The Kings come to Majorca to initiate their summer vacations in Marivent
Palm. (EFE) .-The Kings came at the last hour of this evening to the air base of Son Sant Joan, in Palm, to begin their habitual summer stay in Marivent's Palace, in the course of which Don Juan Carlos will reconcile his labors of office as Chief of State with the rest and the nautical sport.
Don Juan Carlos and Dona Sofía came in a plane of the Armed Forces, which landed on 21.00 hours in the air base proceeding from Madrid, where this midday the Kings offered a luncheon in the Palace of The Zarzuela to the president of Mexico, Vicente Fox, and to his wife, Marta.
Afoot of steps they gave the welcome to the Kings the chief of the autonomic Executive, Jaume Matas; the president of the Parlament inhabitant of the Balearic Islands, Pere Rotger; the delegate of the Government in the islands, Ramon Socías; the mayor of Palm, Catalina Cirer, and the chairwoman of the Consell of Majorca, Maria Antónia Munar.
Also there greeted Don Juan Carlos and Dona Sofía the general commander of Balearics, Jose Emilio Roldán; the chief of the Naval Sector, Francisco Javier Jáuregui; the chief of the Air Sector, Fernando Martínez; the colonel chief of the Police, Francisco Javier García, and the top chief of the Police, Elicio Amez.
The Kings, whom there was accompanying the chief of the House of the King, Alberto Aza, conversed with the authorities during a few minutes and later Don Juan Carlos and Dona Sofía left in a familiar car that the own monarch was leading.
As in the previous years, part of the Royal Family might take part in the Trophy Breitling, which it begins tomorrow and in the one that hopes that the Prince haggles, and in the Cup of the King, who will be disputed later and who is considered to be one of the most important ditches of the Mediterranean.
The King will continue during the summer with his activities of office in Marivent's Palace, where he will continue with his official agenda and, since it is traditional, there is foreseen that he does business in two occasions with the prime minister, Jose Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.
Don Juan Carlos will interrupt his stay in the island next Monday to travel to Morocco, where he will support a luncheon of character deprived with the King Mohamed VI.
This day, the Princes of Asturias will visit Sa Pobla's Majorcan locality to receive the Golden medal of the municipality, as confirmed sources of the Govern of the Balearic Islands.
From ANP and AFP Getty
Spain's King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia arrive at Militar Airport in Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Island, Spain, Wednesday 19 July 2006. Spanish Royal Couple will spend their summer holidays at Marivent Palace.