Harry and Meghan: Tour of Southern Africa - September 23-October 2, 2019

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Harry’s Crusade:
Meghan has been making a few private engagements while he was gone. We have seen the breakfast and we know she visited the family of a girl murdered. There is said to have been events that were not released, so not to take away the attention from Harry's events.
In one of the reports I read that she didn't visit but called the mother of the girl (by phone). However, she seemed to have made several private visits as well but probably not to this family.
Great interview by Harry. You can hear his passion and knowledge as well :flowers:

Both Harry and Meghan continue to impress me on this tour.

Love Meghan ordered a pair of jeans from the business she visited, ahead. It meant a lot to the owners. And the gift for Archie was so sweet.
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Meghan and Harry told us everything they were about during their engagement interview in 2017. None of what they are doing surprises me.

Meghan has been a calming influence on Harry,* which has allowed him to come fully into his own as the strong person and caring human being he's always been. They came together at the right time in both their lives. And it's truly a blessing to see them shedding light on countries, communities, hopeful projects and pressing problems in Southern Africa. These issues they are highlighting should help us all expand our awareness, as well as reflect on our own lives.

*Not just my observation, but attested to by one of Harry's friends, Tom Bradby, during an interview in ITV's coverage of the royal wedding last May.

I don't know if this article by Chris Ship about the SA tour was posted here earlier:

It seems a bit late for Ship to finally realize how hard M&H have been working and exactly what they are about in their lives. But at least, there's some realization in this article which is worth reading.
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Chris Ship's article is well worth the read. Either he's having an epiphany or fallen on his head. His realisation of what Harry and Meghan have and still are doing is revelatory. Pity Rebecca English, Joe Middleton and Ed Riley are still stuck with the cost of the jeans she ordered and every item she's worn throughout the tour. Thank heavens for Omid Scobie.
Harry’s Crusade:

"Everything is good in the world, apart from humans" he, the Prince and since a short while father, said.

What? Really? Even his new born baby is wicked?

And: Is he short sighted? Has he not seen the Lion killing the Antelope baby, just to satisfy his urgent needs with which God the Creator has formed him?

And btw: Europe was once a largely wast woodland, as was England. They are different now - ecological catastrophies. All the trees were chopped off. So, who are we, to tell the Africans what to do with their lands?
Chris Ship's article is well worth the read. Either he's having an epiphany or fallen on his head. His realisation of what Harry and Meghan have and still are doing is revelatory. Pity Rebecca English, Joe Middleton and Ed Riley are still stuck with the cost of the jeans she ordered and every item she's worn throughout the tour. Thank heavens for Omid Scobie.

Or he's enjoying the open access and being able to be the lead report on the evening news and he's suddenly discovered how good it is they've stuck to their guns. Though I guess it does show they need to play nice with the press sometimes, despite some of the awful and sometimes downright petty attacks, which CS did kind of acknowledge - though just in general.
I think the difference between now and back when Europe and the British Isles were deforested is that back then, there was the necessity as the wood was the prime resource used to build and for fuel. Not so today. With an ever growing population globally, we have to consciously be aware of how we're using our natural resources and perhaps find other options where we can. This, is what I believe Harry's message is. The name of the game is sustainablilty. Not only in Africa but globally.
I am not big on the bandwagon for all the climate change stuff. However I strongly support conservation, recycling, sustainable farming, organics when possible etc.

I don't think Harry's message is that different from any of the other voices we hear talking about the issue. Perhaps some of his phrasing isn't the best though.

"Everything is good in the world, apart from humans" he, the Prince and since a short while father, said.

What? Really? Even his new born baby is wicked?

And: Is he short sighted? Has he not seen the Lion killing the Antelope baby, just to satisfy his urgent needs with which God the Creator has formed him?

And btw: Europe was once a largely wast woodland, as was England. They are different now - ecological catastrophies. All the trees were chopped off. So, who are we, to tell the Africans what to do with their lands?

I thought the "Everything is good in the world apart from humans" quote was both defeatist and overly simplistic, but I didn't in any way take it as telling Africans what to do with their lands. I took it as more of a general comment, not something directed at his hosts at all.
There appears to be a bit of criticism as it appears BP had Range Rovers shipped to South Africa rather than renting them locally for the couple.
I wonder if they needed special reinforced vehicles that weren't available where they were going.

I wonder if they needed special reinforced vehicles that weren't available where they were going.


Given crime levels in SA, there is no shortage of armoured cars to rent.
Until we know why they felt they needed to do that I will not pull the pin and go over the top, realising that decisions on that level would have to be approved by BP.

As to Harry's "defeatist" attitude. I'm with Harry! There is nothing wrong with looking at an amazing lsndscspe and stating the obvioud and that it is true that 'man' is literally the snake in the grass. Simplistic? True, but I don't think he was going for an earth-shattering Quote of the year, but rather a sad truth.

Sniping at him being simplistic and stating that this relatively new father had included Archie as being evil is really rather simplistic as I believe his mind was more was on those with the attitude of "chop down all those trees, they're spoiling the view".
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Given crime levels in SA, there is no shortage of armoured cars to rent.

I would imagine any decision about cars would be made by the RPO's not the Sussexes themselves.

I understand the crowd who think these statements are ridiculous coming from a man who lives a life like Harry does. But I don't know if I necessarily think he is telling Africans how to use their land. Maybe instead of these throwaway statements we can get some actual ideas on what to do and what he will do to help.
The Duchess of Sussex’s Interview-
I think that sums it up in a nutshell: "Being part of this family and the platform that comes with that is an incredible responsibility that I take very seriously".

From the start, Meghan seems to have seen her marriage into the family (next to wanting to spend her life with Harry - the primary reason for the marriage of course) as a way to gain a far greater platform than she would ever have had otherwise and she intends to use it to the best of her abilities to promote the causes that she cares about (with women empowerment being the number 1 issue?).
Yes, I think that's true, and of course other royals, Charles for instance, also uses their position as senior Royals to promote the causes they are passionate about as well. It's a very powerful platform.
What a lovely little interview with Meghan!

I have truly loved this tour. Substantive, fun, personal but with lovely bits of statesmanship from Harry!
This tour has been very well done, and the interview was more evidence of how much thought has gone into every detail. I am getting the sense that someone competent is at the helm now, and that this has been an opportunity for the Sussexes to regain control of their message.
"Everything is good in the world, apart from humans" he, the Prince and since a short while father, said.

What? Really? Even his new born baby is wicked?

And: Is he short sighted? Has he not seen the Lion killing the Antelope baby, just to satisfy his urgent needs with which God the Creator has formed him?

And btw: Europe was once a largely wast woodland, as was England. They are different now - ecological catastrophies. All the trees were chopped off. So, who are we, to tell the Africans what to do with their lands?

He didnt say humans were wicked, or that all of them were. Lets not blow things out of the water...

Making me go all Lion king here, but a lion killing an antelope is natural. Its for food. Its literally the 'circle of life'. Animals do not hunt for fun. They do not hunt for trophies. They dont hunt because they are bored. They hunt to feed themselves and their pride. This is how life is sustained.

Harry is not telling Africans how to live. Or how to use their land. In this case he is not talking carbon foot print. He is talking about poaching and the destruction that humans are doing to the natural environment through greed. He is talking about wiping out entire species of animals, for nothing more then a trophy on the wall. These are people who butcher an elephant only for the tusks and leave the meat to rot on the ground as it is no use to them. Same with rhinos and other animals.

Do you think most Africans don't agree? Poachers take food sources away from the locals, by their slaughtering animals. They kill locals and rangers who get in their way of poaching. They destroy the tourism industry which helps bring much needed income to some of these areas. If you dont think many Africans are right there with Harry in his sentiment, do some more reading.

There is a huge difference between hunting and poaching. I hate hunting with a passion. But if its done for food, and population control, I don't complain. Both are neccesities of life. And when they are done properly, the animals will actually thrive more. You kill off weaker members. Harry may hunt, but he doesnt hunt animals that are endangered, and they use it for meat. Big difference.

This is the whole focus of his tourism project that he is focussed on now. Using tourism both to boost local economy, but also educate people on the environment and what can be done to protect it. Balancing the two so they can live in harmony, and it can be Sustainable in the future.

Yes Europe has done a great deal to destroy their environment, as have other continents. And in no way is Harry saying they haven't. But the time of passing the card and saying it is someone else's problem needs to end.

So no he isn't calling all man evil. Poachers yes. He is saying that it is the creation of men (machines and so on) which have caused the polution and destruction of the natural world. Not the animals. And it is Man who must now seek to correct what they have done before its too late.

This planet will not die from Lion manure. But it will die from nucleur weapons and over pollution. That is the Simple point some seem to miss here.

The Duchess of Sussex’s Interview-

Great interview. :flowers:

Meghan is one who has really flourished in her short time as a royal. She isnt one who married into the family for love, and had to sort out after the fact what they can try to add to the family cause wise. She already was passionate about causes, she already had focus before Harry. Though her husband and son are the main goal in marriage, having an elevated platform is a huge bonus for her. She spent years as a commoner fighting for women's rights both at home and abroad. Working with the UN, with World vision, and other organizations to bring awareness to things like education and female sanitation needs. Being a royal allows her to have a bigger voice and more opportunity to continue that.

The real powerful royals are those who find something they are truly passionate about. Something they can dive head first into. That they ooze passion for when they talk. Charles is that way very much when you hear him talk about the environment, and it seems Harry has inherited that from him as well.

I find the best causes for royals are the ones they have a personal link to. Something they can relate to and not simply a tick in the box for them.

This tour shows more IMO that these two are well matched. Their passions and commitment to them. Meghan's comment about the diversity of the commonwealth I really think forshadows things to come. I really think as the queen slows down and eventually Charles is king, we will see these two more and more with their attention and work on a wider scale then the UK. Not that they wont continue work back home as well.
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I think that sums it up in a nutshell: "Being part of this family and the platform that comes with that is an incredible responsibility that I take very seriously".

From the start, Meghan seems to have seen her marriage into the family (next to wanting to spend her life with Harry - the primary reason for the marriage of course) as a way to gain a far greater platform than she would ever have had otherwise and she intends to use it to the best of her abilities to promote the causes that she cares about (with women empowerment being the number 1 issue?).

I think that the marriage has also worked wonders for Harry actually coming to believe what a blessing that global platform is. He did have his passions before he met Meghan but now, with someone by his side that is equally passionate about the working aspect of the "Firm", Harry really has gone from seeing the "duty" he would have for the rest of his life as being an albatross around the neck to having a zest for it to being passionate about everything to come.

Having the right partner can make all the difference in the world.
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