I feel really bad for Meghan. She truly didn't need this one week before the wedding. From all accounts, she trusted her father, he probably fed her a few porkies about the paparazzi chasing him, and here he had worked with them. This makes the interview Samantha gave even more hilarious. He doesn't have the money to travel to the wedding, blah blah.
In the grand scheme of things, this isn't a huge thing, it's an error of judgment, posing for paparazzi pictures and getting paid. He didn't sell any info about Meghan, just sold access to himself. And in a way I do understand. The paparazzi WERE chasing him, got paid loads for pictures of him, he probably thought it would be an easy way to make a lot of money and he wasn't harming anyone.
But it must be another sting for Meghan. It sounds like KP were telling the tabloids to back off him, and they and Meghan were in the dark completely.