hahaha...that's silly ^__^ where can i see it??kittencrews said:Ha ha... I just saw the Viennareport pictures from the Chanel party and there is one where Ernst is kissing another man with Caroline standing beside him and the next picture was Ernst trying to get Caroline to laugh but she wasn't paying him any attention... ha ha ha
HAhahaha...its inGErman???...i have no idea where to go...can u help me please? ^___^kittencrews said:
is he on funny cigarettes ?kittencrews said:where Ernst is "pretending" to kiss another man
with all due respect .... that is apparently a common phenomena that cuts both ways.Reina said:I just can't get over the way she got her man. To betray your own friend like that.
how "long" did she go out with Vincent ?kittencrews said:it's was in 1995... she and actor Vincent Lindon had a big fight at a party and split up and supposedly Ernst was there to comfort her... Vincent was her only "real" relationship since Stefano and he was supposed going to ask her to marry him and everything...
... that had to do with the prenuptial agreement ?kittencrews said:I'm thinking Rainier had a list or something that Vincent didn't agree with about the proposal
I think her dress looks fine, personally I think she looks radiant. After all, she did great charity work in Phillipines.elektraking said:This is the 3rd times princess caroline wears this dress! If I was rich as much as she is I would buy a new dress. And come on three times and the dress is noy that great . It looks like a bag with a string. i think Caroline could have chosen something better to wear. Or she does not care ? This is even worse. Come on the Queen and the German President are going to be there!!
She did not have time? Ye, only that such kind of parties and visits are planned way ahead at least 4 months.
Great Catch, Kittencrews, I went back and checked the date and lo and behold it was 2002. I don't understand the photoagency people, they should put the latest pics first.kittencrews said:Those last pictures of the Princess Grace awards are from 2002 I think....
I wonder why they attened the State Banquet... maybe Lilabet wanted to see her loving cousin... he he..