Spanish Royal Easter Vacations (2007-2014)

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Heir Apparent
Jun 19, 2005
The Spanish Royal Family is in the habit of passing the vacations in Palma, or at least a part of the vacations.

Could we see Princess Letizia there?
I am already wishing to see the Dukes of palm with its children in Majorca
they usually arrive in Palma at the beginning of the Holy Week, and it starts on Monday, April 2. so if they are not to break their tradition, maybe they can be in Palma by next monday.
According to a portuguese magazine NOVA GENTE, letizia and felipe won-t go to the easter sunday mass because letizia is passing a bad time with her pregnancy.
I can't wait it to start! I wanna see Irene & her bros raising hell!:wub::cool::lol:
I hoepe all famely go. All together gona be great.
I hope to see their next!!!! I would like so much to see to the Prince and Princess of Asturias!!! and... of course, to the little Leonor...:flowers:
Los Reyes pasarán la Semana Santa en el Palacio de Marivent de Palma de Mallorca

The Kings will spend the Easter in the Palace of Marivent of Palma de Mallorca.


Queen Sofía will travel to Palm probably this Sunday, the king will go Wednesday… the Royal House did not need which are the plans of Princes de Asturias, although due to the advanced state of gestation of Doña Letizia, who leaves accounts at the beginning of May, they will not make any displacement long. Zarzuela confirmed that the Dukes of Palm and those of Lugo will travel throughout the week to the Palace of Marivent...
Thankssss !!!!!!! I would like so much to see to the Dukes of Palm :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
mapian said:
Los Reyes pasarán la Semana Santa en el Palacio de Marivent de Palma de Mallorca

The Kings will spend the Easter in the Palace of Marivent of Palma de Mallorca.


Queen Sofía will travel to Palm probably this Sunday, the king will go Wednesday… the Royal House did not need which are the plans of Princes de Asturias, although due to the advanced state of gestation of Doña Letizia, who leaves accounts at the beginning of May, they will not make any displacement long. Zarzuela confirmed that the Dukes of Palm and those of Lugo will travel throughout the week to the Palace of Marivent...

:ermm: I hope Princes of Asturias can go to Palma,it would be a pity if they aren´t there.
i realy hope that we see Leonor and Letizia:D
And Irene is too very cute
The Royal Family at the Easter Mass at Palma, it's a very fantastic tradition. And to see how all the grand children of the Kings are growning is so sympathetic, all the boys tallest and the girls, for the moment only Victoria becoming so pretty and femenine little girl . The babies 's class with the eldest Irene and many be the little Leonor: very excpected.....
Even if I'm very waiting at the Princes of Asturias, it seems that the imminence of the birth do that they in Madrid
Oh...How I should like to see them in the Easter Mass, together...Sadly, here in my country, we only see TVE 2 International, and there, it's only showed the traditional Mass at the Catedral of the Almudena, in Madrid.

Vanesa. is confirmed that the Princes of Asturias wont go to Palma?
Oh is going to be great to see the Infantas kids playing on the family gathering in such an important week for the RF.

I can't wait to see Irene.
I think Felipe, Letizia, and Leonor will enjoy a nice holiday in Madrid or some place close. I wanted to see them in Palma with the rest of the family but Letizia might be too advanced in her pregnancy to make such a trip. Don't worry, we always have next year...with two girls! :flowers:

I can't wait to see little Irene in Palma. You can tell she has attitude already! :lol:
rchainho said:
According to a portuguese magazine NOVA GENTE, letizia and felipe won-t go to the easter sunday mass because letizia is passing a bad time with her pregnancy.
What do you mean with "a bad time"?

I really hope to see them soon :ROFLMAO:
...JuAnItA... said:
What do you mean with "a bad time"?

Like with the first pregnancy, they have been saying that Letizia is experiencing a lot of morning sickness.
Yep, and gastric problems. I've read.
I think that Casa Real should say something regarding Filipe and Letizia!!They are a part of the Royal Family and they must know by now if they will go or not to Mallorca! I really think that do so so bad not to collaborate with journalists and the media!They do that with Leonor and now regarding theses announcements!
biboquinhas said:
I think that Casa Real should say something regarding Filipe and Letizia!!They are a part of the Royal Family and they must know by now if they will go or not to Mallorca! I really think that do so so bad not to collaborate with journalists and the media!They do that with Leonor and now regarding theses announcements!

One thinks that already you speak only to be a nuisance and to provoke.:wacko:

Evidently if the Princes do not go finally to Majorca, it will be because the doctors of Letizia, think that she must not travel in plane and to go away so far away of Madrid when the childbirth is so nearby. Neither in this moment, nor the Kings nor the Princes they have nothing that to say, if the doctor says not, will be not.
lula said:
One thinks that already you speak only to be a nuisance and to provoke.:wacko:

Evidently if the Princes do not go finally to Majorca, it will be because the doctors of Letizia, think that she must not travel in plane and to go away so far away of Madrid when the childbirth is so nearby. Neither in this moment, nor the Kings nor the Princes they have nothing that to say, if the doctor says not, will be not.
Of course I tottaly agree with you, she should't travel by plane, I would't travel if I were 8 months pregnant!! But even so they must have said said:
"Prince Filipe and Princess Letizia will not attend this year the Easter Mess in Mallorca because of her advance pregnancy" Just this!!!!

And you are so mistaken when you said that I just want to nuisance and to provoke, all I say here are things that I really think are correct and by no means I want to provoke anyone! And I'am sorry if I make you belive that!
biboquinhas said:
Of course I tottaly agree with you, she should't travel by plane, I would't travel if I were 8 months pregnant!! But even so they must have said said:
"Prince Filipe and Princess Letizia will not attend this year the Easter Mess in Mallorca because of her advance pregnancy" Just this!!!!

It is simple and logical to think that up to the last moment they will not take a decision and therefore the Royal House cannot announce what it does not know. If Letizia is nice they can decide to travel even, or the Prince can do it only the same day ... but they will not know it until the end of the week.
The vacations of the Royal Family are deprived, only the mass is an official act, and for the present time there is no official advertisement of those who will come to it.
Isn´t it their business, where they spend their holidays? :wacko: You would see, if the crown princely family is there...or if not. What does it need an announcement for? IMO the Spanish court is already commenting too much...probably also because ppl seem to think, that even at their holidays the Royal family is their property.
The Royal House just coment the official activities of The Royal Family. The Royal menber´s Vacations are private.
lula said:
It is simple and logical to think that up to the last moment they will not take a decision and therefore the Royal House cannot announce what it does not know. If Letizia is nice they can decide to travel even, or the Prince can do it only the same day ... but they will not know it until the end of the week.
I think that at the momment Princess letizia is doing well in her pregnancy,but has she is now 8 months pregnancy she knows that she should not travel by plane so they should know already wether they will go or not.:wacko:
Lena said:
Isn´t it their business, where they spend their holidays? :wacko: You would see, if the crown princely family is there...or if not. What does it need an announcement for? IMO the Spanish court is already commenting too much...probably also because ppl seem to think, that even at their holidays the Royal family is their property.

I cannot agree with you because:
If it isn't their business where they spend their holidays why casa real made an announcemente saying that they will spend their easter hollidays in Maiorca, in their Marivent Palace?If only the mess is an official act they should say only: The king and the Queen and....will attend this year the official Maiorca Easter Mess, and not saying anything about their Earster holidays!!!!!!!!!:bang:
"Los Reyes pasarán la Semana Santa en su tradicional residencia de verano, el Palacio de Marivent de Palma de Mallorca, adonde se trasladarán también los duques de Palma y Lugo, informaron hoy a Europa Press fuentes de Zarzuela."
Biboquinhas, that the Royal House decides to give an information to the press, does not mean that the vacations are official. The press asks, and if they believe suitably answer, but they do not have the obligation to do it. It is necessary to differ, between the official information that gives the Royal House, and the information that are given as response to the press. A communique is not emitted to announce that they go on holidays, but if the press asks it,they answer. The activities are not inside the official activities, only you have to go to the web of the Royal House, and see that there is nothing.
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