English isn't my native language. Can I write my posts in my native language and use an online translator to translate them into English?
Online translators are a useful tool to enable non-English-speaking members to post in English. However, please be aware that online translators aren't sophisticated enough to provide easily intelligible English translations in many cases, and other non-native English speakers may have some difficulty in understanding these translations. If you're using an online translator, it's best if you keep your sentences simple and if you check the translated version and improve it as much as possible before posting it. If you're having problems expressing yourself in English, you can also contact one of the moderators, who may be able to put you in touch with a bilingual member to help you with your posts.
I started a thread the other day, and it's disappeared. What happened?
If the topic of your thread is being discussed in an existing thread, your thread was probably merged with the other thread. If your thread was in the wrong forum, it was probably moved to another forum or merged with an existing thread in the new forum. If the thread was inappropriate for any of our forums, it will have been deleted. Moderators don't always send messages to posters when they move, merge, split, or delete threads or when they move, edit, or delete posts. You can check whether the posts you made in the thread are still there by clicking on the "Find all posts by [your username]" link in your profile.
What are empty posts?
Empty posts are very short replies which have no appreciable informational content. Since these posts interrupt the flow of discussion, especially if there are large numbers of them, the moderators routinely remove them.
I used larger font and red type to emphasize something, and a moderator deleted all my formatting. Why can't I be the one to decide how my posts appear?
It's best to use different fonts, sizes, and colors sparingly so that people can read your posts easily. If a moderator decides that your post is difficult to read or distracting or that the formatting makes the post appear aggressive or otherwise unhelpful to the thread, the moderator may adjust or delete the formatting.
Why aren't I allowed to criticize any of the royals? I thought freedom of speech was a right.
You are allowed to criticize royals, and you do have the right to freedom of speech; both positive and negative opinions about royals are welcome. However, this is a privately owned forum, and participation is contingent on accepting the
Social Knowledge Terms of Service, which forbid the use of obscene, vulgar, threatening, abusive, or defamatory language, and the
Community Rules, which also forbid unsubstantiated gossip, spamming, and empty posts. Therefore, it's important that you express your criticism carefully. Please note that name-calling and defamatory statements are not made acceptable by the addition of 'IMO' ('in my opinion') or similar expressions. If one of your posts has been removed by a moderator because of the content, it will have been removed because of how you expressed yourself, not simply because you were critical. You're welcome to reword your post to express your opinion within the limits set by our rules.
I posted an article about a wedding/piece of jewelry/fashion/new book or movie in the current-events thread, and it's disappeared. Nobody else has posted the article, so what happened?
We have separate royal-related forums for discussions about weddings, royal jewels, royal fashion, and royal-related media. Celebrity weddings, etc, should be discussed in Members' Corner, not in the royal-related threads. Before posting, please familiarise yourself with the layout of the forum so you know where to find things and where to post. You can also use the Search feature at the top of the page to search on keywords in order to check whether a topic is already being discussed.
I started a thread in one of the forums because the King of that country is making a state visit to another country and there wasn't a thread for it. My thread was deleted. Can't we talk about state visits?
When royals make state or official visits to other monarchies, the thread is started in the forum for the host country, not the forum for the visiting country. The only state-visit threads in the visiting-country forums are those for visits to republics or for visits to multiple countries.
I started a thread about a young royal who didn't have his own thread already, and my thread has disappeared. Why can't we talk about royal children?
You certainly can talk about royal children. However, since royal children generally don't have their own independent royal engagements or households, they don't have their own threads. You can find discussions about royal children in threads about their parents, which are entitled "Prince X and Princess Y and family," or in threads which include all underage children of Prince X and Princess Y." Once a young royal reaches 18 or has enough of an independent royal life to warrant a separate thread, the forum moderators will create one. In the meantime, threads started by members about royal children will be closed or merged into the family threads.
I received a message from a moderator saying that my post had been removed because it contained speculation. We don't know the royals and we get all our information second hand, so isn't it all speculation?
Our rule about speculation is intended to prevent tabloid-type flights of fancy which often slip into outright fantasy and sometimes even libel. While we realise that much of the information posted in the threads is based on reports in the media which we can't verify, we expect posters to base their statements on published reports rather than on wishful thinking or unsubstantiated hearsay. The forum moderators have the final say about whether posts are unacceptably speculative. Disagreements with moderator decisions must take place via private message, not by arguing in the threads and certainly not by reposting deleted material.
I'm a member of a royal family or a friend or associate of royalty. Why can't I talk about my inside information here?
Our rules about privacy include a rule protecting the privacy of royals. We have no way of verifying that any of our posters are really members, or friends and associates of members, of royal or noble houses, and we've had a lot of these claims over the years. Our rule requiring verifiable sources of discussion applies in these cases. Unverified claims or statements of connections to royalty may be deleted at the discretion of the moderators.
I'm the rightful King/Duke/Countess of Wherever, or the illegitimate child of a royal person, and I'm fighting to get my claim recognized. Can I talk about my claims here?
Since we have no way of confirming the identities of our posters, and since some of these claims are the subject of legal action, we prefer that discussions be based solely on information reported in reputable media outlets. Posts that do not meet this standard may be deleted.
My knowledge about the royals of Country X is based on having friends and relations who live there and who talk about their royals. Can I share that information in the threads even though it isn't published?
As long as the information is presented as the personal opinion of friends or relations, and is not used to contradict published news reports or claim that everyone in that country feels the same way, or as an excuse to attack the royals concerned, it's generally acceptable. Bear in mind that another member may have friends or relatives in that country who hold the opposite view. Also please note that personal anecdotes are usually not a good basis for discussion and should therefore be used sparingly. The forum moderators have the final say about whether such posts are appropriate, and comments and allegations which are deemed malicious, defamatory, or otherwise unhelpful to the discussion will be removed.
Several royals are deeply involved in political or religious issues. How can I discuss these issues without breaking the rule about no politics or religion?
We allow discussion of politics and religion only in association with the royal-related topic of the thread. Posts straying into general discussions of politics or religion will be removed by a moderator because experience has shown that these topics are too contentious for this forum. Comments considered to be inflammatory will be deleted at the discretion of the moderators. Threads and posts about politics and religion are not permitted in Members' Corner, where royals are not discussed. Please avoid turning Members' Corner threads into political or religious discussions even if the thread topic appears relevant.