Imperial Majesty
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Nicolae at his Facebook
"Wednesday evening was a really special one, in the historic atmosphere of the space in Hanul lui Manuc (Manuc's Inn), along with the presence of the two wonderful guests - Silvia Colfescu and Constantin Serban Cantacuzino - and all the special people who took part in the event.
On the occasion of this meeting, the "Prince Nicolae's Tour in the footsteps of his grandfather Mihai I" stopped time for a while, and Nicolae al Romaniei translated into words full of candor, sometimes sprinkled with amusement, personal and historical memories, moments when His Majesty He was able to be present in everyone's thoughts as a grandfather, husband, king and last but not least as a human being. A man with a challenging story, but an example of how all this can be overcome by will, keeping in his heart the love for his fellow men and for the country he has never forgotten - Romania.
We will be back soon with more pictures from the event. Until then, stay close, following the tour!"
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Nicolae was in Curtea de Argeș on Thursday 7th April:
At Facebook of Asociatia Principele Nicolae
"The students of the King Mihai I Technological High School from Curtea de Argeș enjoyed the meeting with Nicolae al Romaniei, within the project "History of Royalty in Schools". The children were curious to hear stories about the monarchy, but also to learn unique details about the members of the Royal Family. As always, the students admired various objects, including medals, paintings and even a ceremonial sword."
Over 100 photos of the visit
Istoria Regalității în Școli - Liceul Tehnologic Mihai I, Argeș Facebook
Nicolae presented on 7th April in Pitesti his book "My grandfather, King Mihai"
The editorial event took place at the Dinicu Golescu County Library. This book-album is meant to show the family life of His Majesty, but also the human side, that of grandfather. Prince Nicolae says that he learned from King Mihai lessons such as discipline, respect and responsibility.
Prince Nicolae also unraveled some memories: when King Mihai met Queen Maria, the fact that he was passionate about mechanics or how when he was a baby and was left unattended for a few moments he managed to destroy the King's office and official documents with an inkwell.
Nicolae al României a lansat la Pitești volumul _Bunicul meu, Regele Mihai
How Archbishop Calinic revealed that Nicolae al Romaniei will have a son
This spring, Nicolae al Romaniei and his wife, Alina Binder, will become parents for the second time. And on Thursday, April 7, on the occasion of a book launch in Pitesti, His Eminence Calinic, Archbishop of Argeş and Muscel, revealed for the first time that Nicolae will have a son.
Nicolae spoke with great emotion about his grandfather, reliving several memories from his childhood, but also from adolescence, including talking about how King Mihai let him drive the jeep donated by General Patton. A good friend of Nicolae, His Eminence Calinic, had a charming and humorous speech about him. At one point, His Eminence Calinic revealed for the first time that the second child of Nicolae and his wife will be a boy, referring to the fact that Nicolae is already thinking about several future jobs for "his son”. His Eminence Calinic also spoke in laudatory terms about how Nicolae came to speak and think in Romanian.
"Prince Nicolae was under a magnifying glass and I noticed step by step how he progressed in speaking the Romanian language. Prince Nicolae came to think in Romanian. I was afraid that he would not succeed because he had been an independent and free spirit since he was a child, in the sense that he went with his father through Africa on social missions. However, I must say that Prince Nicolae had a very good Romanian teacher in his wife. He learned Romanian and the grammar of the Romanian language very well. And the grammar of the Romanian language is very difficult. The Romanian language is a beauty, a miracle. It is a happiness to be able to write and read in Romanian. Fortunately, Prince Nicolae is not touched by this barbarism with neologisms. Prince Nicolae is a kind of phenomenon..."
Cum a dezvăluit arhiepiscopul Calinic că Nicolae al României va avea un băiat _
Former Prince Nicolae and Alina Binder will have a baby boy. They chose the name of King Mihai's great-grandson
On Thursday, April 7, at the presentationof his book "My Grandfather, King Mihai", the grandson of the late King of Romania said he did not want to reveal the name of his child. His Eminence Calinic revealed at the event that Nicolae will have a baby boy. The daughter of former Prince Nicolae and Alina Binder was baptized by him.
Nicolae and his wife, Alina Binder, will be at home at Easter, waiting for their second child. This time, they will have a baby boy, but the former prince did not want to reveal the name of the baby that will soon be born.
"We thought of a name, but we don't reveal it. All I can say is that he will be baptized in Alba Iulia. While waiting for our little boy, we will spend Easter at home, with emotions. I bought him everything he needs”.
The event took place in the County Library of Argeș. Nicolae was greeted by the children from the Călinești Cultural Center. The girls Maria Bold and Gloria Năstase waited for Nicolae with salt and bread, but also with flowers, like a bow over time of the moment when King Carol was received by the people of Argeș with flowers, at his first arrival in Romania.
"My grandfather was a very modest, simple, faithful man, a man who thought only of others, of Romanians, of Romania", Nicolae said.
Fostul principe Nicolae și Alina Binder au ales numele copilului, strănepotul Regelui Mihai_ _Ne-am gândit. I-am cumpărat tot_. Exclusiv
Principele Nicolae, în vizită la Liceul Tehnologic „Regele Mihai I” – Interes Argesean
Nicolae said at an interview, that in many ways they are already much better prepared compared to when Maria came into the world. They will learn along the way. They can't wait to have two children. It's important that they're going to be close in age. Maria's first word was "Yes" and not "Mom" or "Dad".
Nicolae was asked about the communication with the Royal Family.
He said: "I am open, but there is no communication from the Royal Family and it is a great pity. We all look forward to reconciliation and openness from the Royal Family. We don't necessarily have to be best friends, but at least we have an openness, not necessarily for ourselves, but for the country and for the future of the family. Ever since Maria-Alexandra was born, my aunt, Princess Margareta, has not come to see her even once."
Fostul Principe Nicolae și soția se pregătesc pentru venirea pe lume a fiului lor_ «Botezul va fi într-un loc legat de istoria familiei»
Nicolae al Romaniei: "The Royal Family must be open to reconciliation, not for us, but for the future of the country"
EXCLUSIV Nicolae al Romaniei_ _Familia Regala trebuie sa aiba deschidere pentru reconciliere, nu pentru noi, ci pentru viitorul tarii_ _ Pitesti _
The Archdiocese of Argeș and Muscel with photos about His Eminence Calinic, Archbishop of Argeș and Muscel at the presentation of Nicolae'e book last week:
Albumul „Bunicul meu Regele Mihai” a fost prezentat la Biblioteca Județeană „Dinicu Golescu” din Pitești
"Wednesday evening was a really special one, in the historic atmosphere of the space in Hanul lui Manuc (Manuc's Inn), along with the presence of the two wonderful guests - Silvia Colfescu and Constantin Serban Cantacuzino - and all the special people who took part in the event.
On the occasion of this meeting, the "Prince Nicolae's Tour in the footsteps of his grandfather Mihai I" stopped time for a while, and Nicolae al Romaniei translated into words full of candor, sometimes sprinkled with amusement, personal and historical memories, moments when His Majesty He was able to be present in everyone's thoughts as a grandfather, husband, king and last but not least as a human being. A man with a challenging story, but an example of how all this can be overcome by will, keeping in his heart the love for his fellow men and for the country he has never forgotten - Romania.
We will be back soon with more pictures from the event. Until then, stay close, following the tour!"
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Nicolae was in Curtea de Argeș on Thursday 7th April:
At Facebook of Asociatia Principele Nicolae
"The students of the King Mihai I Technological High School from Curtea de Argeș enjoyed the meeting with Nicolae al Romaniei, within the project "History of Royalty in Schools". The children were curious to hear stories about the monarchy, but also to learn unique details about the members of the Royal Family. As always, the students admired various objects, including medals, paintings and even a ceremonial sword."
Over 100 photos of the visit
Istoria Regalității în Școli - Liceul Tehnologic Mihai I, Argeș Facebook
Nicolae presented on 7th April in Pitesti his book "My grandfather, King Mihai"
The editorial event took place at the Dinicu Golescu County Library. This book-album is meant to show the family life of His Majesty, but also the human side, that of grandfather. Prince Nicolae says that he learned from King Mihai lessons such as discipline, respect and responsibility.
Prince Nicolae also unraveled some memories: when King Mihai met Queen Maria, the fact that he was passionate about mechanics or how when he was a baby and was left unattended for a few moments he managed to destroy the King's office and official documents with an inkwell.
Nicolae al României a lansat la Pitești volumul _Bunicul meu, Regele Mihai
How Archbishop Calinic revealed that Nicolae al Romaniei will have a son
This spring, Nicolae al Romaniei and his wife, Alina Binder, will become parents for the second time. And on Thursday, April 7, on the occasion of a book launch in Pitesti, His Eminence Calinic, Archbishop of Argeş and Muscel, revealed for the first time that Nicolae will have a son.
Nicolae spoke with great emotion about his grandfather, reliving several memories from his childhood, but also from adolescence, including talking about how King Mihai let him drive the jeep donated by General Patton. A good friend of Nicolae, His Eminence Calinic, had a charming and humorous speech about him. At one point, His Eminence Calinic revealed for the first time that the second child of Nicolae and his wife will be a boy, referring to the fact that Nicolae is already thinking about several future jobs for "his son”. His Eminence Calinic also spoke in laudatory terms about how Nicolae came to speak and think in Romanian.
"Prince Nicolae was under a magnifying glass and I noticed step by step how he progressed in speaking the Romanian language. Prince Nicolae came to think in Romanian. I was afraid that he would not succeed because he had been an independent and free spirit since he was a child, in the sense that he went with his father through Africa on social missions. However, I must say that Prince Nicolae had a very good Romanian teacher in his wife. He learned Romanian and the grammar of the Romanian language very well. And the grammar of the Romanian language is very difficult. The Romanian language is a beauty, a miracle. It is a happiness to be able to write and read in Romanian. Fortunately, Prince Nicolae is not touched by this barbarism with neologisms. Prince Nicolae is a kind of phenomenon..."
Cum a dezvăluit arhiepiscopul Calinic că Nicolae al României va avea un băiat _
Former Prince Nicolae and Alina Binder will have a baby boy. They chose the name of King Mihai's great-grandson
On Thursday, April 7, at the presentationof his book "My Grandfather, King Mihai", the grandson of the late King of Romania said he did not want to reveal the name of his child. His Eminence Calinic revealed at the event that Nicolae will have a baby boy. The daughter of former Prince Nicolae and Alina Binder was baptized by him.
Nicolae and his wife, Alina Binder, will be at home at Easter, waiting for their second child. This time, they will have a baby boy, but the former prince did not want to reveal the name of the baby that will soon be born.
"We thought of a name, but we don't reveal it. All I can say is that he will be baptized in Alba Iulia. While waiting for our little boy, we will spend Easter at home, with emotions. I bought him everything he needs”.
The event took place in the County Library of Argeș. Nicolae was greeted by the children from the Călinești Cultural Center. The girls Maria Bold and Gloria Năstase waited for Nicolae with salt and bread, but also with flowers, like a bow over time of the moment when King Carol was received by the people of Argeș with flowers, at his first arrival in Romania.
"My grandfather was a very modest, simple, faithful man, a man who thought only of others, of Romanians, of Romania", Nicolae said.
Fostul principe Nicolae și Alina Binder au ales numele copilului, strănepotul Regelui Mihai_ _Ne-am gândit. I-am cumpărat tot_. Exclusiv
Principele Nicolae, în vizită la Liceul Tehnologic „Regele Mihai I” – Interes Argesean
Nicolae said at an interview, that in many ways they are already much better prepared compared to when Maria came into the world. They will learn along the way. They can't wait to have two children. It's important that they're going to be close in age. Maria's first word was "Yes" and not "Mom" or "Dad".
Nicolae was asked about the communication with the Royal Family.
He said: "I am open, but there is no communication from the Royal Family and it is a great pity. We all look forward to reconciliation and openness from the Royal Family. We don't necessarily have to be best friends, but at least we have an openness, not necessarily for ourselves, but for the country and for the future of the family. Ever since Maria-Alexandra was born, my aunt, Princess Margareta, has not come to see her even once."
Fostul Principe Nicolae și soția se pregătesc pentru venirea pe lume a fiului lor_ «Botezul va fi într-un loc legat de istoria familiei»
Nicolae al Romaniei: "The Royal Family must be open to reconciliation, not for us, but for the future of the country"
EXCLUSIV Nicolae al Romaniei_ _Familia Regala trebuie sa aiba deschidere pentru reconciliere, nu pentru noi, ci pentru viitorul tarii_ _ Pitesti _
The Archdiocese of Argeș and Muscel with photos about His Eminence Calinic, Archbishop of Argeș and Muscel at the presentation of Nicolae'e book last week:
Albumul „Bunicul meu Regele Mihai” a fost prezentat la Biblioteca Județeană „Dinicu Golescu” din Pitești
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