Royal Families of Italy (Savoy, Bourbon-Parma, Two-Sicilies) & Italian History

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Nov 14, 2006
san juan
United States
I recommend the following books:

“Casa Savoia: Diario di una monarchia”
by Romano Bracalini
Publisher: Mondadori
ISBN: 978-8878135697
This book is an album about the Savoia family. Great pictures!

“Vita di corte in casa Savoia”
by Maria Gabriella di Savoia, Stefano Papi
Publisher: Mondadori Electa
It contains great pictures!

“Jewellery of the House of Savoy”
by Maria Gabriella of Savoy, Stefano Papi
Publisher: Mondadori Electa
ISBN: 978-8837052409
More books that I recommend to read:

“La regina incompresa”,
Tutto il racconto della vita di Maria José di Savoia.
by Luciano Regolo
ISBN: 978-88-86792-29-5
Simonelli Editore
Language: Italian
Is the official biography of Queen Marie José of Savoia.

“Marie-José de Savoie, la reine de mai”
by Luciano Regolo
Publisher: Racine, Italy
Language: Italian
ISBN: 978-2873862411

“Il re signore: Tutto il racconto della vita di Umberto di Savoia”
by Luciano Regolo
Publisher: Simonelli
Language: Italian
ISBN: 978-8886792141

“Umberto e Maria Jose di Savoia”
Publisher: Fabbri Editori
Language: Italian

“Lampi di vita, storia di un principe in esilio”
by Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia
Publisher: Rizzoli
Language: Italian

“UMBERTO II, il dramma segreto dell'ultimo re”
by Gigi Speroni
Publisher: RUSCONI
Language: Italian.

“Sognando l'italia, Il Principe di Venezia racconta le sue esperienze d'esule”
by Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia
Gremese Editore
Language: Italian.
Mafalda di Savoia

I just learned about this Italian miniseries about the life of Princess Mafalda of Savoy, the daughter of King Vittorio Emanuele III, who married Prince Philipp of Hesse and later died in a Nazi prison camp.

The miniseries is in Italian, but I was wondering if it is available to purchase somewhere, with English subtitles, or at all. Here is the trailer: YouTube - MAFALDA DI SAVOIA

It looks very good, and it looks like the Royal Family was very involved in the production. Princess Maria Gabriella was a consultant, and Clotilde Courau, who is the wife of Prince Emanuele Filiberto, played Princess Giovanna in the film.
Do you know if these books are in French, English or Spanish?

Regards and thanks!!
The memories of queen Maria Jose, "Albert et Elisabeth de Belgique: mes parents" (I hope is written correctly), published in italian as "Giovinezza di una regina"
Ok! Thanks very much! I will buy it as soon as possible! =D

Regards and thanks!
The memories of queen Maria Jose, "Albert et Elisabeth de Belgique: mes parents" (I hope is written correctly), published in italian as "Giovinezza di una regina"
Now that I think about it, this is not properly a book about House Savoy...It's excellent about Queen Maria Jose, but not exactly about the Italian Royal Family...
Now that I think about it, this is not properly a book about House Savoy...It's excellent about Queen Maria Jose, but not exactly about the Italian Royal Family...

a lot of lies!!!!!

Sorry, but Maria José telling how her father met her mother is simply UNTRUE. And historians accepted her version for many years until the moment a bio on Queen Elisabete (sic, I am writing in a hurry) was published in around 10 years ago.
The book Queen Marie-José wrote many years ago about her parents TM King Albert Ier and Queen Elisabeth was a best-seller and a very interesting book with a highlight of both exceptional monarchs and their heroic behaviour during WW1.
Sorry, but Maria José telling how her father met her mother is simply UNTRUE
And how did it happen?

I agree completely with you, Maria-Olivia, this book is very very interesting, and portrays two great monarchs.
Princess María Pia de Saboya wrote her memories for Mondadori of Italy. Check the facts about the book:
Título: La mia vita. I miei ricordi
Maria Pia di Savoia
Editore: Mondadori Electa
Numero di pagine: 192
Can anyone tell me a good book on Italian Royalty? I am very interested because of my Italian ancestry. Both of my parents' families originated from the town of Lucca, Italy. I have been reading here and trying to learn about Italian Royalty and have learn much, but I want more knowledge. I only read English. Thank you.:flowers:

Does anyone know any books on Italian Royalty written in English?
Books are hard to find. I brought the Fall of the House of Savoy from Amazon. The last book of this first edition.:flowers:
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Georgia: you can find the books at: alibris, bookfinder, iberlibro, amazon, mondadori italy and online bookstores from Italy.
Other bookstore is hoogstraten.
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DO you have a few books about the House of Savoy, The Bourbons of the two Sicilies, The kingdom of the Two Sicilies & Queen Maria Sophia of the Two Sicilies? I only have those 3 Italian royal books, I would love to have more about the House of Savoy, what royal books do you have?. Any italians?
Keep in touch!!!!.
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Yes I have books about House of Savoy and The Bourbons of the two Sicilies.
Also I have dvd movies of Queen Maria José and Princess Mafalda.
I have see Sissi movies and Ludwig movie.
For books: I have 7 about Savoy House, 3 about Bourbons of two Sicilies. All in italian.
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House of Savoy, The Bourbon of the Two Sicilies

My books about Italian Royalties are: The Fall of the House of Savoy by Robert Katz & 3 books about the Two Sicilies are 1 The kingdom of the Two Sicilies by Antonio Ciano.
2 The Heroine of Gaeta, queen Maria Sophia of the Two Sicilies by John van der Kiste and 3 Royal Exiles in Cannes (The Bourbon of the Two Sicilies of the villa Maria Therese by David McIntosh & Arturo E Beeche and they are all in English.
What about your books on the House of Savoy & the House of the Two Sicilies?
What languages are they & what are the titles?
The Heirs to the Savoia Throne and the Construction of Italianita, 1860-1900 by Maria Christina Marchi
I started now with books on the Italian noble families like the THE BORGIAS, The MEDICI & tHE ORSINI'S, specially with the ORSINI family, a member of the ORSINI noble family, in the early 60's had a love affair with the then princess Beatrix of the Netherlands, it was a big uproar in the early 60's, specially with the Dutch parliament & it was rejected.
This is a little news snippet for you, I hope you are interested, thanks for replying on my Italian royal books.
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