How would lobbying on behalf of the Spanish government or Spanish companies in trade or diplomatic talks with Arab rulers personally benefit King Juan Carlos (financially, I mean) ? And how is that different from what royals from other countries (and also presidents BTW) routinely do in visits to the Middle East and North Africa ? Finally, why would that be illegal ?
He’s been taking a cut from oil revenue coming in from the Arab countries to Spain for years (I believe thats called a kickback) and he’s often been pocketing gifts from these rulers as payment for using his connections (I believe that’s called influence peddling).
I am afraid JC is being a victim of cultural bias on this forum. US and northern European posters may be holding on to a stereotype or assumption that Spaniards and the Spanish government are generally corrupt and tolerant of corruption and that, by extension, King Juan Carlos should be too, as his daughter and son-in-law were.
No, he’s not. Spain’s corruption problem is well documented. It’s not as bad as certain other countries I could mention *cough* Greece *cough*, buts its there. The Spanish themselves are the first to critics especially it. JC is also the one who’s made a big song and dance over the years about “the Royal Family not being above the law etc...” so if anything than he’s a liar and a hypocrite. If he’s got nothing to hide than he’s got nothing to fear. He’s brought this on himself.
Still, I haven't seen any concrete evidence of that, other than the highly doubtful claims of his mistress, and I still don't understand what the charges against the King emeritus are. Maybe I am ignorant about those matters. If so, I would appreciate if someone could clarify. I would also like to hear what the Spanish posters think about this issue.
He’s accused of taking advantage of ms Larsen’s tax status as a Monaco national to dodge certain taxes on a property deal in Morocco and of not declaring his total wealth for tax purposes, among other things. Ms Larsen isn’t the only person who’s been making these claims and although she’s not the most reliable source. She made the claim (according to the article from El Pais I linked to in a earlier post) to a senior policemen who is now under investigation for corruption and blackmail and is believed to have leaked the recording to try and chuck a spanner in the works. For all we know she could be telling the truth. It has been known to happen, even if it is La Corinna.
Over the last two decades, questions have been asked about his lifestyle (and that of the RF in general) vs their official income and where the extra cash is coming from. The panama papers had a fair amount to say about some financial deals one of his sisters has been involved in and JC has had a hand in as well.
On the other hand, I am firmly convinced that the 2-billion-euro figures that have been mentioned are completely fictional. Estimates from nire reputable sources actually put the Spanish royal family among the poorest in Europe with a net worth barely around 10 million dollars. If they have a "secret fortune" somewhere, they are sure very good at hiding it and actually very bad at using it as they actually live a very frugal and modest life by royal standards.
I agree, 2bil euro sounds grotesque. The reputable sources however calculate based on what’s in public domain and these assets are by their nature secret. It’s money for a rainy day and protection. Still, since the SRF pay income tax thats still tax evasion and still illegal.
I wonder if you have also read about JC being one of the most important figures in Spanish political history in the late 20th century and the man who literally brought Spain back into democracy and back into the family of western European nation. That is precisely why QEII mentioned in her speech to King Felipe VI that King Juan Carlos was given the honor, during his state visit to the UK in 1986, to address the joint houses of thw UK Parliament. He was the first foreign monarch to be awarded that honor.
JC’s role has been greatly over exaggerated and that the transistion was really Suarez’s achievement not JC’s. Have also always suspected that Sofia was the real brains of the operation as well with regards to her and JC’s relationship and that this explains his horrid behavior towards her - strong intelligent woman and weak stupid man with overinflated manhood - never a good combination. I also believe fundamentally that the Transisition happened because the people of spain wanted it to happen and that the time was right - JC simply was in the right place at the right time. If he wanted to keep his crown than he really did not have a lot of other choice in the matter did he?
I’m tired of this fairy story that the king waved a magic wand and all was well - fairy tales are for children and its time we all grew up.