Family Resemblances

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Serene Highness
Jun 19, 2003
Princess Grace with Albert and Caroline, 1963


Caroline, Pierre, Andrea , and Charlotte..1993




caroline, 9 yrs.



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Thanks for the pictures, Moby! Caroline looks incredibly beautiful and regal.


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That is a beautiful picture... I love this one!

... but... since this is "seeing double" don't Charlotte and Caroline look like clones in this picture!!??


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andrea and rainier

andrea and grace

andrea and stefano

andrea nd caroline

andrea and albert

andrea and stephanie

andrea and charlotte

andrea and pierre

andrea and alexandra


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Louis Ducruet is identical to Prince Albert.

Little Camille reminds me of Princess Grace as a child.
I'm going to write about the resemblances of the whole family(the last 2 generations). Some of it, are facts because I asked my uncle, a professional in the area. But some of it, is my opinion since I didn't ask.

Caroline: Rainier's mother Charlotte.

Albert: mostly like Grace. But he also has a lot from other Kelly family members. He's definetly a Kelly, but he also has a little Grimaldi that I can't really identify.

Stephanie: a lot like her father. I know it's hard to compare a man that has rough lines with a woman that has delicated lines. But taking a look at their kid pics, it's clear that she's a "delicated version" of her father. But I think that she also has a little from Lizanne(Grace's lil sister). The body structure definetly came from Lizanne and she has more stuff from her aunt, but I'm not sure what.

Andrea: mostly like Stefano. But he also has some of Grace. He's the grandkid that mostly got Grace's genes.

Charlotte: almost her mother's clone.

Pierre: He's the one that I can identify less. He looks mostly like his father but it's not that much. He has quite a mix. If anyone can help me...

Louis: an albert/daniel mix. Depending on the angle he looks more like one or the other.

Pauline: mostly like Stephanie, but she looks a Ducruet too. Not like Daniel himself though. There's a girl in the Ducruet family that reminds me of Pauline. Maybe a cousin, I don't really know who she is.

Camille: extremelly like Stephanie. But I think that she has more from Lizanne than Stephanie does.

Alexandra: a lot like her father. But I also see a little from Rainier's sister as a lil girl on her. Not sure what. Some people said that she has some of her mother on her too. I can't say yes or no to that.
Originally posted by kittencrews@Dec 6th, 2003 - 6:18 pm
... but... since this is "seeing double" don't Charlotte and Caroline look like clones in this picture!!??
Yes, but there's also a lot of Stefano in Charlotte. She has his square face and jaw, cleft chin, and ears. Her nose is also rounded like his, not as chiseled as Caroline's. But the perfect match of expressions in C and C so often is just amazing.

Originally posted by monaco70s@Dec 7th, 2003 - 9:16 pm
Louis Ducruet is identical to Prince Albert.

Have to disagree somewhat on that. His nose, chin, lips, and ears are so exactly like Stephanie's. Resembles his father a good bit too. He is going to be such a heartbreaker!
Originally posted by mapie+Apr 8th, 2004 - 4:10 pm--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (mapie @ Apr 8th, 2004 - 4:10 pm)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-monaco70s@Dec 7th, 2003 - 9:16 pm
Louis Ducruet is identical to Prince Albert.

Have to disagree somewhat on that. His nose, chin, lips, and ears are so exactly like Stephanie's. Resembles his father a good bit too. He is going to be such a heartbreaker! [/b]
Stephanie and Daniel both have full lips(stephanie's are fuller). While Camille got Stephanie's exact lips(but a little bigger), Louis' lips came from Daniel. They have the same shape and they close the same way. Daniel's lips now aren't as full as they used to be. But did you ever see a pic of Louis' big brother Michael? He's Daniel's clone and his lips are identical to Louis'. Well, ok, Louis' lips are fuller. But Stephanie's lips are shaped in a different way. But yes, his chin is just like Stephanie's.
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Originally posted by renats@Mar 29th, 2004 - 3:46 pm

Pierre: He's the one that I can identify less. He looks mostly like his father but it's not that much. He has quite a mix. If anyone can help me...

Ok, let me change that. He's looking extremelly like his father. A lot more than he used to. He's actually looking more like Stefano than Andrea is.
Originally posted by renats+Apr 8th, 2004 - 4:22 pm--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (renats @ Apr 8th, 2004 - 4:22 pm)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by mapie@Apr 8th, 2004 - 4:10 pm
@Dec 7th, 2003 - 9:16 pm
Louis Ducruet is identical to Prince Albert.

Have to disagree somewhat on that. His nose, chin, lips, and ears are so exactly like Stephanie's. Resembles his father a good bit too. He is going to be such a heartbreaker!
Stephanie and Daniel both have full lips(stephanie's are fuller). While Camille got Stephanie's exact lips(but a little bigger), Louis' lips came from Daniel. They have the same shape and they close the same way. Daniel's lips now aren't as full as they used to be. But did you ever see a pic of Louis' big brother Michael? He's Daniel's clone and his lips are identical to Louis'. Well, ok, Louis' lips are fuller. But Stephanie's lips are shaped in a different way. But yes, his chin is just like Stephanie's. [/b][/quote]
You obviously have as detailed an interest in this as I do! Thanks for a fun exchange! I have seen shots of Louis where everything below his eyes, including his langorous expression, is astonishingly like her. The ears really get me especially. But different angles and different expressions reveal multiple resemblances. Fascinating to watch super top-drawer genetics at work.

Originally posted by mapie+Apr 10th, 2004 - 2:05 pm--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (mapie @ Apr 10th, 2004 - 2:05 pm)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by renats@Apr 8th, 2004 - 4:22 pm
Originally posted by mapie@Apr 8th, 2004 - 4:10 pm
@Dec 7th, 2003 - 9:16 pm
Louis Ducruet is identical to Prince Albert.

Have to disagree somewhat on that. His nose, chin, lips, and ears are so exactly like Stephanie's. Resembles his father a good bit too. He is going to be such a heartbreaker!

Stephanie and Daniel both have full lips(stephanie's are fuller). While Camille got Stephanie's exact lips(but a little bigger), Louis' lips came from Daniel. They have the same shape and they close the same way. Daniel's lips now aren't as full as they used to be. But did you ever see a pic of Louis' big brother Michael? He's Daniel's clone and his lips are identical to Louis'. Well, ok, Louis' lips are fuller. But Stephanie's lips are shaped in a different way. But yes, his chin is just like Stephanie's.
You obviously have as detailed an interest in this as I do! Thanks for a fun exchange! I have seen shots of Louis where everything below his eyes, including his langorous expression, is astonishingly like her. The ears really get me especially. But different angles and different expressions reveal multiple resemblances. Fascinating to watch super top-drawer genetics at work.

Mapie [/b][/quote]
thanks! I'm very interested in resemblances too. And I also loved to see your posts. Louis it's a bit harder to define because he is quite mixed and he really changes depending on the angle. But you're right that his ears really are similar to Stephanie's no matter from which angle. Actually, all of her kids have her years. Well, Pauline's ears change depending on the angle(it can be like Stephanie's, Albert's or Daniel's) but Louis' and Camille's are always just like Stephanie's. The shape of their chin is also similar from most angles. Stephanie's chin is bigger than Louis' but the shape is exactly the same. And between his sibs, he is the one that has the most similar nose. Camille got the same kind but her nose is chubbier and less long. Pauline has the same one(as steph's) but it's the smallest nose of her family(and imo the most beautiful one). But Louis' is just like hers. His eyes depend a lot on the angle. But even though he has quite a good something from steph, he's the kid that less look like her. Camille looks like her the most, Pauline's in the middle(even though she's the one with steph's character) and Louis looks less. He has a very good amount of Albert and Daniel. As I said in a previous post, depending on the angle he looks more like one or the other(or mixed too).

In those 2 pics that Michelle posted a while ago, he looks quite similar to Steph. In the first one he looks like a mix of little albert and little stephanie with a bit from Michael too. In the second one he looks like quite a mix of little steph and Daniel.
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Originally posted by renats+Apr 10th, 2004 - 9:22 pm--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (renats @ Apr 10th, 2004 - 9:22 pm)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by mapie@Apr 10th, 2004 - 2:05 pm
Originally posted by renats@Apr 8th, 2004 - 4:22 pm
Originally posted by mapie@Apr 8th, 2004 - 4:10 pm
@Dec 7th, 2003 - 9:16 pm
Louis Ducruet is identical to Prince Albert.

Have to disagree somewhat on that. His nose, chin, lips, and ears are so exactly like Stephanie's. Resembles his father a good bit too. He is going to be such a heartbreaker!

Stephanie and Daniel both have full lips(stephanie's are fuller). While Camille got Stephanie's exact lips(but a little bigger), Louis' lips came from Daniel. They have the same shape and they close the same way. Daniel's lips now aren't as full as they used to be. But did you ever see a pic of Louis' big brother Michael? He's Daniel's clone and his lips are identical to Louis'. Well, ok, Louis' lips are fuller. But Stephanie's lips are shaped in a different way. But yes, his chin is just like Stephanie's.

You obviously have as detailed an interest in this as I do! Thanks for a fun exchange! I have seen shots of Louis where everything below his eyes, including his langorous expression, is astonishingly like her. The ears really get me especially. But different angles and different expressions reveal multiple resemblances. Fascinating to watch super top-drawer genetics at work.

thanks! I'm very interested in resemblances too. And I also loved to see your posts. Louis it's a bit harder to define because he is quite mixed and he really changes depending on the angle. But you're right that his ears really are similar to Stephanie's no matter from which angle. Actually, all of her kids have her years. Well, Pauline's ears change depending on the angle(it can be like Stephanie's, Albert's or Daniel's) but Louis' and Camille's are always just like Stephanie's. The shape of their chin is also similar from most angles. Stephanie's chin is bigger than Louis' but the shape is exactly the same. And between his sibs, he is the one that has the most similar nose. Camille got the same kind but her nose is chubbier and less long. Pauline has the same one(as steph's) but it's the smallest nose of her family(and imo the most beautiful one). But Louis' is just like hers. His eyes depend a lot on the angle. But even though he has quite a good something from steph, he's the kid that less look like her. Camille looks like her the most, Pauline's in the middle(even though she's the one with steph's character) and Louis looks less. He has a very good amount of Albert and Daniel. As I said in a previous post, depending on the angle he looks more like one or the other(or mixed too). [/b][/quote]
Yes, I do so admire that perfectly proportioned small aquiline nose that Stephanie and Lewis have. On her it seems to be a combination of elements of Grace's and Rainier's together, what do you think?

And where DID Stephanie get those ears? They are so pretty. Speaking of which, Pauline is getting lovelier by the day. She was always very cute, but now she's almost a young woman, no longer a child.

What do you make of Albert? There's a lot of Rainier in him, but I can't quite decide exactly which parts are from Grace, aside from coloring, of course. His mouth and nose-to-chin line in profile are often very like Caroline's.
Oh yes, I forgot, do you have a picture of Daniel Ducruet's son Michael? I'd love to see him. do you know whether Louis and Pauline are in much contact with him?

Ma pie
Originally posted by mapie@Apr 13th, 2004 - 4:55 pm
Yes, I do so admire that perfectly proportioned small aquiline nose that Stephanie and Lewis have. On her it seems to be a combination of elements of Grace's and Rainier's together, what do you think?

And where DID Stephanie get those ears? They are so pretty. Speaking of which, Pauline is getting lovelier by the day. She was always very cute, but now she's almost a young woman, no longer a child.

What do you make of Albert? There's a lot of Rainier in him, but I can't quite decide exactly which parts are from Grace, aside from coloring, of course. His mouth and nose-to-chin line in profile are often very like Caroline's.
I agree that Stephanie and Louis have an absolutely gorgeous nose. But my favorite one in the family is Pauline's. It's shaped just like Stephanie's and Louis' but it's smaller. And I absolutely love small, well shapped noses. I agree that Steph's nose is a mixture of mom's and dad's. From some angles it looks just like Grace's but from most angles it looks like a delicate version of Rainier's nose. Well, almost everything in Stephanie is a delicate version of Rainier. Some of that "delicate" came from Grace and I think that some of it came from Lizanne. I know nobody ever mentioned her when it cames to resemblances but I really see some of Lizanne in Steph and specially in Camille. Stephanie's body is really similar to Lizanne's and other stuff too. And when I see pre-scholler pics of Lizanne, I see some of Camille in it. Some people say that she's a mixture of Steph and Grace but I would say she's mostly Stephanie(fact) and most of the rest Lizanne(opinion).

Their ears really are quite cute. But to be honest, that's not something I notice very much unless they're really different. I like Grace's ears a lot though. About Pauline, I always found her absolutely gorgeous. But about being almot a woman, I don't know about it. But well, I'm not the right one to give an opinion like that because she'll always be a child for me.

I think Albert is mostly a Kelly. Not only like Grace but like the rest of the Kelly family too. His eyes are like Rainier's though. It's amazing how almost everybody in this family got Rainier's eyes(the shape). And his face structure is like Rainier's. But most of the features came from the Kellys. He has a Kelly chin and the nose and mouth are quite similar to Grace's from many angles. And he also has a very similar.....well....I don't really know the name in english but the literal translation would be "face's apple". It is that bone under the eyes. He has quite a good something from Grace's brother too. His nose-to-chin line in profile really is similar to Caroline's and in some pics, I think they have a similar smile too.
Originally posted by mapie@Apr 13th, 2004 - 4:59 pm
Oh yes, I forgot, do you have a picture of Daniel Ducruet's son Michael?  I'd love to see him.  do you know whether Louis and Pauline are in much contact with him?

Ma pie
They spend have of their vacation together. But I'm not sure if their weekends are the same because I saw many pics of Louis and Pauline with Daniel and without Michael. Here's a pic of the boy:
Originally posted by renats+Apr 13th, 2004 - 6:11 pm--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (renats @ Apr 13th, 2004 - 6:11 pm)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-mapie@Apr 13th, 2004 - 4:59 pm
Oh yes, I forgot, do you have a picture of Daniel Ducruet's son Michael?  I'd love to see him.  do you know whether Louis and Pauline are in much contact with him?

Ma pie
They spend have of their vacation together. But I'm not sure if their weekends are the same because I saw many pics of Louis and Pauline with Daniel and without Michael. Here's a pic of the boy: [/b][/quote]
Wow, Michael is darling. Thanks for the pic! I don't mean Pauline is a woman yet, I should probably have said young girl, not young woman - I would say "jeune fille" in french. She's not quite there, but almost!

Your comments about Lizanne are quite interesting. Definitely see your points. She is an interesting character, I think. Always seems wise and pithy when she is interviewed. Must be sad for her, too, to have been for so long the last surviving member of her family.
Originally posted by mapie@Apr 14th, 2004 - 5:32 pm
Your comments about Lizanne are quite interesting. Definitely see your points. She is an interesting character, I think. Always seems wise and pithy when she is interviewed. Must be sad for her, too, to have been for so long the last surviving member of her family.
I don't know enough about her as a person to have an opinion. But in a stetic way, I believe that Stephanie and specially Camille got something from her.
About double seeing..monaco70s post reminded me on something (in Andrea's thread)..

In film "My Girl" part I, with A. Chlumsky and M. Culkin, I couldn't not to notice that the main girl actor Anna Chlumsky is so look-a-like with Charlotte. At least she was in that age..



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In this pictures Andrea looks like Stephanie me.
I think it's the look in his eyes. I'll try to find a pic of Steph that illustrates what I mean.

Well, I've found this pic where Stephs eyes are very's the look I guess.


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mapie said:
Yes, but there's also a lot of Stefano in Charlotte. She has his square face and jaw, cleft chin, and ears. Her nose is also rounded like his, not as chiseled as Caroline's. But the perfect match of expressions in C and C so often is just amazing.

I completly agree. Charlotte's face although very similar to Caroline's is much softer around the edges and angles (nose) very much like Stefano. if you go to esilio yahoo groups there's a collage there of Stefano & Char and you can really see the similarities.
it seems to me that andrea looked like just about everybody, doesn't he?
Kind times in some pictures his smile and facial expression reminds me of Caroline when she was his age.
look a like, Mother and daughter.
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They look very alike despite thate Caroline was like 16 in that pic and Charlotte 11/12.
Stephanie and Camille :


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