Designers Used by the Spanish Royal Family

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Heir Presumptive
Oct 3, 2004

Why Letizia wears spanish designers like Infanta Cristina and Elena choose Lacroix and Chanel?

I think that they just wear clothes of the designers that they like because they are not forced to wear clothes of Spanish designers.
(Well, they are not forced to wear them, but for example, in her first public appearance, Letizia was very criticized because she wore an Armani's suit, so ...)

Anyhow the only Spanish princess who dresses clothes of foreign designers is Infanta Elena, because Letizia often wears designs of Lorenzo Caprile or Felipe Varela and Infanta Cristina usually wears Jesus del Pozo, her favorite designer.

Btw, does someone know who was the designer of the clothes that Cristina wore to the wedding of her cousin Fernando?

(Sorry for my awful English)
hi isabella:

Could you explain me why Letizia wears the same clothes and the 2 Infantas and the queen use new clothes each without using again?
I've no idea about that...
But think that The Queen and the Infantas have wore the same clothes in several public appearances a lot of times, but we usually don't realize that. Now Letizia is being very analyzed, and for that reason in her circumstance
it's more evident when she wears some clothes twice or more than twice.
rchainho said:
hi isabella:

Could you explain me why Letizia wears the same clothes and the 2 Infantas and the queen use new clothes each without using again?
Letizia performs many more duties than the two Infantas -- combined even. We see Felipe and Letizia nearly everyday (sometimes several times a day!). So when Letizia repeats her clothes, it is much more obvious than when one of the Infantas does. For example if Letizia wears a grey suit this week then again next week at an occasion, we would most certainly notice. But if one of the Infantas wears a grey suit this week then does two royal duties in a different suit then for the fourth wears the same grey suit again we wouldn't notice as much as it would likely have been a few weeks since the first wearing.

The Queen, although she performs as many royal duties as Letizia does, has a much more extensive wardrobe than Letizia, culled from years and years ago. (The Queen has some suits that she wore in the early '90s that she still wears today, but they're so timeless they hardly seem out of date.) In time we'll see Letizia's repetition of her clothing less obvious because she'll have more to her wardrobe.
rchainho said:
Could you explain me why Letizia wears the same clothes and the 2 Infantas and the queen use new clothes each without using again?
Hi, Raquel!
It's obvious that Letizia needs to repeat her clothes a lot more often than the Infantas, because she's attending an average of 1-2 official acts per day... so I would say her not repeating outfits, that would be strange... and highly criticised, don't you think? Can you imagine what Spaniards would say of such ostentatious signs?...
Anyway, Queen Sofia also repeats her wardrobe a lot and, just like her daughter-in-law, she is famous for recycling and matching clothes along the years. So, I think Letizia has a great role model indoors...
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rchainho said:

Why Letizia wears spanish designers like Infanta Cristina and Elena choose Lacroix and Chanel?

this is exactly something I'm wondering about for sometime,I read all the replys to your question but still didnt get a logical reason for this.
The Queen and the Infanta Elena if they dress of foreign designers, but in the last times the Infanta Cristina dresses more of Spanish designers normally Jesus del Pozo, and also at some time Caprile or Palacio.
As for why the Princess of Asturias dresses only of Spanish designers it is simple, wants to prevent her wardrobe from being a motive of commentary and critique, since it happened with Armani's suit the day of the commitment. Probably with the passage of time, when there is no so many attention centred on her,she will have more freedom in this sense.
Letizia is judged and the critique, is the wife of the Prince, and the Infantas are there for birth; there the difference is. Letizia has to gain her place, and the society and the press Spanish are not precisely easy. In spite of it, the Infanta Elena has not escaped to this type of critiques, especially for choosing suits of foreign designers (especially Lacroix), for events of many relevancy as the weddings.
During the dinner in honour of the President of Peru The Queen wore a modified dress from Valentino Couture. In a report about Valentino in a magazine you could also see that he had a picture of the Queen wearing this dress on the wall in one of his work rooms together with other famous people wearing his dresses.

Pictures from gettyimages and

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With the information that isabella_ gave me. I'll put here some articles about one of the designers that dresses queen sofia, Margarita Nuez.

Reina will shine in the wedding a long suit
and mantilla Spanish

The seamstress of Doña Sofía suggests the guests

that they dress short and they emphasize the somberos and hairdos



Reina Doña Sofía will shine the day of the wedding of Prince de Asturias with Doña Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano a long suit, that already is finished, and classic mantilla Spanish, like godmother of the ceremony, whereas the rest of guests goes of short, according to confirmed its seamstress yesterday, Daisy Nut. "the Queen has the most important paper of this ceremony because she will take to the Prince to the altar like godmother of the wedding, reason why has decided on a very elegant long dress, that will shine with much style and majesty, since it knows to walk very well, something far from easy when it knows that there are so many pending eyes of her", it explained Daisy Nut.

The seamstress of Reina has added that "his Majesty knew that this real wedding was magno event and, at the time of the election, showed preference for a suit not as free as for any other ceremony, with which he will be very overwhelming". He will take purse and shoes to game and at the moment it is not predicted that he takes gloves, added.

Daisy Nut, seamstress of Doña Sofia almost twenty years ago, assured that, from always, chemistry has worked between both, since to Reina "it likes a quite sober style of clothes and nothing pomposo", like the one of its designs.

The seamstress confessed that she intuited that could be the designer of this suit, since in its day it designed the dress of Reina for the wedding of Infant Cristina or for the celebration in the Arsenal of Seville, about the wedding of Infant Elena, "although also I thought that the chosen one could be a designer of Madrid, but sent my sketches to the Zarzuela and were accepted".

"the Queen is a woman with very many personality, is necessary to see it close by realizing really it, has an extraordinary glance, a great inner force and make we have left very well to all the Spaniards", has emphasized Daisy Nut.

Sombreos and touched will set the standard

On the advice for the guests to this connection, the seamstress has noticed that it will be "a sober" wedding, because she is celebrated in the morning and, therefore, "is not for taking embroiders, but to emphasize the hairdos and the hats, that are what somehow it will set the standard and to which we are not so customary the Spanish women".

Daisy Nut suggested to guests that decides on shelters on the dresses, suits or dresses tailor, always short, because Reina is the unique one who will go of length, like godmother of the ceremony.

Asked on if it had noticed nervous to Reina by the imminent wedding of his son, it commented that "Reina always is Queen, I do not know how it will be in his interior, because one always behaves as a normal person and it has the sufficient preparation to know how to be in all the circumstances".

On his relation with Manuel Pertegaz, natural both of the province of Teruel, it confessed that it had not maintained any contact on the different orders for the wedding and described to modisto like "the teacher of the high Spanish seam, next to Balenciaga".

Styles of Leticia and the infants

Daisy Nut never raised that she would be the designated person to make the suit of Doña Letizia Ortiz, of which has said that she is "a very handsome woman, attractive, with paper very difficult, because it must go well dressed based on a type life that takes with himself many daily changes and to adapt to them, something that surely who will obtain, because he is very intelligent; personally, to me I like more with the loose hair ".

On the styles of the Infants, Daisy Nut has emphasized that each one of them adapts to the place of residence and its type of life. "Doña Elena has her residence in Madrid, where people get dressed more and are more social acts, whereas the life of Doña Cristina in Barcelona is simpler and his atuendo he is more informal and Mediterranean", has affirmed.

Finally, Daisy Nut has confessed that is invited to the real wedding, to which it will go, although still does not know in what its clothes will consist, by that of which "in blacksmith house, wood knife".

and here you have an interview that she gave given in catalan. Here you have my translation (the best one).:rolleyes:

Barcelona of...Margarita Nuez (Fashion Designer)

Barcelona is from colour...
Ocre and blue.
Your favourite place?
The Turó Park.
A place to walk?
Around of the Monestir of Pedralbes.
The part of the day?
Sear or mountain?
Odd city or new?
Old city.
For what city do you choose instead Barcelona?
To Barcelona.
What do you want to change?
The cleaness, security, the control of the homeless and the sound of the motos.
A record of Barcelona?
La Rambla.
A character?
Jordi Savall.
A building?
The Pedrera and the Palau of the music.
A good place to eat?
The restaurant J.J.
Barcelona is good…
Larzen said:
During the dinner in honour of the President of Peru The Queen wore a modified dress from Valentino Couture. In a report about Valentino in a magazine you could also see that he had a picture of the Queen wearing this dress on the wall in one of his work rooms together with other famous people wearing his dresses.

Pictures from gettyimages and

The Queen's version looks much nicer than the one on the model.
I agree she makes them look tasteful and elegant whilst may of his runway models often shows to much

Here is another modified Valentino Couture from the autumn 2003-04 collection, she has added arms, redused the decollte, and removed the brooch (from seegerpress, gettyimages and

Escada (seegerpress) Princess Maria Ana also wore this suit, its very elegant.
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Larzen said:
Here is another modified Valentino Couture from the autumn 2003-04 collection, she has added arms, redused the decollte, and removed the brooch (from seegerpress, gettyimages and
Wow, good job, Larzen! I couldn't recognize they're the same dress! Remarkable change indeed... By the way, I prefer QS's version quite much :)
Im a great fan of Infanta Cristinas new style especially for special occations, its very personal and with alot of great colours. She aslo have great hairdos without going over the top with hair extensions.

According to several sources like Hola! Jesús del Pozo makes many of her creations
Here are some of his latest collections:
Sping-summer collection 2005
Autumn/winter collection 2005-06
Spring summer collection 2006

Here is his homepage

About the designer translated from
This Madrilenian has for almost three decades dedicated himself to the world of the fashion. In 1974 he opened his first store of mens clothes in Admiral Street in Madrid, that thanks to him stays like one of the more famous commercial zones of the Madrilenian vanguard. From 1980 he presents/displays his collections in the Cibeles Fashionweek in Madrid, although also he has made important raids in important capitals of fashion as Paris and Tokyo. In 1992 he made his entrance in the world of the perfume. Since then he has created five fragrances with a considerable commercial success. He also makes jewels, handkerchiefs, clocks, sun glasses and wedding dresses. In 1997 he showed his new prêt-à-porter collection "J of P" in Japan. In October of that same year he inaugurated his new store, also in Admiral Street. Jesus del Pozo also has made clothes for theater, ballet, cinema and opera. Form leaves from the fashionable Association of Creators of Spain and has received as important prizes as the Gold medal to the Merit in Beautiful Arts, the prize Cristóbal Balenciaga to the best Spanish designer, and the Gold Needle Maria Jiménez

According to and Hola he made her outfits for Felipes wedding, I love them both, and she knows how to assesorise witout going over the top and never end up looking like a christmas three like some Princesses has a tendency to

The Dress for the prewedding festivities is be by Miguel Palacio (credit LULA), I like it very much, especially the spanish looking shawl looks very beautiful with it.

The red dress and green jacket is from Jesus del Pozo (atleast according to norwegian coverage, so cannot be sure:rolleyes: ), it looks to big one her (I belive she has worn it before) Again beautiful hair and jewellery

Pictures from
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Theese should also be by Jesus del Pozo, I especially like the pink, very soft and flattering for a pregnant woman.

photos from

I have read both Jesus del Pozo and Lorezo Caprile has signed this dress, hopefully someone can confirm, usually Caprile shows more clevage on his evening wear;)

Photo from
The black and pink dressthat the Infanta Cristina took to the concert previous to the wedding of Denmark does not belong to Jesus del Pozo but to Miguel Palacio
thanks Lula, Ill edit the information:)

Some information about him translated from,3346,1559872_3180731_3184720_328931,00.html?infoType=curriculum

He began in 1989 next to Fernando Lemoniez, with whom creates the mark Palacio & Lemoniez, that displayd its collections during the years 1991-1998 in the Cibeles Fashion week. During this stage it obtained great prestige, that was recognized with prize T of Telva in the 1992 and 1996 editions. In 1995 it decided to be transferred to Paris, where he develops to a concept and an international style in collaboration with the prestigious French industry. During these years it acquires an exhaustive knowledge of the universe of the fashion and began to establish commercial relations with the U.S.A. (Barneys NY, Berdof Goodmann...), Japan, Hong-Kong, Kuwait, etc. and with clientas such as Carolina of Monaco and Ariel de Rothschild. As of the 2000 his individual brand, Migue Palacio, he presents his collections in the Cibeles from February 2001 edition which it became revelation of the season, with a modern concept of elegant and seductive woman, who demands quality. In October 2002 it obtains the prestigious T of Telva like Best National Designer. In this same year the wedding line is created by Miguel Palacio in collaboration with the multinational Pronovias. In November of the 2003 it receives the Prix of the Fashion Marie Claire 2003 as Best Designer of the Year and in October of the 2004 he receives the Prize Woman 2004 like Best Designer of the Year.

Here is the spring-summer 2005 collecion by Miguel Palacio,3346,1559872_4942592_3197964_304690,00.html

An his latest autumn-winter 2005-2006 collection,3346,1559872_17708446_3197964_329722,00.html

Spring/summer 2006,3346,1559872_26236544_3197964_369626,00.html
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Larzen said:
According to and Hola he made her outfits for Felipes wedding, I love them both, and she knows how to assesorise witout going over the top and never end up looking like a christmas three like some Princesses has a tendency to

The Dress for the prewedding festivities is be by Miguel Palacio (credit LULA), I like it very much, especially the spanish looking shawl looks very beautiful with it.

The red dress and green jacket is from Jesus del Pozo, it looks to big one her (I belive she has worn it before) Again beautiful hair and jewellery

Pictures from

The only thing that I consistently like about the Infant on these photos is her hair , hat, and make up. I love the rich jewel tone color of the green dress, but the skirt of the dress is simply awful. It looked to scrunched up and reminded mr of trash bags. The wedding outfit is the one that I like best, I even like her hat. The shawl for the black dress is nice, but the dress itself with its various cuts and slits looks very risque (which is something I don't usually associate with Cristina). I thought the outfit at the Danish wedding looked like it was all a size too big, the dress and the jacket could've been more tailored to fit her body, I also don't care for the color combination.
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Larzen said:
Theese should also be by Jesus del Pozo, I especially like the pink, very soft and flattering for a pregnant woman.

photos from

I have read both Jesus del Pozo and Lorezo Caprile has signed this dress, hopefully someone can confirm, usually Caprile shows more clevage on his evening wear;)

Photo from

With the minor exception of that lavender purse, Infant Cristina looks impeccable in the first two photos. Again I think she looks great in those rich jewel tones, and her hair and make up is perfect as usual. I strangely like the simplicity of the dress in the third photo.
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Larzen said:
The Dress for the prewedding festivities is be by Miguel Palacio (credit LULA), I like it very much, especially the spanish looking shawl looks very beautiful with it.
I loved that one too. I guess it's my favourite of her. Very Spanish indeed... and elegant I must say.

This evening outfit she took to last year's edition of the Telva Fashion Awards was made by Lorenzo Caprile. I think she looked breathtakingly beautiful... perhaps a bit Hollywood-like, but I think it suited such a fashionable event. Here in the photo, we can see Caprile accompanying her.

(Photos from GettyImages)
i didn't know that you were a great fan of Cristina. Join the group. :D
I have always liked Crisitna and she just seems to get more and more beautiful with age, just like some of the other born Princesses like Astrid in Belgium and Märtha Louise in Norway. Earlier they all seemde like they were...erhm..dressing like (or should I say dressed by;) ) their mothers. But as they have gotten married and had children maybe they have become more comftarble in a role which requires more formal and different clothes than what their friends wore when they were younger and also more sure of them selves. They are all also thinner than what they were before they had their first children, usually its the other way around.

Queen Sofias dress for Felipe and Letizias Prewedding dinner was by Manuel Pertegaz

Pictures from gettyimages

Chanel suit, the Duchess of Cornwall has the same suit

Picture from terra
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Queen Sofia wearing Oscar de la Renta (1 and 2) accompanied by the designer him self, He also made the dress for his wife (3), she wore it for a meeting with Charles and Camilla when they were in the US
All pictures from

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Sofia, Elena and Cristina have a simple but very tasteful sense of fashion which shows on their dress choices...
The Telva awards outfit looked smashing on Cristina, very sexy (and she's 40 with 4 kids, what's the secret? :D ), I think she went there because she's kind of a muse for Caprile (he once said the most important thing he's ever done is her wedding dress).

On the other hand you all are forgetting one of the most important Royal designers in Spain: Manuel Pertegaz, he designed Letizia's wedding dress and is reportedly one of Queen Sofía's favourites....
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crisiñaki said:
she's kind of a muse for Caprile (he once said the most important thing he's ever done is her wedding dress).
No wonder... it was a perfect masterpiece!:)
Since I cannot edit my last post:mad: (I hate IE, from now on it's just FireFox for me:cool: )
I wanted to ask another question: in the last picture, Iñaki's tie match Cristina's embroidery?
Thanks a lot!:p
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