Queen Mathilde's Family - d'Udekem d'Acoz

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Cathérine Bergeyck

Heir Presumptive
Jan 26, 2003
Mathilde d'Udekem d'Acoz was born in Uccle in 1973, as the first child of Mr and Ms Patrick d'Udekem d'Acoz, who got married in 1971.

In 1974 another daughter is welcomed in the family: Marie-Alix. She dies, together with her maternal grandmother, princess Sophia Sapieha-Kodenska, in a very tragic car accident in 1997.

Mathilde has two other sisters: Elisabeth (1977), and Hélène (1979).

In 1985 the girls get a little brother, Charles-Henri.

The family still lives in the Castle Losange in Villers-la-Bonne-Eau, in the Belgian Ardennes, where Mathilde grew up.

The castle of Losange

Another view of the estate of Mathilde's parents
Patrick d'Udekem d'Acoz, Mathilde's father, was born in 1936. He studied to be an agronomist, specialized in forestry.

He was for many years the mayor of Villers-la-Bonne-Eau, the small town where Mathilde and her family have always lived.
he has also been the local councillor of the city Bastogne, and now he's a judge at the court of commerce in Neufchâteau.

In 1971 he married the Polish countess Anne Komorowska, who was born in Bialograd, Poland in 1946.

Countess Anne is a nurse who has worked in a hospital in Brussels, untill the time she had children.

Mathilde's parents at their daughter's engagement.


Patrick d'Udekem walking his daughter down the aile.

Mathilde and her father in front of the town hall

In church

At the time of Mathilde's marriage, the king made Patrick d'Udekem d'Acoz and his children counts and countesses. They were already noble, but didn't have a title. You could say that they received a 'higher ranking'.
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When Mathilde was studying, and later on working as a speech therapist, she lived together with her sisters in an appartment in Brussels.

Her sister Elisabeth d'Udekem d'Acoz is 3 years younger than her, and is like her, a speech therapist.

She has been, for quite a while now, the girlfriend of prince Charles-Philippe d'Orléans. They're frequently spotted together on parties.

At Mathilde's wedding:

with prince Laurent

Elisabeth d'Udekem and prince Laurent

With her boyfriend Charles-Philippe d'Orléans:

At the Diane-Hermes trophee, 2001

At a Torrente fashion show, Paris, 2002


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1,2,3.At a charity ball in Ukraine, January 2003
4,5.Visiting sick children in a hospital in Ukraine
6,7,8.Still in the Ukraine...


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Mathilde's other sister, Hélène, is 6 years younger than her.

She studied law, and is the godmother of Philippe and Mathilde's eldest child, Elisabeth (2001).

At her sister's wedding, 1999

Hélène d'Udekem

1.At the baptism of her godchild, princess Elisabeth of Belgium
2,3.At Elisabeth's first birthday party.


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And then there's Mathilde's only brother, Charles-Henri d'Udekem d'Acoz, who is 12 years younger than his royal sister

He's the godfather of Philippe and Mathilde's second child, prince Gabriel.
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These children seem to know how to marry well. Is Helene still single? Prince Felipe of Spain should go for her. How long have Elisabeth and Charles-Philippe been dating? Is there any chance of a wedding?
Countess Hélène is still single, as far as I know.

I think it's pretty probable that Elisabeth and Charles-Philippe will get engaged, they've been a couple for nearly 3 years now.
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Mathilde's mother also took Elisabeth to the hospital to visit her little brother.

Countess Anne Komorowska is quite used to looking after her granddaughter. When Philipe and Mathilde go abroad on an economical mission, they always bring Elisabeth to Mathilde's parents at the castle of Losange.


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Thank you for all the pictures, do you know the entire birthdate of Countess Hélène?
Countess Anne Komorowski with her youngest daughter, Hélène, at the wedding of Laurent and Claire, april 2003.


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A picture of Mathilde's deceased sister, Marie-Alix.


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I'm curious about this Hélène. She seems to have an unique style and takes fashion seriously.
Originally posted by Dennism@Nov 4th, 2003 - 4:12 am
I'm curious about this Hélène. She seems to have an unique style and takes fashion seriously.
She was/is involved with Charles-Phillipe of Orleans (son of Michael of Orleans, Comte de Evreux & Beatrice Pasquier de Franclieu. They are often pictured in Point de Vue' society pages attending parties etc. together.

i think you mixed them up: its elisabeth that is involved with the orleans offspring. i think they are still going out, in fact.
Originally posted by karolinabraganza@Nov 4th, 2003 - 4:10 pm
i think you mixed them up: its elisabeth that is involved with the orleans offspring. i think they are still going out, in fact.
Ah, that's it. Thanks! I did mix them up. In any event, they both seem to dress well.

Yes. I read that message and I thought that can't be right. That's another sister.
I agree though that Helene is the classier of the two other sisters (Helene and Elizabeth).
Crown Princess Mahtilde is most beatiful bride for European Royaly Brides
1. Hélène visiting her sister Mathilde in hospital after the birth of Gabriel.

2. Charles-Henri at the christening of his godchild Gabriel.

3. Elisabeth and her boyfriend Charles-Philippe at the bal de la rose in Monaco.

4. Same occasion, it was in 2001, but they're still a couple. Elisabeth was also present this summer at the funeral of Charles-Philippe's grandmother, Isabelle d'Orléans-Bragance, the countess of Paris.

5. Hélène, a few years ago.


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Unfortunately Elisabeth and Charles-Philippe broke up a while ago.
1. Albert and Mathilde's father

2, 3. Mathilde's mother, countess Anne Komorowska


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1. Mathilde's brother, Charles-Henri.

2. Hélène and Elisabeth visiting Mathilde in hospital when she gave birth to her daughter

3. With their mother

4. Countess Elisabeth d'Udekem at the bal de France 2003


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