You know, I tried to match up the parade of stories Markle Sr. is telling with what he's said before and the actual sequence of events as reported at the time, and it's just such a muddle as to make one dizzy.
Take this new claim that Harry started in on him yelling about how if Thomas had listened to him about the press, everything would have been fine. Thomas claims Harry was right, but that the timing was bad because he was in a hospital bed.
- previously, Thomas said that Harry and Meghan had been very understanding.
- the news broke that Thomas had colluded at midnight on Sunday May 13. Thomas checked into the hospital on May 15, and then had surgery on the 16th.
- on the 14th, he claimed that Meghan had tried to call him but he wasn't near his phone but that they'd texted
So, if all of the things he's said are true:
- Meghan and Harry were understanding.
- But also, Harry called him to yell at him.
- But also, Harry waited a full two days after the collusion news broke to call
- But also, in between the news and the angry call, Meghan texted him to tell him she loved him and was worried about his health.
Nothing he says makes sense. I don't know if he was lying before or whether he's lying now, but he's the least reliable narrator in this whole sorry mess. And that's saying something given his eldest daughter.
Also, he's now whining that he never got an actual invitation. This, actually, I believe. If I were Meghan, I wouldn't have sent him a physical invitation either, out of fear he'd pass it on to Samantha or Thomas Jr.