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National days for the reintegration of the prisoners: LL.AA.RR. the Princesses Lalla Salma and Lalla Hasna chair the dinner of fence
Their Royal Highnesses the Princesses Lalla Salma and Lalla Hasna chaired, Sunday with Rabat, a dinner offered at the time of national the day closure for the reintegration of the prisoners, organized under the effective presidency of Its Majesty King Mohammed VI. With their arrival, Their Royal Highnesses were greeted by Mrs. Zoulikha Nasri, Conseiller of S.M. the King and member of the Board of directors of the Mohammed VI Foundation for the reintegration of the prisoners, the wali of the area of Reduction-Salted-Zemmour-Zaër, Mr. Hassan Amrani, and by the members of the Board of directors of the Foundation.
Thereafter, Their Royal Highnesses the Princesses Lalla Salma and Lalla Hasna followed artistic tables carried out by artists among the prisoners. Were invited to this dinner, members of the government and personalities of the world of the culture, the policy and sports. Let us recall that S.M. King Mohammed VI visited, last Thursday with the international Fair of Casablanca, the exposure of the literary production, artistic and artisanal of the prisoners, initiated by the Mohammed VI Foundation for the reintegration of the prisoners. The exposure includes/understands tables of painting, articles of craft industry out of wood carved, out of money or copper, objets d'art, articles of cabinet work and sculptures on plaster as well as photographs of art and penmanships realized within a workshop of formation. A part of the receipts of these products is intended to the prisoners, authors of these productions, another will cover the expenses of materials having been used for the design of the objets d'art and artisanal, and the remainder will be reinvested in the equipment of the centers of formation. Also, the organization of the national days for the reintegration of the prisoners from the 23 to May 29, 2005 aims it at mobilizing the public opinion and all the actors of the civil company to the need for guaranteeing a better insertion of the prisoners during the post-prison period. These days also aim bringing closer the latter the other citizens and at informing the public on the actions and the missions which undertakes the Mohammed VI Foundation with the service of the reintegration of the prisoners and the children in conflict with the law. Improvement of the conditions of detention and the framework of life in the 56 penal establishments which account the country also remains in the order of the priorities of the Foundation. In a few years, the Mohammed VI Foundation for the reintegration of the prisoners mobilized some 95,5 million DH to the service of the prison population. What allowed the formation, to date, of 5.132 prisoners and 677 frameworks. The people who profited from this formation are especially of young prisoners. The dies of formation are multiple and go from agriculture to the hairstyle while passing by the restoration or mechanics car. The centers of formation are located in several penal establishments and Centers of safeguard of childhood. Certain centers present to 19 dies, like that of Salted (men and women), 16 (Center of reform of Casablanca) or 15 (Center of reform of Salted). The centers of formation are assembled in collaboration with the Vocational training which even created a division for this purpose. The diplomas which are obtained there have value of diplomas of the Vocational training and these Centers of formation to the profit of the prisoners are managed by the centers of the closest OFPPT. In its action, the Mohammed VI Foundation for the reintegration of the prisoners?uvre in partnership with the ministry for Justice for the prisoners and the ministry for Youth for the children, as it works in synergy with the civil company.
[SIZE=+1]Princesses Lalla Salma and Lalla Hasna preside diner banquet on rehabilitation of ex-inmates[/SIZE]
Morocco's Princesses Lalla Salma and Lalla Hasna presided Sunday a diner banquet on the occasion of the closing ceremony of the national days for the rehabilitation of ex-inmates
The banquet, that also featured an exhibition of paintings made by prisoners, was attended by government members, art and culture personalities.
The program of the national days for the rehabilitation of ex-inmates (May 23-29) included art exhibits, conferences and sports contests, in a bid to promote awareness in the society, through the national press, as to the importance of the socio-professional integration of inmates.