant, a B.Sc. in Business Administration and Management, and a Master's degree in Business Administration from ESADE (Higher School for Business Administration and Management) in Barcelona. He is currently an Independent Director of Motorpress Ibérica, President of the Nóos Institute and Lecturer at the Business Policy Department at ESADE.
His sporting career was marked by the many trophies won by his Club, the Barcelona FC, and his participation in the Spanish handball team on 170 occasions, including the Olympic Games in Barcelona in 1992, Atlanta in 1996 and Sydney in 2000 - at the last two of these, the team won the bronze medal - and in the World and European Championships and other international competitions. Since 4th April 2001, he has been a member of the Spanish Olympic Committee, and from February 2004, Vice-President thereof. On 30th November 2001, he was awarded the Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Merit in Sports.
On 4 October 1997, he married HRH the Infanta Cristina in the Basilica Cathedral in Barcelona.
They have three children, Juan Valentin de Todos los Santos, who was born on 29 September 1999; Pablo Nicolas, born on 6 December 2000, Miguel, born on 30 April 2002, and Irene born on 5 June 2005, all of them in Barcelona.
(biographic details posted on Spanish Royal Family Website. here)
For photos: besides pictures and news threads on TheRoyalForums/Spain you can check the following link for a photo gallery made by Hola.
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I also find in
ELMUNDO.es the following article
- Name: Iñaki Urdangarin Liebaert,
- Birth: The 15 of January of 1968, in Zumárraga (Guipúzcoa).
- Zodiac: Capricorn.
- Stature: 1.97 meters.
- Physical datas: Weight 99 kilos, wears 47 and is left-handed.
- Parents: Juan Maria Urdangarin Berriochoa, historical industrial and militant engineer of the PNV. He presides over the Savings bank of Vitoria and Álava; Claire Liebaert Courtain, of Belgian origin.
- Brothers: He is sixth of seven brothers: Ana, Baby, Cristina, Laura, Miche and Lucia (Cuca).
- Ancestors: Most illustrious is San Valentin de Berriotxoa. Dominican, bishop and martyr, died in 1861. Pattern of Biscay for five years.
- Primary Studies: Until 2º of BUP, he studied in the school of the jesuitas of Caspe, Barcelona; 3º of BUP and COU, in the school of the marianistas of Vitoria.
- Superior Studies: He has studied Enterprise Sciences. It has left three subjets to finish
(I think by now he has already finished his studies).
- Languages: English, French, Catalan and something of euskera.
- Sports: Although he plays tennis, his sport is the handball, that began to practice with 9 years. When finishing COU he was booked by Barcelona.
- Professional Path: With Barcelona he has gained 3 Cups of Europe, 3 recopas, 8 leagues, 4 Cups of the King and 2 Asobal Cups. With the national selection, the bronze medal in the Olympic Games of Atlanta. It is considered between the five best players of the Spanish handball team.
- Money: An annual income of 15 million, the rights of image and the premiums of the national selection, more what he obtains from his restaurant.
- Personal Tastes: Historical novels and the speed (has one moto Deep Africa Twin 750 cc and a Audi car). He loves the sea and he likes to cook for friends.
(please note that the above biography has some time and things changes a lot in a couple of years
I don't if I'm aswering exactly what you asked for but I hope to serve as a guidance... I also would like to suggest you to take a look at Anna_R's
Map to the Spanish Royals at TRFs here. I'm sure that spread in the forum are more informations that you would like to read...