If it is not against the rules of this site, one thing we can do to continue discussing the Markles but also not giving the media the attention and clicks is if we can post screenshots of articles or if we can just copy and past the entire or relevant parts. So everyone can read the latest development in one place in this forum instead of everyone on this thread giving the site/story a click.
Unfortunately, that's not an option that would be practical. Links are for verification and in order to lend credit to what posters say.
However, we can write a summary to the links and then it will be up to people whether they wish to see for themselves by clicking on the link.
I had wondered so much why the RF embraced Meghan so much directly after the engagement but now I think Meghan and Harry knre exactly how the Markles would react to the engagement, that the media would give them a platform and Harry's family closed their ranks around Meghan already as a fiancee. From the moment the engagement went public, Meghan was already protected within the fold, including her living in a Royal property with police guards and other security measures. It helped of course that the RF liked Meghan but the outstanding way the BRF made sure that Meghan is now a part of their family was so unusual, it made me wondering. Of course, now it is clear. They wanted to protect Meghan from her own family and made it possible for her to breathe freely. Does someone remember how hunted down Catherine was when she tried to live in London?
As for making missteps? Meghan surely has learned by now all about protocoll and knows how to rely on the staff of the RF. I don't think there will be any major scandals coming from her side.
I sincerely hope the BRF and their staff are learning from this and as such becoming better at dealing with all this.
So far they are going by the best approach possible at the moment IMO: No comments.
I believe H&M (in love and all that), the BRF and their staff have been taken aback at the boorish behavior of Meghan's relatives. The odd relative taking advantage of such a marriage and getting their fifteen minutes is one thing. But when it involves several members of the family and now also includes domestic disturbances, involving the police, then it becomes a family-trait!
However, we should always find something positive in everything.
The more her (estranged) family makes a spectacle of themselves, the more will understand and indeed hope and call for Meghan to cut of that branch of her family entirely and for good.
- That, according to comments I've read have been a favorite point her detractors have put up. I.e. that one really can't abandon your family! And blood is thicker than water. And do the decent things. And blah, blah...
Of course you can cut off your family, if they are silly.
Being family is no excuse for dragging your fellow family members down. - Which is IMO what her father, sister and brother is doing.
They are doing a stellar job in convincing Joe and Jolene public that the best thing for Meghan is to shut them off, and keep her door closed for good.
So while this does damage Meghan's image to some extent, it also helps her.
- So long as she does not make serious mistakes and she and Harry's relationship survives these first crucial years. The public sympathy can quickly turn to hostility, as you all know.
Having said all that. In regards to the foreign press. And here I mean the press outside USA, Britain, Commonwealth. - It's my clear impression that H&M has a very good press and also a good standing in the eyes of the foreign public. However, the antics of Meghan's family is faithfully reported and you almost have to live in cave in Tibet not to know at least a little about it!
And you can be sure other royal families are taking note and writing a reminder to also check the extended family of possible future spouses in the future, very carefully!