Public criticism of the Crown Prince by the IHA and the Emperor

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Heir Presumptive
Oct 4, 2004
Japan's royal heir seeks a more normal life
As a child, Japan's Crown Prince Naruhito led a lonely, stifled existence. Imperial staff decreed what he ate and who he met, and even a short trip outside the palace required huge security and elaborate planning.
Now some people, including the crown prince himself, say Japan's imperial household needs to modernise, abandoning ancient practices which have forced members of the royal family to sacrifice personal ambition and suppresstheir feelings.
"I wouldn't go as far as to say the prince was unhappy, but I think he felt he had to conform to the system, to suppress his feelings and to meet what is required by the institution," said Motohide Osakabe, who taught Naruhito at the exclusive Gakushuin high school............................

Photos from June 8 from Reuters
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The lack of news about Naruhito and Masako compared to the other members is getting ridiculous. The IHA is really pushing Akishino and Kiko ahead of the Crown Prince Couple. It's too bad because I see a very insincere person in Akishino.
Japan prince urged to make time for parents: report | Lifestyle | Living | Reuters

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's Crown Prince Naruhito should visit his parents more often palace officials have said in an unusually frank piece of advice, Kyodo news agency reported on Wednesday.
Emperor Akihito complained at a 2006 news conference that he and his wife, Empress Michiko, had few opportunities to meet Naruhito's daughter, Princess Aiko, who is now 6..........
considering how unsupportive and their tacit approval of the cruelty inflicted on his wife i'm not surprised they don't visit. perhaps it is too painful for masako to deal with them and he feels since Aiko isn't "good enough" for their archaic rules...what's the point.
by palace officials i assume IHA:bang:, looks like another attempt to embarrass and demean the royal couple imo. i think it's good and healthy to distance themselves from the cruelty "of the palace(IHA)". since i have zero respect for the "japanse royal machine" i admire him for showing support for his wife and "not good enough" daughter, i'd avoid them too!

my mother in law has learned this the hard way- she is always critical of her kids (7) partners and children as a result NO ONE goes to see her, except "have to" occasions (christmas) and doesn't stay long (reap what you sow....) about 10 years ago we realized she wasn't going to change and we weren't going to put ourselves through it, so we don't bother to "jump through the hoops" anymore, there's no pleasing her, what's the point.
Goodness, the IHA really is making it known that Naruhito is the bad guy. I wonder when they'll come out with something about what a good son Prince Akishino is.
Goodness, the IHA really is making it known that Naruhito is the bad guy. I wonder when they'll come out with something about what a good son Prince Akishino is.

The IHA did but some unfair pressure on Masako, but how do you know that some of the criticisms of Naruhito aren't fair criticisms. For example, I recall his sister joined in some criticisms of a comment Naruhito made..

Perhaps it's totally possible that Akishino really is more considerate of his parents.
The IHA has an axe to grind, I think, with Naruhito, who has taken them to task over the treatmen of his wife. Good for him, I say! The IHA has too much power - they are probably all elderly men who do not like to be gainsaid.

Now that Akishino has a son and heir, the IHA probably feel that they can side-line Naruhito. They have been saved from the horrendous prospect that Aiko would one day come to the throne as Empress.

My hope is that by the time Naruhito has been on the throne for a while, the social climate in Japan will have changed so that Aiko can succeed.

I have also always felt saddened that the Imperial couple have not been more understanding of Masako's position, particularly as the Empress suffered badly when she married into the Imperial house. I can see that N and M may not have felt happy at the thought that Aiko might be 'taken away' from their influence and perhaps 'brainwashed' the the Imperial couple and the IHA. Or am I seeing conspiracy theories where none exist??
None of this surprises me. As far back as I can remember, Akishino and Sayako have been Michiko's favourite children.
The IHA did but some unfair pressure on Masako, but how do you know that some of the criticisms of Naruhito aren't fair criticisms. For example, I recall his sister joined in some criticisms of a comment Naruhito made..

Perhaps it's totally possible that Akishino really is more considerate of his parents.

It may well be, but in the past the IHA didn't speak out about family rifts whether they existed or whether they didn't. With the birth of Prince Hisahito, Naruhito and his family have become irrelevant in the larger scheme of things, and the IHA appears to be going to some lengths to make it publicly known.
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Japanese crown prince ticked off

An excellent example of the IHA publicly denegrating the Crown Prince. Time was an announcement like this would never ever have been made before the media.
Well if the Emperor complained too, then perhaps the Crown Prince is neglecting his parents...

The former Princess made a criticism about the Crown Prince's comments hurt his mother. Masako isn't the only person in the royal family that has issues. (See the Empress)

And honestly, I think the whole comments Masako is a "smart women and the IHA doesn't want smart women" well what is Princess Kiko? Princess Kiko has a Master's degree, is she somehow dumb. They don't seem to have any issues with her.

Perhaps, I think the issue would be if Narahito's wife cannot handle being Empress, then perhaps the right thing for Narahito to do is step down, so that his brother can take over. Isn't his brother and his brother's wife, doing more of the duties anyways...That's not right either.
It may well be, but in the past the IHA didn't speak out about family rifts whether they existed or whether they didn't. With the birth of Prince Hisahito, Naruhito and his family have become irrelevant in the larger scheme of things, and the IHA appears to be going to some lengths to make it publicly known.

People though are making it sound like Naruhito is the innocent party, and he's done absolutely nothing wrong. I've read somewhere that the IHA's issue with Masako was they felt that Masako wanted to party, go on trips to Paris, go all over, but didn't really want to do the royal duties. This may or may not be true and I do think clearly since 2 out of 3 women in the royal family ended up having mental problems, something's clearly wrong with their system.

Still though, the Emperor himself made comments about this, and it sounds like the rift in the family went before Hisahito....

My feelings are that Naruhito and Masako need to figure out what they are going to do... But really if they want to be the future emperor and empress they need to start stepping up now, and taking over some of the duties from his parents. If Masako cannot handle being empress, then perhaps Naruhito should step down.. Being Emperor and Empress isn't just a "title."

Reports are that Naruhito's brother is ten times as busy as him, and Masako always cancels official events, but never the "fun ones." I realize here everyone wants to make the martyers. But their job is to serve their country. Do you think that it's fair that all the work gets thrown on the elderly emperor and empress, and Ashinko and Kiko?
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Well if the Emperor complained too, then perhaps the Crown Prince is neglecting his parents...

The former Princess made a criticism about the Crown Prince's comments hurt his mother. Masako isn't the only person in the royal family that has issues. (See the Empress)

And honestly, I think the whole comments Masako is a "smart women and the IHA doesn't want smart women" well what is Princess Kiko? Princess Kiko has a Master's degree, is she somehow dumb. They don't seem to have any issues with her.

Perhaps, I think the issue would be if Narahito's wife cannot handle being Empress, then perhaps the right thing for Narahito to do is step down, so that his brother can take over. Isn't his brother and his brother's wife, doing more of the duties anyways...That's not right either.

On the contrary, Kiko is a very smart woman. She kept her mouth shut and provided a male heir. Now she is held in higher esteem than the future Empress.

I am in no way maligning Kiko. She took considerable risk having such a late in life baby for the honor of her family. She has also always done what is expected of her. I don't think you have to chose between having respect for Kiko and having sympathy for Masako. But for Kiko, the situation was dramatically different. She married Akihito at a younger age and, being the wife of the second son, giving birth to daughters was not the same disappointment it was for Masako. Also, while she is very well educated, she was still a student when they married and had not developed a promising career like Masako had. Thus making her of an age and place in her education where she might have more easily adapted to the rigors of palace life.
On the contrary, Kiko is a very smart woman. She kept her mouth shut and provided a male heir. Now she is held in higher esteem than the future Empress.

I am in no way maligning Kiko. She took considerable risk having such a late in life baby for the honor of her family. She has also always done what is expected of her. I don't think you have to chose between having respect for Kiko and having sympathy for Masako. But for Kiko, the situation was dramatically different. She married Akihito at a younger age and, being the wife of the second son, giving birth to daughters was not the same disappointment it was for Masako. Also, while she is very well educated, she was still a student when they married and had not developed a promising career like Masako had. Thus making her of an age and place in her education where she might have more easily adapted to the rigors of palace life.

But people are making it sound like the Japanese people are angry with Masako because she didn't have a son. And that's the way that the Emperor/IHA doesn't like her. Whose to say that if Masako was out there working as much/or more than Princess Kiko, that Masako wouldn't be more respected/held in esteem.

Japan is a Conservative society, but they are wise enough to know that women don't necessarily control their own fertility... Whose to say that Kiko is respected not only for being a supposedly good mother, but also for the amount of work she does on behalf of the family...

I'm just saying that if Masako was out there, visiting hospitals for example, and doing charity work, she would probably be held in high esteem. I doubt the IHA's issues with Masako are just because Masako doesn't have a son.

And Kiko isn't exactly "keeping her mouth shut." She insisted on staying in school and even getting a master's degree. She speaks out for the needs of working women. Just because Kiko didn't have a high paced career, doesn't mean that she necessarily didn't want one.

I'm just saying that I do think it's telling that Masako never councils her outings or fun trips, but cancels public duties all the time.
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It's not surprising that the IHA has gone public with this news that the Crown Prince should visit his parents, the IHA has been trying for years to bypass Naruhito and go straight to Akishino as the next emperor, and now they are going public with their campaign. Whether or not this story is true, who would want to regularly visit the palace when the Empress has as much as admitted that Naruhito is not her favourite son. And, in spite of having gone through the same type of adjustment syndrome as Masako, the Empress more less said that it was time for Masako to get over it and get back to work in one her interviews a few years back. I wouldn't expect much support from that side of the family.

You say Masako cancels events. Perhaps that's what we are meant to believe. For the past year, I've noticed how much improved Masako seems to be, yet the IHA announces Masako's engagements, and then they cancel them always giving the same excuse - fatigue. What better way to spin a negative image/opinion of Masako. She is trapped and unable to defend herself against the IHA who has the upper hand as they release all palace information to the public. Looks like they're becoming more ruthless in their vendetta against the crown prince couple since the birth of Hisahito.
It's not surprising that the IHA has gone public with this news that the Crown Prince should visit his parents, the IHA has been trying for years to bypass Naruhito and go straight to Akishino as the next emperor, and now they are going public with their campaign. Whether or not this story is true, who would want to regularly visit the palace when the Empress has as much as admitted that Naruhito is not her favourite son. And, in spite of having gone through the same type of adjustment syndrome as Masako, the Empress more less said that it was time for Masako to get over it and get back to work in one her interviews a few years back. I wouldn't expect much support from that side of the family.

You say Masako cancels events. Perhaps that's what we are meant to believe. For the past year, I've noticed how much improved Masako seems to be, yet the IHA announces Masako's engagements, and then they cancel them always giving the same excuse - fatigue. What better way to spin a negative image/opinion of Masako. She is trapped and unable to defend herself against the IHA who has the upper hand as they release all palace information to the public. Looks like they're becoming more ruthless in their vendetta against the crown prince couple since the birth of Hisahito.

But why do they hate Naruhito? Why do they have a vendeta against him..Are you absolutely sure it has nothing to do with Naruhito's own actions.

And you keep on blaming the Empress, but the empress has worked tirelessly. Perhaps she feels okay it's time to get to work. Who better to say something that then, someone who has been in Masako's position.... The Empress isn't speaking from in experience, and I remember a few years ago she talked about how she wanted Masako to just recover, have a quite place, and even wanted to help her through it...

But whose to say that the Empress who has personal experience with what's going on and does once in a while see Masako, doesn't have a point to what she's saying.

I'm sorry but everyone wants to make Masako and Naruhito innocent victims, and maybe they are victims. But they are also adults. Being members of the royal family of Japan does confer priviliges but it does also confer responsiblities. If they don't like those responsiblities then Naruhito and Masako should step down. Period.

And whose to say that the second brother isn't more deserving anyways. The only reason Naruhito is the heir is because he was born elder, and being born first doesn't necessarily make you the better person. By many accounts Ashinko is doing a lot more duties than Naruhito is doing. He's also clearly closer to the rest of the family. There has to be reasons for it, and it's not necessarily everyone against Naruhito. I think it's silly to suggest that the IHA had this grand plan to destroy Naruhito and company.. It's easy enough to have Naruhito inherit and then Hisihito inherit...
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My own thinking on this is that those of us who live in the west, with our western monarchies can't quite understand the role of the Emperor as Shinto Priest. It seems that the Emperor isn't the titular head of a church or a Defender of the Faith, but the actual High Priest. As a priest, he would perform rituals for the sake of the nation. I've wondered if there's any possibility that Naruhito and Masako aren't keen on this part of the role. One report was that Masako didn't do her duties as a Shinto princess. Maybe I'm completely wrong here, but it's something that I haven't seen addressed in other forums and am wondering about it.
But why do they hate Naruhito? Why do they have a vendeta against him..Are you absolutely sure it has nothing to do with Naruhito's own actions.
Because Naruhito publicly defended his wife against the IHA's narrow-minded attitude towards Masako's illness.

And you keep on blaming the Empress, but the empress has worked tirelessly. Perhaps she feels okay it's time to get to work. Who better to say something that then, someone who has been in Masako's position.... The Empress isn't speaking from in experience, and I remember a few years ago she talked about how she wanted Masako to just recover, have a quite place, and even wanted to help her through it...
But whose to say that the Empress who has personal experience with what's going on and does once in a while see Masako, doesn't have a point to what she's saying.
What if it is a concerted effort by the Imperial family and the IHA to twist the facts to make it appear as though Masako and Naruhito are just lazy and incompetent? The IHA is capable of anything, even forcing an old Empress to tell off Masako. And, now that Akishino and Kiko have Hisahito, the IHA are sure to promote them as the perfect family... better than Naruhito's family without a male heir. They would certainly have power-hungry Akishino's total cooperation in such a venture.
I'm sorry but everyone wants to make Masako and Naruhito innocent victims, and maybe they are victims. But they are also adults. Being members of the royal family of Japan does confer priviliges but it does also confer responsiblities. If they don't like those responsiblities then Naruhito and Masako should step down. Period.
On the contrary, I think Naruhito should become Emperor and then try to change the system.
And whose to say that the second brother isn't more deserving anyways. The only reason Naruhito is the heir is because he was born elder, and being born first doesn't necessarily make you the better person. By many accounts Ashinko is doing a lot more duties than Naruhito is doing. He's also clearly closer to the rest of the family. There has to be reasons for it, and it's not necessarily everyone against Naruhito. I think it's silly to suggest that the IHA had this grand plan to destroy Naruhito and company.. It's easy enough to have Naruhito inherit and then Hisihito inherit...

Until her illness, Masako was performing her royal duties without any difficulties. Actually, there were rebukes by the IHA when she dared to speak with the guests in their own language instead of through an interpreter, but at least she was carrying on her duties.

Why should the second son be more deserving? Because the IHA assigns him more duties and the choicest ones at that? You can't fight the little men in grey suits. If they are not on your side, you have a tough row to hoe.
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But people are making it sound like the Japanese people are angry with Masako because she didn't have a son. And that's the way that the Emperor/IHA doesn't like her. Whose to say that if Masako was out there working as much/or more than Princess Kiko, that Masako wouldn't be more respected/held in esteem.

Japan is a Conservative society, but they are wise enough to know that women don't necessarily control their own fertility... Whose to say that Kiko is respected not only for being a supposedly good mother, but also for the amount of work she does on behalf of the family...

I'm just saying that if Masako was out there, visiting hospitals for example, and doing charity work, she would probably be held in high esteem. I doubt the IHA's issues with Masako are just because Masako doesn't have a son.

And Kiko isn't exactly "keeping her mouth shut." She insisted on staying in school and even getting a master's degree. She speaks out for the needs of working women. Just because Kiko didn't have a high paced career, doesn't mean that she necessarily didn't want one.

I'm just saying that I do think it's telling that Masako never councils her outings or fun trips, but cancels public duties all the time.

I agree! We see Masako eating at restaurants all the time, don't we?

Kiko never gets ragged on because she is seen to be more self-sacrificing than Masako is, and she wasn't overwhemlmed by the demands of royal life (She didn't get ill) like Masako was, and to some extent still is.

Just my opinions, now.
People though are making it sound like Naruhito is the innocent party, and he's done absolutely nothing wrong. I've read somewhere that the IHA's issue with Masako was they felt that Masako wanted to party, go on trips to Paris, go all over, but didn't really want to do the royal duties. This may or may not be true and I do think clearly since 2 out of 3 women in the royal family ended up having mental problems, something's clearly wrong with their system.

Well, one of the issues with her was that she was prevented from going on foreign trips with her husband because the IHA wanted her to concentrate on having babies. Beats me how she was supposed to get pregnant when she was in one country and her husband was in another, so fairly clearly this wasn't the real reason for curtailing her travel. One of the Poobahs said something about how she didn't need to know how to speak all these languages in order to smile at people or something - it sounds as though she wasn't the princess they wanted, and they were trying to force her into their mould. And they ended up with a disaster, and apparently it was all her fault. Same old same old.

Still though, the Emperor himself made comments about this, and it sounds like the rift in the family went before Hisahito....

My feelings are that Naruhito and Masako need to figure out what they are going to do... But really if they want to be the future emperor and empress they need to start stepping up now, and taking over some of the duties from his parents. If Masako cannot handle being empress, then perhaps Naruhito should step down.. Being Emperor and Empress isn't just a "title."

You assume it's their choice. I don't think any of the royals, even in the west, are in total control of what they do, and I'm sure that's far more the case in Japan. If the IHA want to showcase Prince Akishino and give him the plum assignments, there isn't a lot Prince Naruhito can do. He seems to have been a bit of a thorn in the side of the IHA for a long time, wanting his way about things like who he married; according to the Masako biography (which may or may not be accurate in this instance), the younger brother was rather wild as a youngster and was jealous of the older brother, so once he was married and had settled down, one good way to undercut the older brother would be to curry favour with the parents. Not that I'm saying that's what happened, but it's not an unknown family dynamic.

Reports are that Naruhito's brother is ten times as busy as him, and Masako always cancels official events, but never the "fun ones." I realize here everyone wants to make the martyers. But their job is to serve their country. Do you think that it's fair that all the work gets thrown on the elderly emperor and empress, and Ashinko and Kiko?

The IHA said something not long ago about giving Prince and Princess Akishino more high-profile events to attend or something along those lines. If the Crown Prince and his wife have fewer events, do we know whether it's their choice or whether that's how their diary has been arranged by the people who do the arranging?

Seems to me that, in good Japanese fashion, Prince Naruhito is being punished for daring to be outspoken and for not just quietly conforming.
But people are making it sound like the Japanese people are angry with Masako because she didn't have a son. And that's the way that the Emperor/IHA doesn't like her. Whose to say that if Masako was out there working as much/or more than Princess Kiko, that Masako wouldn't be more respected/held in esteem.

Japan is a Conservative society, but they are wise enough to know that women don't necessarily control their own fertility... Whose to say that Kiko is respected not only for being a supposedly good mother, but also for the amount of work she does on behalf of the family...

I'm just saying that if Masako was out there, visiting hospitals for example, and doing charity work, she would probably be held in high esteem. I doubt the IHA's issues with Masako are just because Masako doesn't have a son.

And Kiko isn't exactly "keeping her mouth shut." She insisted on staying in school and even getting a master's degree. She speaks out for the needs of working women. Just because Kiko didn't have a high paced career, doesn't mean that she necessarily didn't want one.

I'm just saying that I do think it's telling that Masako never councils her outings or fun trips, but cancels public duties all the time.

If you read my posts carefully you'd know that I don't believe for one minute that the Japanese people dislike Masako for not having a son. It is the establishment behind the throne that cares, not the citizens of Japan. Before Hisahito's birth over 80% of the people who were polled wanted to see Aiko ascend the throne in her turn. It is all rather bothersome really that the IHA are insistant on having a male heir on the throne at the cost of displacing the daughter of the future Emperor and Empress. After all, a child of Aiko's would most certainly be of royal bloodline, whereas the child of a woman married into the royal family could be suspect (I'm not saying Hisahito is, mind you). The Japanese people are forming a negative opinion of Masako because of her disappearence from public life (except for the fun things). But the fact remains that Masako does not schedule her own outings. Nor can it be assumed that she has any control over whether or not her more "work oriented" outings are cancelled for her. It's also very easy to say that she should just "get out of the kitchen" until you realize that she would have her child taken from her if she does.

Kiko may have well wanted a fast paced career, but she chose to never have one. Masako did have one and had to leave it behind when she entered the royal family. It is usually easier to miss what you did have as opposed to missing what you never had.
Until her illness, Masako was performing her royal duties without any difficulties. Actually, there were rebukes by the IHA when she dared to speak with the guests in their own language instead of through an interpreter, but at least she was carrying on her duties.

Why should the second son be more deserving? Because the IHA assigns him more duties and the choicest ones at that? You can't fight the little men in grey suits. If they are not on your side, you have a tough row to hoe.

How do you know it's the IHA's decision not to give them more assignments. Can you prove that's just the IHA's choice. Besides, I remember reading somewhere that the new head of the IHA in the Crown Prince's house, was a family friend of Masako's. IF this is true than I don't buy that IHA is out to get them.

I'm still not understanding why "it's good for the monarchy" to flush out the Crown Prince. It seems to me the little I know that the Japanese Monarchy is extremely conservative and is all about not having scandals. Replacing the eldest son with the younger son, would be scandalous. I'm just saying is that everyone is out for conspiracies, and maybe their is no conspiracy on the part of the IHA. Didn't Naruhito once say that he wished he could have a more fulfilling job, or something like that??? Maybe Naruhito is chaffing as well....

I'm sorry I just don't get it. As I said before there are normally three sides to every story. For a long time, it sold more papers to have "the pooor little princess abused by the IHA, and I'm not saying there wasn't any of it." But I'm saying that the IHA probably has a side of the story too. If it was just the IHA being hard on Masako, if that was the only issues going on there, than I don't think there would be this clear rift between Naruhito and his family. It's not like the Emperor never stood up to the IHA himself (for example insisting on raising his own children.)
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How do you know it's the IHA's decision not to give them more assignments. Can you prove that's just the IHA's choice. Besides, I remember reading somewhere that the new head of the IHA in the Crown Prince's house, was a family friend of Masako's. IF this is true than I don't buy that IHA is out to get them.

I'm still not understanding why "it's good for the monarchy" to flush out the Crown Prince. It seems to me the little I know that the Japanese Monarchy is extremely conservative and is all about not having scandals. Replacing the eldest son with the younger son, would be scandalous. I'm just saying is that everyone is out for conspiracies, and maybe their is no conspiracy on the part of the IHA. Didn't Naruhito once say that he wished he could have a more fulfilling job, or something like that??? Maybe Naruhito is chaffing as well....

I'm sorry I just don't get it. As I said before there are normally three sides to every story. For a long time, it sold more papers to have "the pooor little princess abused by the IHA, and I'm not saying there wasn't any of it." But I'm saying that the IHA probably has a side of the story too. If it was just the IHA being hard on Masako, if that was the only issues going on there, than I don't think there would be this clear rift between Naruhito and his family. It's not like the Emperor never stood up to the IHA himself (for example insisting on raising his own children.)

It could well be that the IHA are scared of Naruhito. Already having proved himself willing to air their dirty laundry in public, he has not so subtly hinted that he would consider shaking things up once he ascends the throne. I believe his words were along the lines of "the need to review official duties" which is tantamount to saying "Hey IHA, when I am Emperor things are going to change around here". The IHA do not like change. They have been known to re-write history to avoid "confusing" the Japanese people when glaring errors have been pointed out to them.

The IHA most likely believe that the Akishinos would be much easier to manage as an Imperial couple.

Yes it is true that the Household Chamberlain for Naruhito is a family friend of the Owadas. He was also sympathetic to the idea of putting Aiko on the throne ahead of Hisahito. I'd like to see him do more for Naruhito and Masako.
I for one think it is very difficult for us, outsiders, to pass judgments about the life behind the walls of the Imperial Palace solely based on articles, tabloid news, and books. Media is known for its ability to paint totally favourable public image (sacrificing and sweet Princess Kiko) or tarnish this public image (lazy Crown Princess Masako, who is more concerned with the celebrity life style than her duties as a member of the Imperial family). The Imperial Household Agency has been serving [namely serving] Prince Akishino’s family in more favourable light because namely this couple has saved the institution. I still believe Crown Princely couple will become favourites over night as soon as they produce an heir. As for public engagements, I assume that Crown Princess Masako does not have much influence in this question. The IHA reigns supreme.
In one word, it is impossible for us to determine whether or not Crown Princess gets better, whether Crown Princess Masako cancels her engagements herself or she is highly recommended to do so.
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I for one think it is very difficult for us, outsiders, to pass judgments about the life behind the walls of the Imperial Palace solely based on articles, tabloid news, and books. Media is known for its ability to paint totally favourable public image (sacrificing and sweet Princess Kiko) or tarnish this public image (lazy Crown Princess Masako, who is more concerned with the celebrity life style than her duties as a member of the Imperial family). The Imperial Household Agency has been serving [namely serving] Prince Akishino’s family in more favourable light because namely this couple has saved the institution. I still believe Crown Princely couple will become favourites over night as soon as they produce an heir. As for public engagements, I assume that Crown Princess Masako does not have influence to this question. The IHA reigns supreme. In one word, it is impossible us to determine whether or not Crown Princess gets better, whether Crown Princess Masako cancels her engagements herself or she is highly recommended to do so.

Your right, but for example the Crown Princess and her husband were suppose to attend a figure skating event. The Crown Princess went to the opening ceremony and then bowed out of attending the figure skating event, citing fatique. (Naruhito went alone)

Then, there are reports that when they went to the Netherlands, they were asked to do some public duties as well, but they refused, but then went to all kinds of private meetings. (This I from what I hear where some of the anger is coming from.)
I believe the trip to the Netherlands was classified officially as a private vacation. Something that provoked the Japanese press at the time, by the way, seeing as Masako was not doing any official duties at home. However, the Crown Princely couple did attend a few formal dinners with the DRF as well as photo calls with the children, much like every other royal family does on vacation. Scheduling official duties would have made it an official visit as opposed to the private visit that it was.
And whose to say that the second brother isn't more deserving anyways. The only reason Naruhito is the heir is because he was born elder, and being born first doesn't necessarily make you the better person. [shortened]...
Allow to remind you that Crown Princes are not elected. Traditionally personal characteristics and charisma have nothing to do with being Crown Prince or Crown Princess, the birth order has. Whether or not you deem it fair, it is the order of things in most royal families.If Prince Akishino had a luck to be born after Crown Prince Naruhito, he should just enjoy his place in the Imperial Family.
:confused: I honestly don't understand what the purpose of the IHA is besides being a pain in the royal behinds! Does the CP have the power to change the ways of the IHA once he becomes Emperor? Because it sounds like the servants (IHA) are running the palace and the royals are held hostage.
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