Prince Albert Is the Father of Alexandre

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Tzu An said:
I read that in the Enquirer. She's gearing up for a "battle royal" to get the law changed so Alexandre can inherit. To quote: "Nicole wants what she feels her son is entitled to. She's tellling everyone who'll listen 'Alexandre is going to be crowned the next ruler of Monaco-he is Albert's only heir'." As for Tasha, well, Rainier liked her a lot and begged Albert to marry her. Nicole is now preparing attornys to overturn the law that Rainier recently created. She's going for the big prize. She wants him to have his (Alexandre's) "rightful place" among the royal family.

Gosh, this Nicole is getting too far if true. How can she and her lawyers overturn the existing law on succession? Isn't that done through legislation only? How can she sue or whatever? And in Monaco? I don't think France will go so far as interfering in Monaco's affairs, and this is a family dispute at that. Does the law on succession need to be ratified by France? Is that why she thinks she can fight it?

That's it - entitlement. Nicole will want to do things - regardless of repercussions - just bec. she feels her son entitled to wealth, position and leadership. Alexandre is barely 2 years old. These are just Nicole's wants, not Alaxandre's. Camille is also part of the family but Steph is not wailing about the fact that she's not in line for the throne. It's all about Nicole, not the small boy.

I think Rainier was a very good judge of people. He told Albert to break it off with Nicole right after their first (and only?) meeting. Turns out that he is right with Nicole's actions now.
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Isabel said:
I cannot stand what Nicole has done either. She has really made a mess of things. She may say that what she wants is the best for her son, but I think that is really laughable. Having his name constantly mentioned in the media day after day and having photographs of him dragged through papers at such a young age is certainly not the best for him in my opinion.

Nicole has also made her son a target for any psycho out there who can manage to get to her and him. Now everyone knows that this is the child of the Monaco's Sovereign Prince and everyone knows her face. Of course, I am assuming that Albert will make sure that his son is safe. But, people are so strange these days, you never know what could happen.

(I just deleted the succeeding lines to shorten the space, but I totally agree)

This Nicole is really something! Caroline and Stephanie have always tried to shield their children from the press and the wider public, except for official affairs. Steph in particular hardly lets her children attend those. That's the wise and right thing to do, given their position and wealth. Now, Nicole is doing the exact opposite. She seems to be fighting for the welfare of her son in the case of Albert, but she herself have compromised Alexandre's safety and privacy. Ironic, isn't it?

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Tzu An said:
I read that in the Enquirer. She's gearing up for a "battle royal" to get the law changed so Alexandre can inherit. To quote: "Nicole wants what she feels her son is entitled to. She's tellling everyone who'll listen 'Alexandre is going to be crowned the next ruler of Monaco-he is Albert's only heir'." As for Tasha, well, Rainier liked her a lot and begged Albert to marry her. Nicole is now preparing attornys to overturn the law that Rainier recently created. She's going for the big prize. She wants him to have his (Alexandre's) "rightful place" among the royal family.

Not good news for PA. I haven't read the article but it doesn't sound too good.
See, cause you got to know anyone who doesn't like PA is going to be helping out NC...
Isabel, you made some very valid points in your posted message. I just want to make some other comments.

What Nicole has done is no different from any other emotional woman in a difficult situation. The only thing is that she was dating a Prince. We will never know the true story between these two people because we are not privy to their private lives; we only get second hand information from what we read in the tabloids, internet, or news articles. There are always multiple sides to every story: his side, her side and the truth!

You are correct in assuming that most wealthy men (presidents, kings, princes, senators, congressmen, prosperous businessmen, tycoons, doctors, lawyers, etc) have made outside children. This is nothing new and this behavior will continue to the end of time. However, some of these children are revealed to the public during a relationship, while other children born out of wedlock are not (or at least not until the person has expired, which creates a scandal)

In regards to the child’s privacy being violated, there are a lot of tail-tagging articles gossipy columns in print that will soon be diminished. It is too soon to tell what the future holds for this child and whether or not he will constantly be in the media.

The facts stated that Prince Albert had come forth and admitted to being the father of this child (along with a few others); and he took the responsibility of financially supporting these children. It is admirable on his behalf to announce to the world of his acceptance of his son (and children). A lot of men with his status would never step forward and present such an assertion.

Just like anything else, all of this hoopla will blow over. Some of us will look back and say “I wonder whatever happened to Prince Albert and whatshername?”

This chapter in Prince Albert’s private life will soon be forgotten.

Isabel, I truly enjoyed reading your comment!

monica17 said:
Yes, a gag order is a very good idea. She now has the public recognition for her son, money and everything else to live comfortably. She has achieved her goal. Maybe her goals changed so soon? That's why she still keeps on talking to the press?

I hope it can be done (please include Daniel Ducruet in the gag order, too).


hahahahahaha!!!!!!!! Very good idea Monica17, two gag orders at once! I agree that we've heard quite enough from both parties!
I read that in the Enquirer. She's gearing up for a "battle royal" to get the law changed so Alexandre can inherit. To quote: "Nicole wants what she feels her son is entitled to. She's tellling everyone who'll listen 'Alexandre is going to be crowned the next ruler of Monaco-he is Albert's only heir'." As for Tasha, well, Rainier liked her a lot and begged Albert to marry her. Nicole is now preparing attornys to overturn the law that Rainier recently created. She's going for the big prize. She wants him to have his (Alexandre's) "rightful place" among the royal family.
im so shocked what will happen if albert marrys? what will his and wife children be considered, 2nd and 3rd place?
what will his and wife children be considered, 2nd and 3rd place?
Never. But Nicole seems determined to get all she can. Greedy pig. She cares about no one but herself. I doubt she realizes all the hurt she would do if she deliberately undermined the rights of Albert's children (legitimate) and those of his wife. Alexandre has no right to the throne, but she may end up filling him (Alexandre) with false hope and a sense of entitlement.
That's it - entitlement. Nicole will want to do things - regardless of repercussions - just bec. she feels her son entitled to wealth, position and leadership.
She wants those things. She feels entitled to the leadership, wealth, and position. Alexandre is merely her key.
One Step Back, Two Steps Forward

Here's a one step back & two steps forward proposition:

One step back: Why don't we list the facts we know to be true about Prince Albert's current situation. We don't want to give too much credence to hypothesis' and rumors so as to actually, the enlightened Royal Forums' people that we are :) , believe the unfounded rubbish circulating.

Two steps forward: Is anyone interested in committing to a pact that if/when more children of Albert's come to light we (1) won't mention them by their proper names and we (2) won't post pictures of them. I think it is a respectful move on our parts to commit to. Sure we are curious, but not at the expense of innocent children(s) privacy...right!?!

Any takers?
Tzu An said:
I read that in the Enquirer. She's gearing up for a "battle royal" to get the law changed so Alexandre can inherit. To quote: "Nicole wants what she feels her son is entitled to. She's tellling everyone who'll listen 'Alexandre is going to be crowned the next ruler of Monaco-he is Albert's only heir'." As for Tasha, well, Rainier liked her a lot and begged Albert to marry her. Nicole is now preparing attornys to overturn the law that Rainier recently created. She's going for the big prize. She wants him to have his (Alexandre's) "rightful place" among the royal family.

You're kidding!!! Only time will tell.

I like Freedom's idea alot:)
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Yes, I agree, the enquirer is a piece of crap. However, they have been on the money in the past. The get sued from time to time, more than other mags but it does happen that they win. I have seen editors on TV standing by their information. I heard they pay good too. Money can buy a lot.

But this is not so much about the source....she may just have gotten a taste of the headlines and decided she liked being in them. Also, mags print stories often after the fact and without permission. There was nothing new in the People story, except an ugly mug on Page 74. Flip to it if your in the grocery but don't bother to buy it. There is nothing new in it.
leahteresa said:
Yes, I agree, the enquirer is a piece of crap. However, they have been on the money in the past. The get sued from time to time, more than other mags but it does happen that they win. I have seen editors on TV standing by their information. I heard they pay good too. Money can buy a lot.

But this is not so much about the source....she may just have gotten a taste of the headlines and decided she liked being in them. Also, mags print stories often after the fact and without permission. There was nothing new in the People story, except an ugly mug on Page 74. Flip to it if your in the grocery but don't bother to buy it. There is nothing new in it.

I don't think she's ugly mug. She may have a really winning personality:p

While she did not look like a 'traditional' cinderella, Prince Albert apparently didn't have a problem w/her looks for a good long while:D

And you're right, all that other stuff is just a rumor.
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But there's nothing that Prince Albert can do against this awful woman?!
Two steps forward: Is anyone interested in committing to a pact that if/when more children of Albert's come to light we (1) won't mention them by their proper names and we (2) won't post pictures of them. I think it is a respectful move on our parts to commit to. Sure we are curious, but not at the expense of innocent children(s) privacy...right!?!

Any takers?
freedom i think that is a great idea and i'll try my best to follow through because this issue with nicole and alex is just so crazy. i never thought anyone would still be interested in this after albert's announcement.
This thread is becoming a bit crazy. I thihnk ppl should lighten up a little. I won't even read all the comments that ppl say about Nicole.
Tzu An said:
Never. But Nicole seems determined to get all she can. Greedy pig. She cares about no one but herself. I doubt she realizes all the hurt she would do if she deliberately undermined the rights of Albert's children (legitimate) and those of his wife. Alexandre has no right to the throne, but she may end up filling him (Alexandre) with false hope and a sense of entitlement.

She wants those things. She feels entitled to the leadership, wealth, and position. Alexandre is merely her key.

I didn't want to post in this forum. . .but the last time I checked, Nicole was a human being. Many may not agree with what she has done or what she is supposedly doing, but it's neither fair nor proper to equate her to an animal.:(

If she is this humanoid beast some claim she is, what does that say about the prince?:confused:
While it's perfectly acceptable to post ones opinion on an issue or a person, it's not acceptable to be rude or derogatory towards others. I ask that when posting, please be respectful towards not only our members, but also to those who we discuss. Speak your mind, but do so in a manner which is neither rude nor hurtful towards others. It is not acceptable to refer to someone as a "greedy pig", "witch" or any other term which has been tossed around in this thread.

You may or may not agree with Nicole's actions and you may or may not agree with Albert's. It's okay to have either opinion, but if the same types of comments continue on, this thread will be closed. Please remember that the people we discuss in these threads are humans, too. I don't think anyone would appreciate having these types of comments made about themselves or about anyone they know or love.

Please refer to our posting rules and guidelines here:

Thank you,
I really think it would be a good idea if we all reflected on the importance of Not being quite so sensative to every word........
Hmp...I wonder if Albert's Angels on here will bash the mother of JAzmin like they have Nicole. I doubt it.
Reina said:
Hmp...I wonder if Albert's Angels on here will bash the mother of JAzmin like they have Nicole. I doubt it.

I doubt it, but we shall see. Since there is talk of the prince having another illigitimate child, let's see how this mother is spoken of in this forum. I was truly shocked and dare I say disgusted by the comments and attitudes of some posting in this thread.
Reina said:
Hmp...I wonder if Albert's Angels on here will bash the mother of JAzmin like they have Nicole. I doubt it.

Good point.

I think it depends on a basic thing, really -- I wonder myself if the mother of this supposed second child will go forward with the kind of story that NC did, in the manner that NC did.

I wonder who will actually do the talking this time and in what way? Will she drop a 'media bomb' in an effort to 'force the situation' or will she handle it somehow differently?

I think that this first revelation certainly fueled alot of the talk on all its own by it's timing and the way it was done. In my opinion the first story certainly gave people alot of things to talk about...:p

Yes, let's see how the next one is done.

I think Albert bringing it up already may have taken some of the wind out it, but who knows??
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Lillia said:
Good point.

I think it depends on a basic thing, really -- I wonder if the mother of this supposed second child will go forward with the kind of story that NC did, in the manner that NC did.

I wonder who will actually do the talking this time and in what way? Will she drop a 'media bomb' in an effort to 'force the situation' or will she handle it somehow differently?

I think that this first revelation certainly fueled alot of the talk on its own by it's timing and the way it was done. In my opinion the first story certainly gave people alot of things to talk about...:p

Yes, let's see how the next one is done.

I think Albert bringing it up already may have taken some of the wind out it, but who knows??

I agree, I think NC brought on a lot of nastyness with her own actions. I am a mother and there is no money or "rightful place" that my son needs that would motivate me to put him on the cover of a national paper. I think PA is doing the right thing by laying his card on the table. It's a painful process but one that will bring him out ahead in the end.
leahteresa said:
I agree, I think NC brought on a lot of nastyness with her own actions. I am a mother and there is no money or "rightful place" that my son needs that would motivate me to put him on the cover of a national paper. I think PA is doing the right thing by laying his card on the table. It's a painful process but one that will bring him out ahead in the end.

Not even if you knew your child would inherit $1.5 billion for it??? :)
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Just b/c Nicole brought on alot of supposed nastiness doesn't mean that some of you have to be nasty. I really think she did a very bold thing and she got he rson what he deserves. Now look what ALbert is being forced to do that he shoudl have already done-he is seeking to acknowledge his other kids (if that is so). I think this is a lesson that all can learn. But I just look forward to how some of you treat all of Albert's babies mommas.
Reina said:
Just b/c Nicole brought on alot of supposed nastiness doesn't mean that some of you have to be nasty. I really think she did a very bold thing and she got he rson what he deserves. Now look what ALbert is being forced to do that he shoudl have already done-he is seeking to acknowledge his other kids (if that is so). I think this is a lesson that all can learn. But I just look forward to how some of you treat all of Albert's babies mommas.

Maybe so. But I think if all his 'babies mammas' -- as you called them -- goes to the global paprazzis and hands to them lots of fodder about herself and the intimacies she had w/Albert, then I think it's fair game for the world's comments and scrutiny. That kind of information becomes part of the international public forum only if it is put out there. :)

Albert & his sisters lifestyles are already targets for the gossip; unfortunately their children are also, even if it is mild on the children (Caroline's and Steph's). Maybe they cannot help part of that.

Also, there are other royalty even out there who shun all the medias very effectively.:rolleyes:

If someone does not want any medias talking anything about them, then perhaps they should not invite them in. ;) Ignoring the press can be done, it is not hard either.

Getting the press to pay attention and convincing them that your comments are worth their time and will sell alot of papers and magazines is what takes all the work.

The media and the gossip it generates goes in all directions. It goes good and bad, sometimes all at once. NC probably knew that :).
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