Ok, so while he was adamant yesterday that dormitories were out of the question he now is taking it back by stating that the new board will have to decide as some are very happy in dormitories so there are pros and contras?!
In addition, he thinks the problems are 'marginal' (5 or less 'violations' - overall we are doing really well)?! As has been the pattern so far, it doesn't sound as if they understand how serious the problem is nor do they truly want to change. After receiving criticism on him downplaying he explains that it is marginal but important?!
So, it seems he won't truly be in charge as he references 'the pupils, parents and future board might see things differently'. Yes, I am sure they do but wasn't he hired to change a toxic culture and that won't happen if you keep listening to those who created and justified that culture...
I think it is not "black and white", but more like a grayscale.
I can't possibly imagine any parent or board member dismissing sexual assault or rape as "minor violations" or allowing incidents like that to go on, which would be grounds, I believe, even to shut down the school.
On the other hand, when it comes to hazing for example, unfortunately I have met several people who not only genuinely believe in it (even those who were victims of hazing themselves) , but also who actually told me that they think it is essential for character building and for the preservation of school values (those are their words, not mine; I personally disagree). Anyway, my point is that, although I don't know old Herlovians myself, I am pretty sure that there are some among them, including parents of current students and possibly board members, who think that way too, and will be resistant to change.
Although Herlufsholm is a private school, I don't think the responsibility should rest on the board alone. In my opinion, the state regulators (in the Ministery of Education or equivalent) bear the responsibility to oversee if the board is complying with the recommendations of the report or not, and if they are not, take appropriate action.
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