Favourite Danish-Greek Baby Name?

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Which of the following is your favourite Danish-Greek baby name?

  • Christian Valdemar Henri John

    Votes: 20 22.2%
  • Isabella Henrietta Ingrid Margrethe

    Votes: 22 24.4%
  • Nikolai William Alexander Frederik

    Votes: 8 8.9%
  • Felix Henrik Valdemar Christian

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • Friedrich Richard Oscar Jefferson

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • Ingrid Alexandra Irma Astrid Benedikte

    Votes: 4 4.4%
  • Maria-Olympia

    Votes: 7 7.8%
  • Konstantin-Alexios

    Votes: 4 4.4%
  • Achileas-Andrea

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • Odysseas-Kimon

    Votes: 4 4.4%
  • Aristide-Stavros

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Arrieta

    Votes: 4 4.4%
  • Anne-Marie

    Votes: 6 6.7%
  • Carlos

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • Amelia

    Votes: 6 6.7%

  • Total voters
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Feb 21, 2004
United States
which one is your favourite?

since there were very few children in the danish royal family alone, i decided to include the greek part of the family as well (who are also technically danish nobility :)).

Christian Valdemar Henri John
Isabella Henrietta Ingrid Margrethe
Nikolai William Alexander Frederik
Felix Henrik Valdemar Christian
Friedrich Richard Oscar Jefferson
[SIZE=-1]Ingrid Alexandra Irma Astrid Benedikte
Achileas Andrea
Odysseas Kimon
Don't the greek kids have middlenames ?
I have to favourite name: Isabella Henrietta Ingrid Margrethe and Nikolai William Alexander Frederik. Cute name :wub:
I like name Christian Valdemar Henry John and Maria-Olympia. First name sounds like real viking name (exept last names:) and Maria-Olympia sounds like old Greek name.
Well maybe they just have those names...little Leonor and Sofia have only one name too.

As for favourite names, I like Carlos the most.
I like Maria Olympia...very majestic.
They are all just awful. At least with the Danish names, there is a chance you will like one or two of them. I think names should be appropriate to the family (Isabella, for instance, sounds wrong for a Danish name) and multiple names should go well together, with some interesting historical names thrown in (like Valdemar) but no off notes (like Isabella).

The best name--Christian's name.

The worst name -- Odysseas Kimon. Oh, no! Since the Greek royal family never used names like these before, it sounds like a blatant plea to the Greek people--"Please let us be the ruling family again! See, we've even named our children to please you!"
I like Nikolai William Alexander Frederik - it really flows well.

Maria-Olympia is nice as well.
I'm not sure if we are supposed to choose only a few names from the entire set of names listed or a whole complete name. So I'll do both.

The three best complete names, imo:

Christian Valdemar Henri John -- the flow is nice and it contains just enough history, with still very up to date names.

Nikolai William Alexander Frederik -- once again good flow and individually I like all the names. I really like the name Nikolai.

Maria-Olympia -- good combo, somewhat different but yet somewhat simple.

I also really like these names individually: Isabella and Ingrid

Some of the Greek names are not that great, imo. But hey I'm not the parent so whatever works for them. Much like another poster mentioned, I kind of thought that the name Isabella was a little out of place with the Danish RF but I suppose I'm used to it by now. And besides I really do like the name.
As far as for now I like these:
Christian Valdemar Henri John
Isabella Henrietta Ingrid Margrethe
Christian Valdemar Henri John
Isabella Henrietta Ingrid Margrethe
Nikolai William Alexander Frederik

I love these names, they just sound so good together, and as much as I love Christian and Nikolai's names Isabella's name is actually my favorite, just the way it sounds..it just makes me smile..i don't know why but it does..it is just sweet...is that weird???:):):)
My two favorite are:

Nikolai William Alexander Frederik
Ingrid Alexandra Irma Benedikte

I love Arietta. It is such a beautiful name.
My favorits are:

Christian Valdemar Henri John
Felix Henrik Valdemar Christian

It is the name Valdemar that makes me prefere these names.

Denmark has had three Kings called Valdemar. All three were great Kings of the olds days. Valdemar the Great, Valdemar the Victorious and Valdemar Atterdag (one more day). The latter was also called "the Evil", but he was the greatest King Denmark ever had - IMO. At the age of twenty he was proclaimed King for a Kingdom that was split into pieces and almost entirely pawned to some German Counts. In reallity only a very small piece of Denmark could be called a Kingdom of his - the part north of the Limfjord in Jutland (a very small indeed). He had to pay for the rest of northern Jutland. The rest of Denmak was pawned to Germans Counts and as such "governed" by thouse Germans Counts - in reality no law existed.

He mannaged to unify the Kingdom and bring it out of its misery during his 35 years of reign. He was a tough guy and the nickname "Evil" is understandable - but without him Denmark wouldn't have existed today.

He died at Gurre Castle, Zealand in 1375. The ruins of the castle can be seen here: http://www.fortidsminder.com/gurre_slot/gurre_slot_oplysninger.html

More about Valdemar Atterdag can be read here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valdemar_IV_of_Denmark (in English)

The best British equivalent I can come up with is King Alfred.

I have alwayes wondered - which Valdemar were Joachim/Alexandra and Frederik/Mary thinking about when choosing this name............?

I do love the combination of the first two names in Christians name. The first follows the traditional switch between the names of the Danish Kings - Frederik - Christian. One day he will become Christian the 11'th. The second name is a salute to the greatest Kings of Denmark in the past.

I like the sound of:

Nikolai William Alexander Frederik

For females I prefere:


I have no reason but simply liking the name.
Christian Valdemar Henri John
Nikolai William Alexander Frederik

Ingrid Alexandra Irma Astrid Benedikte
Don't the greek kids have middlenames ?

IIRC, people baptized in the Greek Orthodox Church do not get middle names. It is the same in the Russian Orthodox church, they get their father's first name as their middle name.

My favorite names are

Isabella Henrietta Ingrid Margrethe
That's true. And traditionally Greek children (and Russian) are only given one name, not two. So the Greek royal children are exceptions to the rule.
It's a tradition for us to give to the 1st baby the name of the paternal grandfather or grandmother(if she's a girl) and to the 2nd baby the name of its maternal grandfather/mother.Usually a Greek family has 2 children.If there are more,then the couple is free to choose whatever they want.In the previous post I've read really bad comments about the ancient greek names and about how awful they sound.Well,I guess that's because the people who posted them haven't been raised as Greeks.All those names sound really poetic to us:Olympia,Achilleas,Odysseus etc.So do the Byzantine-christian ones:Andreas,Constantine,Alexios,Maria,Stavros,Anna.Personally,I like them all.And the combinations are perfect.From the Danish names I would choose:Ingrid,Margrethe,Felix and Alex(andra).
My brother was christened with a middle name as will be my twin boys....
I really like the names Odysseus and Olympia (which happens to be my name as well!)
I also really love the name Ana-Maria and Arrieta
Isabella and Ingrid :)

And Achileas, Odysseas (for their historical context!) Christian, Nikolai and Felix!
none of the combinations sounds perfekt to me, but there are some names i really like:


IMO that's the worst combi: Odysseas Kimon and Valdemar is also awful.
I've added a poll and moved this thread to the Royal Chit Chat subforum of Polls, Games and Quizzes.

:) Maria-Olympia is the best one for me
It's Isabella Henrietta Ingrid Margrethe.
I'm danish and see pictures af Princess Isabella every day.
Shes just so cute, and she looks like her father i think, så I
think it is Isabella that is the most cutest .
Christians name is also very cute, but Isabellas face is just so
wonderful sweet. :)

Long live the danish royal family :)

- Nanna
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