Royal Websites & Social Networking

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Heir Apparent
Jun 23, 2006
What do you think? Which royal website should be renewed and why? What should be changed?

IMO two websites should be renewed. The websites of the Danish Royal Family and the Belgium Royal Family.

At both sites should be a video archive.

For the Belgium site I think it will be good if there are more pictures (with Eleonore, Aymeric, Nicolas, etc.)
i agree with you principissa , both Belgian and danish wibsites need renoving , they missa lot of informations , specialy about the yong generation of the royal house , i added also that the deutch website don't give astrhe current and the future engagement of th royals in english ! this is a big broblem for me because i don't read deutch so i can't find the future duties!!!
The Casa Real website needs some serious overhaul. It needs better graphics, better photos, more organization, and equal parts of translation. It's just so blah.
the danish cp couple website is well designed but for me, who usually logged into the english site finds it hard to find the updates of their activities...they just post it at the danish hope they can change that...the pictures also are not updated
The Casa Real website needs some serious overhaul. It needs better graphics, better photos, more organization, and equal parts of translation. It's just so blah.
thats true and also miss the poste adress of the members of the royal family !
I totally agree about the Belgian Royal Family's website. All pictures are outdated, and in the calendar there aren't even pics of Aymeric and Nicolas. needs a complete overhaul.
Casa Real and aren't as bad as the Belgian page, but also need a overhaul.

The website of the Norwegian Royal House was a complete mess before it was renewed. Now it is just fantastic. A role model for the others. :D Link.
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How about the It's a nice site but the pics were taken away. Hmmm...
I think the Danish Royal Website certainly needs to update it's news/current events pages in English more regularly. I do like the graphics and design of the site. I also think the photos need updating more regularly too. The Danish Crown Prince Couple's website is also very attractive, but again updating the news and current events would be useful as well as more photos!

The British Royal Website did have an overhaul recently, but it's like they've crammed so much information in and it's difficult to navigate, quite confusing and exhausting to use!

The Spanish Royal Website (casareal?) would be great with some modernisation and updating.

The Norwegian one is very modern and has some excellent graphics, but again it's quite exhausting to use it and slow at times.

Finally, words fail me with regard to the Japanese Imperial website - it's almost as if the IHA is trying to put people off using it!
What do you think? Which royal website should be renewed and why? What should be changed?

IMO two websites should be renewed. The websites of the Danish Royal Family and the Belgium Royal Family.

At both sites should be a video archive.

For the Belgium site I think it will be good if there are more pictures (with Eleonore, Aymeric, Nicolas, etc.)
All royal web sites needs to be redeveloped and redesigned as they are not at par as The Official Web site of The British Monarchy which can be viewed here > Welcome to the official website of the British Monarchy
The Belgian Website and the Japanese Imperial Household Agency are quite out of date (in style not information contained therin) IHA is so basic it laughable
Allmost all sites, except Dutch and Danish and maybe Norwegian
Royalty and Nobility on Social Networks

There seem to be a lot of nobility on Facebook. Do think all these people have made up fake profiles or are some of them really from noble houses ?
I know that queen Rania's profile is made by Rania, but the others?? I don't know... I think that most of these pages and groups are made by "normal" people, who are royal fans...
There is a group of people on facebook who have made up names of defunct houses or just take over the names of real people. Many of my friends have problems with these people. Do be careful. T
I really wish more Royal websites would have english translations, selfish, I know!
I'm really glad the Belgian website is finally remodeled. It looks a lot nicer now, even if the texts are still as stiff as they used to be.... guess you can't have it all :lol:
Royals on facebook?

Are there any royals with their own facebook page or websites
the swedish one also got remodeled before the wedding
the swedish one also got remodeled before the wedding

They should try to have members of the family either blog on the website or write a diary about their work(and allowing PR-experts to look at the text before publishing) or have a FAQ about every member of the family.

They should also have the possibility to search for every speach made by the current king from September 1973 and not just from the Internetyears.

One page they should devote to every trip the members have done on duty since 1973 and a possiblity to search if they been near you.

Anyone else think its strange that only Victoria and Daniel have pictures that are not official like the babypictures?
Many royals have facebook however they are private accounts:

Louis Ducruet, Pauline Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb
Jazmin Grace Grimaldi
Princess Alexandra of Luxembourg

Prince Constantin of Liechtenstein is also on facebook and amongst his friends that I can identify are:
Prince Josef of Liechtenstein
Princess Maria Astrid
Princess Maria Anunciata
Maria Teresa Sartorius y de Liechtenstein
Prince Wenzel of Liechtenstein

There are others with the surname Liechtenstein but I cannot identify who they are whether they are members of the family or not:

Wenzel Liechtenstein, Anna Liechtenstein, Lukas Liechtenstein, Mollo Liechtenstein, Carolina Liechtenstein, Konrad Liechtenstein, Augustinus Liechtenstein

Charles Phillipe D'Orleans also has a page
Since it's impossible for us to establish what is genuine and what is not on social networks, and since a list of royals and nobles who (supposedly) have a private account on social networks doesn't serve any purpose, this thread is to be closed.
The best is
1. UK
2. Norway
3. sweden

but its a big gap bwtween norway and sweden

worst not in a order
denmark, not much there,
Royalty and Social Networks

I don't know if this thread is a duplicate of another one, but, in william and catherine's wedding, something made me felt very curious. At the wedding, the BRF and Clarence House's twitter accounts were sending details about the wedding. I want to know how many royals have twitter or facebook accounts... so if you know some, post them here!!!! For now, this is what i found:

Rania Al Abdullah (QueenRania) on Twitter

Noor Al Hussein (QueenNoor) on Twitter

TheBritishMonarchy (BritishMonarchy) on Twitter

Det kongelige hoff (Kronprinsparet) on Twitter
(the cp couple of norway, and they write in norwegian and in english)
Twitter and royals

Excuse me if I get it wrong or repeat the topic, but it seems to me that this is a real Mette-Marrit's twitter account.!/CrownPrincessMM
As I've observed royals, main members of family alongside with minor ones, usually don't have any official twitter accounts.
It will be interesting to find more information on the topic.
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