charlene opened up about her childhood in south africa:
"For the first time, she spoke about her childhood as a refugee in South Africa due to the political conflict that at that time afflicted Rhodesia (territory that is now Zimbabwe) from where she originated. In 1989, when she was only 11, Charlene became a refugee by fleeing the Rhodesian independence war. "In South Africa I had to confront racial segregation. I was separated from other children. I have witnessed injustices and inequalities from which children can be particularly affected. I am proud to belong to a principality that has made the rights fight a priority, "said the Princess during a recent humanitarian trip to India at Paris Match.
Having lived this harsh reality, the Princess became aware from a very young age. "When I was little I had to finish my plate. Out of respect for the people who were not very far from us, I was starving ... Wasting food or water was sacrilege, "he narrates, far from waste or excess. The struggle for a better life was present at home: "My father had two jobs, my mother taught swimming when they did not even have the means to have two cars."