IMO, doctors for all the studying still get it wrong. As do those scientists in the medical fields.
As has been shown Baum & Ernst have their own need of publicity and denouncing Charles gets it for them. Many people use Homeopathic treatments, when conventional medicine has failed them. I love the Dandelion detox and if I think it is doing me some good, that can't be a bad thing.
ACTUALLY-it can be a bad thing. Homeopathic treatments and supplements need to be tailored to the individual. These agents are still medicines (pharmacologic agents) and can interact with other medications that a person is taking as well as exaccerbate underlying medical problems. Unfortunately since supplements are classified as 'food' here in the U.S. they are not subject to the same FDA regulations. Doctors need to ask the patient to bring EVERYTHING they are taking to a visit to avoid serious complications. The same goes for dangerous drug intereactions between prescription medications.
I am all the the 'natural movement' but all of these agents should carry a BOLD PRINT warning not to start without checking with our doctor or other medical professional first.
Finally, many people are using these detox agents (diuretic teas and colon cleansers) for weight loss. They are not losing fat weight but water. Overtime use of these agents can lead to dehydration and kidney failure.