Funeral of King Constantine - January 16, 2023

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I don't understand William having LG representing him. She was there in her own right whereas a representative is usually someone who goes specifically to represent the person concerned. If she was representing William does that mean she herself wasn't officially there as a mourner which of course she was? It's really odd and I feel William shouldn't have asked her to do that as Constantine was her godfather so was going anyway. I predicted that neither he nor Charles would go but one of them should definitely have done so IMO, it was lazy on both of their parts to farm out others to represent them.
So happy to see Queen Sofia with her beloved grandkids and by the arm of her eldest grandchild behaving so well.
Very moving images indeed. The family was able to organise a proper and impressive farewell to a King. Queen Anne Marie looks and behaves every inch the Queen. The Crown Prince clearly stating in the eulogy that the family is always ready to serve Greece. The new heir Prince Constantine-Alexios seems a bit overwhelmed by it all, as do many of the other grand children.

I was surprised to see the Belgian King and Queen and The Lux. Grand Duke and his sister Pss Margaretha of Liechtenstein. Nice that they are paying tribute to the late King. Not a surprise that the Grand Duchess was unable to attend I suppose.

Prince Michel was accompanied by his wife and his eldest daughter and grandson, it seems. I do not think his son-in-law and younger daughter the Duke and Duchess of Aosta were there, even though they are both related. Of the German houses Baden and Hannover were there. I believe most other families were absent, including many descending from Greek princesses. I suppose the church is not very large so choices had to be made, and many of them will be of an advanced age themselves of course.

Good to see that Prince Joachim was able to attend his uncles funeral afterall.
The Grand Ducal and Belgian royals have had good relations with the Greek royals for a long time so yeah.
So happy to see Queen Sofia with her beloved grandkids and by the arm of her eldest grandchild behaving so well.
Why would they not behave?
I don't understand William having LG representing him. She was there in her own right whereas a representative is usually someone who goes specifically to represent the person concerned. If she was representing William does that mean she herself wasn't officially there as a mourner which of course she was? It's really odd and I feel William shouldn't have asked her to do that as Constantine was her godfather so was going anyway. I predicted that neither he nor Charles would go but one of them should definitely have done so IMO, it was lazy on both of their parts to farm out others to represent them.

That's how BRF always does. Couple days ago the funeral in Baden the members of BRF are even represented by their distant cousins in Germany who attended the funeral, not someone in their own family.
Why would they not behave?
You know the comment was meant for only one of the grandchildren that was all over the news on the other thread.
The Grand Ducal and Belgian royals have had good relations with the Greek royals for a long time so yeah.

Indeed they have and had. However I had not read an announcement that they would be there. Even the best known Flemish royal reporter did not mention it in advance, hence my surprise.
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Indeed they have and had. However I had not read an announcement that they would be there. Even the best known Flemish royal reporter did not mention it in advance, hence my surprise.
Plus Liechtenstein because I recall they have gone to some of their weddings, maybe Princess Margaretha was there to represent
Can I just say that I love that Albert, Sovereign Prince of Monaco always makes an effort to attend these, often with his sister and nephew (Pierre) attending too.

He is quite the busy monarch, always traveling, but always makes an effort.

He is every bit the gentleman that his father Rainier was.
Yes, the four granddaughters carried the decorations. According to rules, now the family must return the necklace of the Order of the Golden Fleece to King Felipe.

The spanish royal family during burial

The Order of the Elephant, The Order of the Seraphim and The Order of the Dannebrog must also be returned.
The same goes for all orders I believe.
Can I just say that I love that Albert, Sovereign Prince of Monaco always makes an effort to attend these, often with his sister and nephew (Pierre) attending too.

Pity that the Princess did not accompany him to the funeral as I always feel sorry to see him alone at these events.

The Grande Bretagne has seen more State Banquets,dinners and lunches then any other in Greece,from since the days of the late Kings father.They know what to do themselves,they have similar service as if in a palace,hence it is so popular among Royals since decades
The Grande Bretagne has seen more State Banquets,dinners and lunches then any other in Greece,from since the days of the late Kings father.They know what to do themselves,they have similar service as if in a palace,hence it is so popular among Royals since decades

Looks like a really beautiful venue for the Funeral Reception as was the Cathedral earlier too.
Looks like a really beautiful venue for the Funeral Reception as was the Cathedral earlier too.

It has a superb atmosphere,a nonesuch,and beautifully decorated,always.
To have ,f.e., a brunch there in Christmas time,or any time...You never want to leave as the venue captivates you

Oh absolutely,plus,most if not all Royals are staying there as well for the funeral,so comfortable to have all you need or wish for within reach.
Can I just say that I love that Albert, Sovereign Prince of Monaco always makes an effort to attend these, often with his sister and nephew (Pierre) attending too.

He is quite the busy monarch, always traveling, but always makes an effort.

He is every bit the gentleman that his father Rainier was.

Oh yes, you can say that! He is often underestimated or even badly treated by the press or elsewhere (just because of his former life as a "playboy").

But that is a very long time ago, and he has matured and is a very good and committed representative of his country!

It enrages me sometimes how badly he is covered in the international press and by others. I don't think he deserves it!
Plus Liechtenstein because I recall they have gone to some of their weddings, maybe Princess Margaretha was there to represent
Yes the Princess undoubtedly representing Liechtenstein.
Nicolae of Romania posted these photos to his Facebook
"With a heart full of pain I retreated today, to the church of San Eleftherios in Athens, to the catafalque of King Constantine II of the Hellenes, first cousin to my grandfather King Mihai. Since I learned the sad news, the images and emotions experienced in June 2008 when I celebrated the Diamond Wedding of my grandfather and grandmother have been running through my mind and soul. We then met many members of our family in an explosion of joy and love that we will never forget. King Constantine and Queen Anne-Marie, Queen Sofia of Spain, King Simeon of the Bulgarians and the other distinguished guests with whom I have the same blood, through King Mihai and Queen Anne, showed me much sympathy.
My condolences and deepest sympathy to Her Majesty Queen Anne-Marie, my cousin, His Royal Highness Prince Pavlos, Her Majesty Queen Sofia, His Majesty King Felipe (my godfather) and all members of our family.
May He rest in eternal light!"
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Nicolae posted also these old photos
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So happy to see Queen Sofia with her beloved grandkids and by the arm of her eldest grandchild behaving so well.
Was any reason given for Leonor or Sofia's absence?
Pity that the Princess did not accompany him to the funeral as I always feel sorry to see him alone at these events.

To be fair to the Princess of Monaco she has had health problems but she seems to be doing a lot better now and is stepping up the plate with regards to her duties. In this case she hasn't attended but I think we can expect her to be at many foreign royal events in the years to come.
Pity that the Princess did not accompany him to the funeral as I always feel sorry to see him alone at these events.

Yes, but Charlene has made much progress. He mentiioned in an interview recently that he is happy that his wife is more well and is attending more events, but that she still has to have time to completely recover from her illness.

Therefore it is better to carefully choose where she attends and when she needs rest. Nobody wants for her to fall back to her illness and disappear altogether, like it has been last year.

The Golden Room of the Grande Bretagne has been beautifully decorated for the lunch. I can see Marie-Chantal's touch!

Do you think that MC designed or ordered the decoration? I don't think she had time to do it. A grand historic hotel in Greece has , I am sure, directors or other experienced personnel who know how to decorate tables at important events.
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Was any reason given for Leonor or Sofia's absence?

No reason is given, but I guess related to security issue? If both also attend, not only the monarch and its heir, literally the whole Spanish succession line will be abroad and at same place. Plus Leonor is in Wales. Or maybe the school schedule occupied them. Or simply because they are not close to Constantine and the Greek cousins.
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It was a beautiful ceremony. I just found it a bit weird that there were hardly any hats were worn by the royal ladies, especially the greek ones! The Queen of the Netherlands was dressed most appropriate from my point of view.

It was interesting to see that, as now de facto heir, Constantine Alexios sat beside his mother in the 1st row and not together with his siblings in the 2nd row. So, obviously, the GRF still is very conscious of the line of succession.
The television transmission was perfect, I found! The greeks obviously manage what the BBC or ITV do not manage: Catching up with all the Royals present, and not just showing the greek royal family from a distance...!
Very moving to see that they placed lilies of the valley on The King´s coffin which was the principle flower in Queen Anne-Marie´s bridal bouquet!

Nicolae of Romania posted these photos to his Facebook
"With a heart full of pain I retreated today, to the church of San Eleftherios in Athens, to the catafalque of King Constantine II of the Hellenes, first cousin to my grandfather King Mihai. Since I learned the sad news, the images and emotions experienced in June 2008 when I celebrated the Diamond Wedding of my grandfather and grandmother have been running through my mind and soul. We then met many members of our family in an explosion of joy and love that we will never forget. King Constantine and Queen Anne-Marie, Queen Sofia of Spain, King Simeon of the Bulgarians and the other distinguished guests with whom I have the same blood, through King Mihai and Queen Anne, showed me much sympathy.
My condolences and deepest sympathy to Her Majesty Queen Anne-Marie, my cousin, His Royal Highness Prince Pavlos, Her Majesty Queen Sofia, His Majesty King Felipe (my godfather) and all members of our family.
May He rest in eternal light!"
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Nicolae posted also these old photos
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Absolutely beautiful he came! So touching and thougtful..! I guess he was not part of the official romanian delegation and went in his own capacity..? That makes it even more special!
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I watched the ceremony and funeral live at a stream "The Independent" offered online.
It was a decent and very moving ceremony.
Glad that they cleaned up the burial site and hoping they are keeping it decent, whoever is responsible for it.
I felt especially sorry, not only for Annemarie, but also for Nicholaos. He was extremely sad. As far as I know he was the only son who permanently lived near his father and took care of him and his affairs in the last years.

Great that so many European royals paid their respects!
No reason is given, but I guess related to security issue? If both also attend, not only the monarch and its heir, literally the whole Spanish succession line will be abroad and at same place. Plus Leonor is in Wales. Or maybe the school schedule occupied them. Or simply because they are not close to Constantine and the Greek cousins.

Or simply because they are minors who aren't part of the direct family. Even their estranged grandfather went simply because he had far more of a history with Constantine. I don't think the girls were needed.
Constantine was a very lucky man to have a woman like Anna-Maria.
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Was any reason given for Leonor or Sofia's absence?

I think mostly for security reasons, with the exception of Leonor and Sofía, all of the succesion line of Spanish Crown were on Athens which it was very unusual situation and can be a potential huge security risk... and Leonor is in UK and Sofía has school (She's 15 so school is obligatory for her).
I predicted that neither he nor Charles would go but one of them should definitely have done so IMO, it was lazy on both of their parts to farm out others to represent them.

Be glad that neither Charles nor William were there. Then it would be all about them and shouting from the press about Harry's tawdry little book. King Constantine deserved a day of grace and dignity for himself and his family. There was no need for drama about other royals getting the spotlight.
It has been beautiful. My Queen was very sad, and her people applauded her a lot because we are aware of her pain.
I am very sad but also surprised, I did not think that so many people would show their respects to the King, I have been pleasantly surprised, it has been precious, and the people have been the best
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