Dutch Royals on Magazine Covers

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Moderator Emeritus
May 10, 2006
Hey everyone!
I know there's a thread about Máxima on Magazine Covers, but what about the other Dutch Royals?
Post pictures here. :)

The Máxima thread can be found here:

Here are some i know:

1966 - Beatrix and Claus and their upcoming wedding on several Covers

Bild und Funk, Point de Vue, Bunte, Frau im spiegel
Last edited:
About the Birth of Baby Willem Alexander

Bunte, Neue Revue, Das neue Blatt
These are wonderful, Her_Majesty! From your own collection, I presume? ;)
Maxie said:
These are wonderful, Her_Majesty! From your own collection, I presume? ;)
no, not all. ;)
only a few. My Grandfather bought many of these on a market once and gave them to me. ;) He knows about my passion. :D
some are just from ebay gallery.
all covers excellence
thanks for photos I save it
here are 2 more

point de vue, neue post

(are there covers with Mabel or Laurentien on it? never saw one here... :p )
Great covers Her_Majesty!!! They were wuite a dashing couple, and Beatrix could be rather glamarous!
I love this picture of Juliana!:)

Her_Majesty said:
(are there covers with Mabel or Laurentien on it? never saw one here... :p )
Coincidentially, gossip magazine Story has Laurentien on the cover this week. :) New pics of her and the kids on 'De Groene Draeck'. I haven't got the chance to buy one (actually, I don't want to...) but I think it would be mighty interesting... they say that she's ready for the birth of her third child...

Princess Laurentien is pregnant? Sorry, but I had not heard any recent news in regards to her...I guess I've been living on another planet! Wow....
Actually, her baby can be born every minute now... :)
Le Soir illustre magazine Covers

Beautiful pictures of Princess Beatrix :) ( and Claus, too! Of course ;) )
Princess Laurentien recently was guest editor of a Dutch magazine, called 'Margriet'. So she was on the cover with a lovely pic!

Are there magazinecovers with Margriet or Mabel on it? :confused:
I never saw them on a cover of a German magazine.
How is it in the Netherlands?? I think it must be the Crownprincess (and maybe also the Queen) who's mostly on the Covers!
It's mostly Maxima who is on the covers. Sometimes Marilene, sometimes Laurentien. But that's about it... :(
And here's another Laurentien, on the cover of this month's 'Vorsten'.

This magazine covers are all great! Thanks for posting , Maxie and HM! :)
I especially like the old covers of Beatrix and Claus. They were such a beautiful couple!
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