Prince and Princess of Asturias's Official Visit to Colombia: May 26-29, 2009

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Feb 21, 2004
United States
The Prince and Princess will visit Colombia on official visit on the 26-29 May 2009, according to caracol newspaper, who had confirmation from Casa Real

Los Príncipes de Asturias visitarán Colombia

they will visit:

-Medellin, Congreso Internacional de Víctimas del Terrorismo,

-Bogotá, II Foro de Inversión Hispano-Colombiano (Hotel El Nogal)
The Visit to Colombia is an Official Visit, later they will travel also to El Salvador for the act of change of government.
Hope we'll have the official schedule soon!
Agenda of the Government of the Republic of Colombia

Tuesday on May 26

4:30 p.m. Arrival of the Prince and Princess of Asturias to Catam's Military Airport in Bogota.

8:00 p.m. Dinner of welcome with the President of the Republic, Álvaro Uribe Vélez, and his wife Lina Moreno de Uribe.

Wednesday on May 27

10:00 a.m. Arrival to Nariño's House, military honors, and meeting of the President Álvaro Uribe Vélez with the Prince of Asturias, Felipe de Borbón. Simultaneously there meet the lady Lina Moreno de Uribe and the Princess of Asturias, Letizia Ortiz.

11:25 a.m. Floral offering of the Prince and Princess in the Plaza of Bolivar, before the monument of the Liberator Simón Bolívar.

11:45 a.m. Meeting with the Major Mayor of Bogota, Samuel Moreno Rojas, in his office. Ceremony of delivery of keys of the city and declaration of illustrious guests.

12:40 p.m. Move to the Courthouse. They will be welcomed by the President of the Supreme Court of Justice and will have a meeting with the Full Room of the Parliament.

4:00 p.m. Meeting with the members of the Boards of the Senate and Representatives' Chamber, in the National Capitol.

8:20 p.m. Dinner in honor the Prince and Princess, offered by the President Álvaro Uribe Vélez in Nariño's House.

Thursday on May 28

10:30 a.m. Inauguration in the Club El Nogal of the ' Hispanic-Colombian Forum of investments and cooperation managerial '.

1:00 p.m. Meeting of the Prince and Princess with the Commission of Honor for the Bicentenary of the Independence.

Friday on May 29 (Medellin)

11:10 a.m. Arrival of the President Álvaro Uribe Vélez and wife Lina Moreno de Uribe, accompanied by the Prince and Princess of Asturias, to the Airport Enrique Olaya Herrera of the city of Medellin.

11:30 a.m. Participation in inaugural act of the ' V International Congress of Victims of the Terrorism ', in the Metropolitan Theatre of the capital of Antioquia.

1:25 p.m. Official photography with the victims of the terrorism in the Center of Conventions Major Plaza.

1:45 p.m. Lunch offered by the President Uribe, with assistance of the Prince and Princess, in honor to the victims, referees and attendees to the Congress.

4:45 p.m. Tour towards the Library Spain - Santodomingo Savio, in the cabin of the Metrocable. The princes will be accompanied by the President Uribe, his wife and the mayor of Medellin, Alonso Salazar.

5:00 p.m. Visit to the Library Spain- Santodomingo Savio .

8:30 p.m. Dinner offered by the Mayor of Medellin, Alonso Salazar, and his wife, to the Prince and Princess, in the Orquideorama.

Saturday on May 30

12:30 p.m. Departure for the International Airport Jose Maria Córdova, with destine El Salvador
What a busy schedule they have!!!

I'm glad they have an official visit! I like those trips!
Monarquía Confidencial
What will make the Princes in their official visit to Colombia?

Monday, 25 of May of 2009

The Princes of Asturias will arrive tomorrow at Bogota (Colombia) to fulfill an official visit from five days to the country. The agenda includes, among others encounter, appointments with president Alvaro Uribe and his wife; the Greater Mayor of Bogota, Red Brown Samuel; magistrates of the High ones You cut, and the Directive Tables of the Congress of the Republic.

Política - Príncipes de Asturias inaugurarán en Medellín Congreso sobre Terrorismo -
The princes of Asturias, Felipe de Borbón and Letizia Ortíz, will realise an official visit to Colombia between next days 26 and 29 of May and will inaugurate in the city of Medellín the V Congress the International on Victims of the Terrorism.
The Prince and the Princess of Asturias will be official wellcomed tomorrow with State Honours. This is not very usuall right? As is not an state visit, and Prince Felipe is not a Head of State.
The Prince and the Princess of Asturias will be official wellcomed tomorrow with State Honours. This is not very usuall right? As is not an state visit, and Prince Felipe is not a Head of State.

The Crown Princes realize in occasions Official visits, which though they are not State visits because their are not Chiefs of State, have an identical structure. Princes of several countries visited Mexico in the last months in visits with this structure, for example.
I thought was only a deference with Spanish Prince and Princess due the good relations between both states
Their trip has begun!!!!!
they seem happy!!!
The Prince and Princess of Asturias come to Bogota, with great expectation for the visit

The Crown Prince and his wife, Prince and Princess of Asturias, came this evening to Bogota, in their first visit to Colombia, which is waited by great expectation, and in that for four days they will support top-level meetings.

The plane of the air Spanish Force landed in Catam's military airport, little before 16:30 local time (21,30 GMT), and the Princes were received with honors by the minister of Foreign Relations of Colombia, Jaime Bermúdez.

This night they will have a private dinner with the president of the Republic, Álvaro Uribe, and his wife, Lina Moreno.

Política - Los Príncipes de Asturias llegan a Bogotá, con gran expectación por la visita -

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Thanks for the pictures. They looked so happy to be in Colombia, looking forward to a great trip.
I really wish Letizia changed her outfit. Those Mango shoes are beyond ugly.
Letizia wore a new dress, dazzling :lol:
This are going to be a fantastic trip!!! can't wait!
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