General News & Information for Prince Albert and Charlene Wittstock

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Aug 21, 2005
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United States
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General News about Prince Albert & Miss Charlene Wittstock

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If indeed Charlene did give this interview, she needs alot of work on her diplomacy skills.
True...she is not being very lucky when it comes to interviews...let's see how this develops.

The Tatler Cover:
Now, explain to me that they are not trying to sell her as the next Grace...they are dressing her up like Grace all the time!
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I find this picture a little sad - any character that Charlene has has been airbrushed away. Yes she looks elegant & yes the jewellery is stunning, but this portrait does not present an interesting individual, but rather as Nathalie suggests a Grace clone. I'm sad because Charlene is allowing herself to be presented in this way - she probably thinks it's the way to go & no one seems to be advising her otherwise.
I see no resemblance of CW to Grace at all.I seriously doubt that she is also imitating her. I highly doubt that Grace would have worn that necklace as it has "bling" to it. There are apparent differences in CW's approach to things. Grace had "magnetism" and CW has "charm" We are all constantly doing "Grace" things but we are not the lady herself.
In this portrait cover of CW which is tastefully done, I would have loved to see Cw with a twinkle in her eyes and an indication that a smile is on the way.
That does not look like Grace at all.

The photshopping is horrible. Why does her face look like that...she has more of a round face. I also agree that Grace would never wear anything like that...its too too much and Grace was minimal and classic. She showed a lot with less.

And for the love of all that is Holy....I am at a loss of what people expect people Charlene do and dress. She is a tall Grace...Should she dye her hair...wear black all the time, etc.

People speak as if Charlene as if she has Grace pictures and dolls in her room and she lives to be Grace. Honestly, sometimes it looks like the only people bringing up the constant Graces references are the Grace fans and the press.
I maintain that the way Charlene is photographed here is a deliberate attempt to portray in the semblance of Grace. And no she doesn't "look like "her, but that is my point. I think the magazine has sought to picture her in this way, & for what ever reason Charlene has allowed this to happen. I don't for one minute think that she should dye her hair, or that she worships the image of Grace, but I regret that she has remodelled her looks to the extent that she has lost her individuality. (And Jaya, Grace did wear a lot of "bling" before the term was invented.)
[The Tatler Cover:

Yes!! Grace would have worn that tacky dress and jewelry, In a disguise party!! Indeed, it reminds me of a picture of Grace with a veil and an enormous dress, I think it was pink, anybody remembers?

Now, that insuferable expression is something permanent in her face. I wonder if it is because of so many surgeries and botox that she cannot smile:lol:
For me...Charlene hasn't lost her individuality...its moreso of a woman who is about to complete a complete lifestyle change. She doesn't know what suits her.

Much like Diana when she first joined the BRF she is looking for a style that fits her. Diana towards the end of her life style wise was a total different person from the person who wore the blue suit in February 1981.

Much like Diana when she first joined the BRF she is looking for a style that fits her. Diana towards the end of her life style wise was a total different person from the person who wore the blue suit in February 1981.
Yes but Diana was quite a few years younger than Charlene, & had much less than a year to get used to her life change. I think an interesting contrast could be with Crown Princess Mary who managed the change without losing her way.
Funny that one of the articles in this issue of Tatler mentioned along
side the front picture of Charlene is "In Praise of Social Climbing" !
Yes but Diana was quite a few years younger than Charlene, & had much less than a year to get used to her life change. I think an interesting contrast could be with Crown Princess Mary who managed the change without losing her way.
Yes but for all intents and purposes...Charlene has spent the last several years in and out of a pool.....and therefore has had less of an occassion to dress up. With that in mind.....I think Diana and Mary upon their arrival to the world stage have more in common with Charlene.

Let's face it...unless you grew up being a part of the Social Register and always getting invites to the type of events that Charlene now finds herself are going to be searching for a style.

In that sense she differs from Charlotte, Tatianna, Carolina Herrerra Jr., who grew up with money, and an expectation that they would have a public social life.
i am not going to join Charlene pity party she have been in Monaco long enough to make friend or find her way this just prove some of the people on this forum ideas that she was waiting for the ring first before she was willing to do anything. come on even princess Mary have friend i just saw a photo of her shopping and relaxing with her friends i think non of them are jealous of her becoming Queen of Denmark. if Charlene is not going to deal with her own issues in her own country Monaco how is going to bring gladmour and the respect and everything else that all other princess have done for their adopted country. she might as well hide in the palaces and keep worry her self pity. i am sorry where is the jealousy from Albert? i don't think they are any women who are line up for him expect if he is George Cooley. any who Monaco is a tiny country yes there is money but not a enough as in other country she is not going to be a Queen just a princess of Monaco, she need to relax get off her high horse and start find way to be life of the party not the one that hide at the corner feeling sorry for herself. if you want to make friends you need to make some adjustment in personality not just your body or faces that need the adjustment. :ermm: p.s the she need to stop talking to the media instead find a way to turn this around less talk more action.
True...she is not being very lucky when it comes to interviews...let's see how this develops.

The Tatler Cover:
Now, explain to me that they are not trying to sell her as the next Grace...they are dressing her up like Grace all the time!

That Tatler's cover is horrible! Grace would look gorgeous on such cover but not Charlene. Charlene doesn't look like she. She should be herself. But I have to say she looked beautiful od Victoria's wedding.
Is it her ? Horrible I wouldn t have recognized her !
Even if the Telegraph article took parts of her interview from Tatler, I would say that Charlene needs an advisor to help with interviews. For instance, Charlene needs to learn what to reveal to the interviewer and when to hold back and stay quiet or use diplomacy and tact. Even if her statements were possibly taken out of context, (sorry to use a tired cliche), she comes off as a bit whiny and petulant.
You know, it is not so so serious what she says, but what she thinks. She can learn how to handle the press, how to say what is correct. The important thing is she thinks people envy her, feel jealous. I think this woman needs to calm down and keep her feet on the ground. After all, she´s nothing on her own merit.
Rosana, do you really mean that CW is "nothing on her own merit"?

Perhaps that's what many people say about her, and, if so, it won't help her one bit.
On the contrary, it will make her very insecure and uncertain.

The only thing which she can rely on is the fact that PA seems really proud of her.
I know now, ecspecially in this tattler photo, who she resembles not Grace but that girl from the tv show "Friends" the tall one that acted kinda goofy. Take a good look. :eek:

The overall feeling if you will that i get from looking at this photo is that she is playing "dress up" her ranking, her wealth, her stature is not indicitive to being portrayed as a woman of substance. Whoever was behind this cover shoot really did a poor job, presenting her. Maybe it was her idea.:ohmy:
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Come on, she was a member of a swim team, not a sociallite. Look at her nose, it looks like it was pasted on.
^She does look like Phoebe Buffay! :ROFLMAO:
Yeah, it seems she did another retouch in her nose. Well...
The cover would have been a lot nicer if they didn't put those feathers on her, i mean, what is that?!
And her face is waaay too photoshopped, i don't see why they have to photoshop THAT much.
Rosana, do you really mean that CW is "nothing on her own merit"?

Perhaps that's what many people say about her, and, if so, it won't help her one bit.
On the contrary, it will make her very insecure and uncertain.

The only thing which she can rely on is the fact that PA seems really proud of her.

Yes I do Renata. I don´t think she has done anything meritable.

I´m not so sure PA is proud, or maybe he pretends to be. What else cah he do now. If he is, of what? having an acceptable good-looking girl with him is a good reason?.And if you remember the last interview, at the end, with those gestures, you can almost read his mind. "please cut":whistling:
I think she is the one who has to adapt to monegasque mentality and humor...
Another thing she has done wrong is the comments about monegasques feeling jealousy of her. True or not, she should have keep that to herself. What if monegaques read this and affect their opinions of her?
With that she just promoted the Principality like it has not very nice people. What tourist can she attract with this kind of comment?
She should think twice before answer a question in an interview, we have seen the results and they are not good.

And rosana has a point in the Grace comparisons you are making with her...
The recent interview does make you question...who is in charge of assisting Charlene adjust to royal life? I feel like I could give her better advice and the closest I have been to royalty is on my television set. Its like common sense is lacking. It wouldn't hurt the Monaco powers that be to follow the royal training of Daniel of Sweden or my fave Maxima of the Netherlands. Heck...even Mette Marit of Norway did a better job than this.

Giving an interview while you are dating is not a good idea (Marie, Elizabeth the Queen Mother, etc. have done it before) giving one after you are official engaged and saying that people are jealous of you, etc. is totally off limits.

Why they would be jealous of her, I haven't got a clue...but as Nathalie says...keep it to yourself. Just because its a thought in your head doesn't mean you need to verbalize it.
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Nathalie, I agree - she is the one who has to make the effort. And to be accepted - whether in a small village or a large country - can take months, even years, or a lifetime.

Zonk, I think CW suffers from "foot in mouth disease" - she comes out with statements that had better been left unsaid. We've had many instances of that recently, and it makes me wonder whether anyone at the Palace is tasked to sort out CW's gaffes.
First of all Daniel was a Swede, so his nationality never came into play. Maxima was an internation banking representative, so she, too was much more attuned to international nonsense. Charlene is in an era where very word you utter can be used against you, especially, if it is translated into another language. Many English words in different languages come out quite different than the intent. And, yes, it takes time to win over those whose are different than you. They disliked Grace, too, becuase she was an American and a "Commoner". I won't, as American express what a joke that is to me.
First of all Daniel was a Swede, so his nationality never came into play. Maxima was an internation banking representative, so she, too was much more attuned to international nonsense. Charlene is in an era where very word you utter can be used against you, especially, if it is translated into another language. Many English words in different languages come out quite different than the intent. And, yes, it takes time to win over those whose are different than you. They disliked Grace, too, becuase she was an American and a "Commoner". I won't, as American express what a joke that is to me.

Well, my point is that both Daniel and Maxima regardless of their nationalities and career professions, were not readily familiar with the roles of which they were getting ready to become. Dating someone who is a prince/princess is a heck of a lot different than marrying one and becoming entrenched in their life.

I do agree that Charlene is living in an environment that every written or spoken word can be held against you. You said something in first grade in 1986, in your second period class....someone most likely has it on film or recorder. That's what makes this article so bad IMO. But I don't believe there was a misunderstanding in her statement in regards to the people of Monaco being jealous. Unless of course, it was said in French?

Whomever is helping Charlene in her transition into royal life is not doing a good job.

If I was in charge of Charlene's "transformation" would have learned nothing new her Tatler interview (if I had allowed her to do one). It would have been a glossy intro to Charlene, brief mention of swimming career and what Charlene hoped to do in Monaco in regards to her charitable endeavors.

I mean, really, you are going to modernize Monaco and Starbucks is mentioned in the same she serious? I refuse to believe she was serious when she did this. In addition, I woudl have had final approval for the pictures. This is the same magazine that Beatrice of York posed for right? Obviously not the same photographer.
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Along with the questionable cover of this Tatler magazine, are some quotes from Charlene that I found surprising and a little inappropriate.

“Of course I’ve been subject to jealousy, but that comes with the territory. Although I have met some wonderful people since I’ve been living in Monaco, I regard them all as acquaintances. I only have two people I consider friends here.”

“The people I mixed with in Monaco didn’t relate to my South African mentality or humor.”

Isn't that a bad way to start off as Princess of Monaco? She's basically said she doesn't like most of the people she's met so far in Monaco... or at least like anyone enough to become friends with them. I understand she must be cautious but statements like this are only going to isolate her further.

I can only hope she has been badly misquoted by this reporter (stranger things have happened).
I don´t understand either what she meant by jealous. What was she thinking? That everyone wants to become a Princess and that she is sort of lucky and better because she has "done it". She has achieved nothing at all, personally or professionally. Poor girl, conceited and arrogant. And what´s worse, and I hope this time I won´t use inaproppriate words for this forum, I truly believe she´s not smart at all.
I find Charlene's picture on Tatler very tacky as it doesn't show a young woman about to marry the Prince of Monaco, she appears as a wanna be celeb. Come on, Charlene has shown that she can be glamorous and elegantly dressed at various formal functions, she should have stuck to that. If she would have worn the gown and jewels and hairstyle that appeared at Victoria's wedding, it would have been a beautiful cover. She just appears cheap and gauche on the present cover.
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