How is this not having a conscience?
I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous. To accuse the woman who took this picture of preying on Kate in some way is a gross exaggeration that screams misogyny and implies that Catherine is this perfect being who is being needlessly attacked for her actions and must be protected.
The photographer didn't go out of her way to take a picture of Catherine's behind. Instead, she went somewhere where Catherine was working (or at least traveling to/from her work on a very publicized work tour) and had a wardrobe malfunction. the photographer was taking pictures of a very famous woman who was engaging in a public engagement and happened to get a shot of her having a public wardrobe malfunction that occurred on a public engagement
It was not Catherine's first such wardrobe malfunction, nor was it even the first one that happened on this tour. Just, what a week? two weeks? before Catherine had had a very similar wardrobe malfunction which was live streamed on the Internet and almost resulted in her dropping her infant child down stairs while disembarking from a plane. Now not all that long after, Catherine's showing that she doesn't get that airports plus dresses that aren't weighed down don't go together. And someone happened to get a picture of it because she is a well photographed public individual on a public event where people are there for the purpose of photographing her. All of which she knows very well.
Some time later upon realizing the photo that she had the woman who took it decided to sell it, then tried to donate the proceeds for it. She did not sell this photo for the purpose of profiting from it, otherwise she would not have tried to donate the money. Instead, she likely realized that this is a photo which tells something about the type of person Catherine is, the way she presents herself in public while engaging in official, public duties, and representing a nation's head of state and the monarch. This isn't misogyny, this isn't a lack of conscience, or morals, this is a case of someone trying to draw attention to a woman who is consistenty failing to present herself in a manner that is appropriate for her station and the duties she is performing and respectful for the institution (the monarchy) and the people (both in terms of the Queen, and the actual citizens of the Queen's realms) that she is representing.
But of course, rather than actually even acknowledging any of that, we should just accuse the photographer of being without morals and any who think that Catherine's behaviour and/or dress was inappropriate of being a misogamist. God forbid we actual look at Catherine's actions and question them.
First let me say that I
I just happen to think that the person that took this picture should
HAVE HAD THE DECENCY OF DESTROYING THE PICTURE WHEN SHE FOUND IT which she didn't so to me(my opinion) is that she is not a person with high moral character at all, anyone and I mean ANYONE who takes a picture of a woman butt or any other part of her body and sells it is of low moral standards.....period! I don't care what age or date we live in, there is something called
*human decency* in this world and she should not have sold that picture regardless of what the circumstances what if Catherine's skirt below up,
who are we to tell her what underwear to wear,
(that is the standards that people are setting for her, we did not see her entire butt, so maybe there was some type of underwear there, and until I see THE ENTIRE BUTT NAKED, I really can't/shouldn't say anything about wearing whatever it is people wear today.
Catherine could be out to a garden party and the wind blew up her skirt, is everyone around there going to take her picture to see what she is wearing, I sure in the hell hope not.
*NOBODY* has the right to invade another person's body with a camera or hand or anything else. Can't this woman go out side without being afraid of a damn camera and some idiot taking her picture of her butt covered or not? Can't she walk down a street and feel safe and secure regardless of who she is? I guess we WOMEN are all fair game for the fools and idiots of this world that want to crawl up/ hide in the bushes, go to public events and sneak around waiting for a camera in out private parts. Time for men to walk around with something hanging out and being photographed, okay?
I just don't believe that there are so many people that approve of this type of behavior from people with a camera and think because she married William she is subject to this type of evilness just because this has happened many times does it take anyone in this world to learn a lessons........more then once and sure in the hell more then 3/4 times. I think that anyone who is bad mouthing Catherine should take a darn hard look at themselves before they throw stones at her. Nobody is perfect and yet it seems we except her to be perfect.......
You don't know personally if she did this to make money, yet I would bet my last dollar she did, why, because if she didn't want to make money then she would have destroyed the picture...that is the whole point.
What is her motive for selling the picture, sure to donate the money to charity and I have huge golden crown from the Queen's jewels to sell you! I am not stupid about the human race.........everything comes down to MONEY, PURE AND SIMPLE THESE DAYS..........NOTHING ELSE. Until the person who took the picture says otherwise I will hold on to my belief
.......I am sure any ****DECENT PERSON**** WHO HAD THAT PICTURE WOULD HAVE DESTORYED IT, NOT SOLD IT,.....THAT'S WHAT GETS ME...........WHY SELL THE PICTURE IN THE FIRST PLACE? She wanted money, she got it, she wanted another 15 minutes of fame, she got it, she wanted attention from the world, she got it and now I hope she suffers her own guilt for doing this to another woman...........she sure in the heck would not like it done to her I bet! I am done with this...........I really don't give a darn who doesn't like my opinions, we all are different and should be! I guess this has been another learning experience for me because I just don't want to believe the world is so filled with so much hate and jealousy to go after a woman who is in the position she is in.....all for what?
And don't use the excuse that it's okay to do this because this has happened what!