The incidence of illegitimacy in european royal families
[Gracia van Monaco, de oma van Alexandre]
Alexandre de Monaco
Prince Alexandre of Monaco .::. Prince Alexandre de Monaco
Imageshack - gallisamarie14en7.jpg
Nicole Coste
Mrs Nicole Coste
Albert II
Prince Albert II
Medical science informs us that in twenty percent of all births the man who is named as the biological father is not the biological father of the child (?). However, when it comes to royal births this figure seems to go through the roof, as many royals are branded as illegitimate. Of the many cases in Wikipedia and Public Media, which immediately come to mind, I offer these.
[Nicole and Alexander Coste]
Prince Albert of Monaco fathered and then acknowledged an illegitimate firstborn son, Eric Alexandre of Monaco (2003), with a lovely Air France stewardess Nicole Valéri Coste (1971), from Togo. As an illegitimate child, Alexandre is not in the line of succession of his father’s titles, but he will inherit from his father’s estate. Red-haired prince Harry of Britain, the Hero of Iraq, is rumoured to be the son of one red-haired James Hewitt, the horse riding instructor who outted himself as a lover of the late Diana of Wales. Prince Laurent of Belgium is frequently discussed in the Dutch media because of his criminal tendencies and they never fail to mention that his mother, Queen Paola, had an affair. She allegedly wanted to punish her philandering husband, future King Albert, by kindly offering him a bastard son. He confessed to have fathered an illegitimate daughter too. In a posthumously published interview, Prince Consort Bernard of the Netherlands, married to long suffering Queen Juliana, confirmed his two illegitimate, now elderly daughters. Two alleged English sons were spurned.
Former Queen Wilhelmina of The Netherlands, known as The Beautiful Queen, is rumoured to be the daughter of Queen Emma and a courtier, Jonkheer de Ranitz, and not her presumed father King William III. Poor Emma was presumably artificially impregnated and the dynasty was saved by a bronze turkey baster! The story goes that the King was rendered incapable because of a lifestyle of dissipation, advanced age and a nasty sex disease. This old story was recently updated when princess Margarita de Bourbon de Parme, a seriously troubled member of the royal family, threatened to have DNA analyses done on secretly obtained biological samples of her aunt, present day Queen Beatrix. These would then be compared to material of King William III, in order to proof that Queen Beatrix is not from the bloodline of King William I (1817-1890), and does not have the Constitutionally given right to occupy the Dutch throne.
Cardinal de Richelieu is supposed to be the biological father of Louis XIII. Queen Victoria of Britain, a granddaughter of mulatto faced Queen Charlotte Sophie *, is rumoured to be the daughter of the Belgian princess Victoire and her secretary. He tried to impose parental like rights over young, poor Victoria. She was sickened to find out about this illicit relation with her equally overbearing mother, so both were speedily banished from her life.
To me, the only credible instance of illegitimacy in a royal family is the famous case of King Gustav IV Adolf of Sweden (1778-1837). He is supposed to be the son of Queen Sophie Magdalena and a courtier Baron Munck von Fulkila. The facts are that after eleven years parliament ordered King Gustav III to finally consummate his marriage. He seemed to be incapable and asked his ‘intimate’ friend Von Fulkila to impregnate the poor Sophie, while he personally guarded the door to the Royal Bedchamber. According to Joel Alexander Rogers in ‘Sex and Race’ (1941) speaking on the nature of the friendship between the King and Von Fulkila, the emphasis should be placed on ‘intimate.’ Afterwards Von Fulkila blackmailed the family to obtain a handsome pension. This hilarious case is rendered credible because the greatest campaigner of the King’s illegitimacy was his own, horrified grandmother. Thoroughly disgusted, parliament barred this dynasty from the throne, which was then offered to Jean- Baptiste Bernadotte (1763-1844). A French Marshall of Napoleon Bonaparte’s army and some prints show him to be black of skin with a huge mass of curly hair.
Rogers confirms Gustav IV Afrocentric looks, with frizzy Afro hairstyles, subnasal prognasty and thick lips. But he considers this fact as proof, because Gustav IV does not look like his ‘North European’ parents. I beg to differ! If one contemplates the use of a substitute sperm donor, one will look for somebody of the same race, fenotype as the supposed father. So to me the royal family of Swede was not white but belonged to a fixed mulatto race: no matter what faked and whitened portraits they show us. After the French Revolution the royal and noble families turned their attention to the ‘breeding’ of white skinned offspring. Bernadotte’s white descendents still occupy the Swedish throne.
Egmond Codfried
* There is no indication that mulatto faced Charlotte Sophie of Mecklenburg Strelitz was illegitimate. It would be very strange to have chosen her for a Queen, if this state of affairs would be so obvious in her looks. The British press and the republicans would have had a field day.