I bet Kate can not wait to doll her baby girl up in the precious little frocks
for both her and Charlotte sake then I hope Charlotte is a little lady and not a tomboy as White tights and ruffled dresses will not fair very well.
It's the same here, in the States. I was intrigued by 'Frozen', but after my preschoolers started showing up to school with all things related to that movie, I got over my initial curiosity. It seems like you can't step outside without seeing a child wearing one character or another. If it makes them happy, that's great, but like you, I think it looks cheap. I did check out Rachel Riley's section for girls, and I thought the outfits were gorgeous. It's too bad that they're way out of my price range. I would love to dress my kids in her clothing.
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I would not be suprised if some hand me downing occurred in that case... Sophie would have kept some out grown dresses as mothers do and since Louise is not rough on clothes probably they would still be perfectly wearable.
Rachel Riley's girls dresses are lovely and particularly traditional. Lady Louise wore A LOT of Rachel Riley dresses as a toddler and recently.
This dress and cardigan are Rachel Riley as confirmed by the designer herself. This flag dress is Rachel Riley too. I am sure Charlotte will be dressed very similarly to Lady Louise. I can see Charlotte wearing dresses similar to this in public occasions.
One of my granddaughters is dress crazy...she has so many dresses from casual to fancy. She does wear pants/jeans/shorts but most often she's in a dress. So of course everyone knowing this buys her dresses lol
If she were into Elsa shirts ...we'd be buying her Elsa shirts for everyday at home wear.
That's how I see things done...kids have the everyday play wear which is the type you can run down to the grocery store in (as long as it's clean and has no holes)...and then there is the nicer going to town shopping wear...then the next step is the Church/formal event type wear.
I liked this Lady Louise outfit so Charlotte could get this as a hand me down!
I can see Charlotte in a coat similar to Louise's here as well Trooping the Colour 2011. It's VERY tradtional and VERY British Royal Family! I can see Charlotte in something similar to this in the future.
I like how Jacques and Gabriella are dressed on the last photos taken at the palace, I like the jeans and shoes of Jacques and the pretty dresses that Gabriella is wearring
Princess Charlene and Prince Albert in 'Hello' magazine | NEWMYROYALS & HOLLYWOOD FASHION
They are dressed casually
I like the idea of wearing character shirts at home. That way the child gets the shirt he/she likes, and gets to wear it, but not out of the house. I grew up with stay-at-home clothing, going on errands/playground clothing, school uniform (until we left USSR), and clothing for special occasions. When my mother tried to do the same with my sister, there were problems, because most of the children my sister associated with didn't have that, and she didn't want to stand out by having clothing restrictions. I like that kind of system though. It helps with teaching structure.
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I'm all for school uniforms if kids attend public/private schools. Takes such a big issue out of things.
I was raised with the same tiered clothing system (some things are universal the world over it seems) ...clothes for different categories and that's how my kids were raised and as mentioned before...that's pretty much how everyone I know does it still.