"Diana Inquest: The Untold Story" by John Morgan (2009)

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Heir Apparent
Nov 9, 2007
Oh for Christ sake, I hope someone gets it just for the sake of it, I'd die of laughter if it's just rehashed info. Here's a summary:

The Untold Story exposes high level corruption in the 21st century British justice system. It reveals how judicial corruption led to a seriously flawed verdict at the inquest into the deaths of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed. It provides a thorough record of the key evidence that was heard by the inquest jury and details the 143 important witnesses who were not heard from during the inquest. The book reveals the critical relevance of the evidence from the original police statements that the jury were prevented from having access to. This untold story destroys the perception that the inquest achieved justice for the deceased occupants of the crashed Mercedes. It clearly outlines the methods employed by the royal coroner to continually manipulate the jury throughout the six months of the inquest. This is the gripping, true account of a judiciary hell-bent on ensuring that the jury would not be permitted to return a verdict of murder in the most significant and high profile inquest of our modern era.

Diana Inquest: The Untold Story by John Morgan (Book) in History
I dont see that one on Amazon. I see a new one by the same author called Cover up of a Royal Murder: Hundreds of errors in the Paget report.
In 2007 the same author had another book called "Cover-up of a Royal Murder: Hundreds of Errors in the Paget Report".

Apparently John Morgan was "shocked" at the "high level of inaccuracy" in the Paget report and was "particularly stunned" at the report's conclusions. The book provides "real credibility" to the "lingering doubts" surrounding these conclusions and lays down a "huge challenge" to those who believe Diana died in a tragic accident.

In the 2009 book Mr Morgan asserts Diana was murdered and "the media" misreported the verdict and "even changed its wording in most of their reporting" and was "astonishingly uninformed".

This can only mean that rather than a mere British-French conspiracy to cover-up the murder as previously claimed, it has instead been carried out at the international level as "the media" (print, radio, television, online etc) in every country of the world misreported the verdict. :lol:

Who dunnit? MI6 of course.
Amazon shows a published date of January 2009, which is why I wondered if it's the same book with a different title for publication in the US.
Oh enough already! No one knows if her death was actually murder or just an accident. We'll never know. Why can't they just let the poor woman rest in peace?
Besides which, everyone knows that Elvis was driving the white Fiat. I have the pictures to prove it!
John Morgan and Muhammed Al Fayed sound like they would get along. Instead of hundreds of errors in the Paget report, more likely John Morgan showed have looked at his own book. I'd bet there are hundreds of errors. Obviously, Diana's death was an accident and that's the end of the subject.. except for John Morgan and Muhammed Al Fayed and company ( is there any??).
In 2007 the same author had another book called "Cover-up of a Royal Murder: Hundreds of Errors in the Paget Report".

Apparently John Morgan was "shocked" at the "high level of inaccuracy" in the Paget report and was "particularly stunned" at the report's conclusions. The book provides "real credibility" to the "lingering doubts" surrounding these conclusions and lays down a "huge challenge" to those who believe Diana died in a tragic accident.

In the 2009 book Mr Morgan asserts Diana was murdered and "the media" misreported the verdict and "even changed its wording in most of their reporting" and was "astonishingly uninformed".

This can only mean that rather than a mere British-French conspiracy to cover-up the murder as previously claimed, it has instead been carried out at the international level as "the media" (print, radio, television, online etc) in every country of the world misreported the verdict. :lol:

Who dunnit? MI6 of course.
Thanks for the info Warren I had no idea it was the same author.I knew it was the MI6! Didn't I tell ya?! They're the ones that made the media misreport the verdict in order to hide the truth.:lol:(incase you can't tell I'm being sarcastic/joking) Man I swear sometimes I think these author's are smoking crack.
Honestly, I don't think there's anymore time left to loose with yet another conspiracy theorist. They'd better get a life instead of rehashing old arguments that have been used over and over again.

Besides which, everyone knows that Elvis was driving the white Fiat. I have the pictures to prove it!

Yeah! Me too! I saw it with my own eyes!
ImageShack - Image Hosting :: image1fgl.png :D
Quick review of the book:
Critic Ray Paul agreed after reading the book.
`This inquest was never intended to uncover the truth. It was intended to bury the truth beneath a vast and bewildering mass of legal proceedings,’’ Mr Paul said.
Source : Redcliffe and Bayside Herald
Well, there will always be people who believe what they want to believe. Of course no process is ever perfect and I'm sure the inquest may have had minor errors or omissions you could dig up if you really looked for it, but realistically, it told the truth, her death was an accident. I got a laugh out of seeing the cover of this tome- anyone agree?
Quick review of the book:
Critic Ray Paul agreed after reading the book.
Well, Mr Paul coincidentally appears on the book's own webpage with his "critic's review". Oddly, the last part of his review sounds more like it's been lifted straight out of the book (perhaps he's a family friend):

By the time you've read this book, you'll have a plausible answer: because the guilty people are MI6 agents, who caused a staged crash in the Alma Tunnel, and then relied on the British and French authorities (including Scott Baker himself) to cover it up.

This "Scott Baker" person is actually Lord Justice Scott Baker, a Lord Justice of Appeal, who sat as Coroner for the Inquests into the deaths of Diana, Princess of Wales and Dodi Fayed.
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Interesting find Warren I didn't know her appears on the books website . I just think they'll always be people who believe she was murdered but as far as the transcripts and stuff goes, I've compared it to the inquiry and it seems pretty much the same. I have no idea the turn out you would get it if you compared it to what was said in the days following the crash but then again alot of things were made up back then or so it seems that I wouldn't even bother.
A read of the Paget Report (the police investigation released in 2006) shows that many statements taken after the crash in 1997 were "re-stated" later on.
Unsurprisingly, the most glaring changes came from Al Fayed employees and operatives.
^^Ya for example the guy who apparently sold them the ring. I can't remember if Trevor or Kes changed their stories much. Alot of the witnesses who were there right after the crash seem to have kept their stories pretty much the same, it was more or less Al Fayed's people who kept changing their stories.
Interesting find Warren I didn't know her appears on the books website . I just think they'll always be people who believe she was murdered but as far as the transcripts and stuff goes, I've compared it to the inquiry and it seems pretty much the same. I have no idea the turn out you would get it if you compared it to what was said in the days following the crash but then again alot of things were made up back then or so it seems that I wouldn't even bother.

But nobody with any credibility believes she was murdered, I hope, although as you say, there will always be people who believe this junk. Fayed knew she died when being driven by his employee, but he chooses to believe othewise, I suppose it is easier than accepting responsibility, as much as there can ever be responsibility for what was an accident. I suppose the author of this book believes that conspiracy theories sell books too. The cover of this book is so silly. The people who conducted the inquiry, Paget, etc ( is he the guy in the wig on the cover of the book?) are not villains who covered the truth up. If anything, Muhammed Fayed is the one who has covered the truth up.
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Thanks for identifying that guy. The cover is silly. It makes it seem as though the coroner was some sort of villian. I was thinking it would be more appopriate if Muhammed Al Fayed's photo was on the cover of the book. He's more of a villain than the coroner.
Ok sorry for bumping this but I just had to reply. I so agree Fayed should be on the cover not the Coroner! You know I just did a mock trial in my Law class and sometimes changing your story isn't even that bad, sometimes you remember things you couldn't before or sometimes you can't remember the exact details of course there will always be those who constantly change their story cause their "story" was a sham to begin with. Of course with this its been almost 12 years since it happened so obviously people's stories will be a bit different from what they gave lets say days following the crash. Even though I haven't read the book nor am I planning to I don't see how the author can rely on the whole "changing their story" prospect as evidence that the inquest was a sham, since from the little summary the site gave us that seems to be what most of the book is based on.
Does he really believe what he it saying? There's nothing to be discussed about the time it took to take Diana to the hospital. In summer, hospitals take turns for grave accidents like this one. This night it was la Pitié-Salpêtrière and the amount of time was justified by the very unstable condition she was in. Brain injury is likely if cardiac arrest is untreated for more than five minutes so had they not taken the time to restart her heart, she would have arrived to the hospital with irreversible brain damages.
Moreover, if the paramedics had chosen to head for a closer hospital, no one over there would have been prepared to operate right away. The time they would have taken to gather a whole surgical crew, Diana wouldn't have even made it to the operation table.
These people did there best to save lives. How pretentious of this man and his followers to doubt it.
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