This thread can be used for posting older pictures of Prince Harry. Please note the following conditions:
Instead of posting a dozen or more pictures, please try to select a few pictures that best describe the event/occasion. Aim to conserve. Think quality not quantity.
If you wish to post pictures of events that happened a few years ago or older images of various royals, please do so in the Picture threads via a private image hosting account such photobucket or imageshack.
Thank you for your co-operation on this matter so that we can all continue to enjoy images of our favourite royals.
The TRF Team
Instead of posting a dozen or more pictures, please try to select a few pictures that best describe the event/occasion. Aim to conserve. Think quality not quantity.
If you wish to post pictures of events that happened a few years ago or older images of various royals, please do so in the Picture threads via a private image hosting account such photobucket or imageshack.
Thank you for your co-operation on this matter so that we can all continue to enjoy images of our favourite royals.
The TRF Team
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