Charlene Wittstock Current Events 5 : August 2006

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Apr 11, 2005
Welcome to part 5 of the thread to discuss the current events of Charlene Wittstock, Prince Albert's official companion.

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I think he makes a wonderful couple with charlene, and he looks happier later for me.
Veroka, the picture on the boat was taken last September and the lady was Annabella Bond. The gray haired guy was the doctor fellow from the North Pole Trek (I can't remember his name right now). If I remember right it was a planning meeting for the trek.

I like their style, on a boat in the balmy med. sea planning on trekking to the Pole.
excuse me

To zonk 1189. Jeezlouweeze. So sawry. I have nothing against Charlene and I was just being hypothetical. Youve heard the saying a picture is worth a thousand words. :boxing:
Here are some more pics of Charlene at the airport of Nice on Saturday:



Charlene Wittstock: Current Events Part 5

Was this taken on August 5? Where is she going .............. I wonder? Anyone know?
To answer your questions-according the monitor when she checked in, her destination was the Paris airport. Nice doesn't have many direct flights anywhere and Paris goes everywhere. And they were taken on 5 August, Saturday by the date on the agency uploads.

As to whether she ends up back in South Africa, in the United States for the Jazz Festival or stays in Paris at Albert's apartment is up for quite some speculation. She did however, wear the same outfit traveling as she did wandering around Monaco the afternoon before the ball. Guess she didn't pack much...

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Oh my god...
I can't look her... :ohmy:

Dressed without style or class.... two baggages of different color, and what is this???? An Ice bag?????? She will take a sightseeing tour in Paris? :ROFLMAO:

Maybe she is the right one... but I hope that Pr Team will do something in order to improve her style....

She looks so tired, or maybe she is sad, She don't wont to leave her love.. :wub:

:rolleyes: And what about Albert??? Is he happy or sad???? No photos of Him on the airport??? :huh:
Suonymona said:
To answer your questions-according the monitor when she checked in, her destination was the Paris airport. Nice doesn't have many direct flights anywhere and Paris goes everywhere. And they were taken on 5 August, Saturday by the date on the agency uploads.

As to whether she ends up back in South Africa, in the United States for the Jazz Festival or stays in Paris at Albert's apartment is up for quite some speculation. She did however, wear the same outfit traveling as she did wandering around Monaco the afternoon before the ball. Guess she didn't pack much...

I actually had to double check her clothes to make sure she repeated the same clothes cause I had assumed the photos were taken the same day. Infact I was getting ready to challenge you but then I realised the guy with her is wearing a different shirt. I wonder what she had in the big suitcase then. I would have thought clothes. I mean I am not saying its wrong to repeat clothes two days in a row but when you are dating the prince I think it is. Maybe its time the prince started shopping.
LadyMichelle said:
Oh my god...
I can't look her... :ohmy:

Dressed without style or class.... two baggages of different color, and what is this???? An Ice bag?????? She will take a sightseeing tour in Paris? :ROFLMAO:

Maybe she is the right one... but I hope that Pr Team will do something in order to improve her style....

I'm not seeing what's so wrong with her outfit (except maybe the legs turned up). She looks like any normal woman to me going to the airport. :huh: Just my opinion.
Consider this as a reason to be sad. The Ball came and went with an insider source saying an engagement would be announced at the Ball but none was. She was not seated next to Albert but across from him. She was escorted to the airport by the personal trainer.
BurberryBrit said:
I'm not seeing what's so wrong with her outfit (except maybe the legs turned up). She looks like any normal woman to me going to the airport. :huh: Just my opinion.

This is not the style of a princess.
This girl will take the place of Grace Kelly... :sad:
With all due respect...she MAY take the role of Grace Kelly. That's not a definite thing until an engagement is announced. Until then, she is a women dating a prince traveling in comfort. And in regards to being escorted to the airport by a personal trainer...who was supposed to escort her....Albert? Then people would be upset and saying that he is not taking his duties serioiusly. These of course, just my personal opinions.
LadyMacAlpine said:
Consider this as a reason to be sad. The Ball came and went with an insider source saying an engagement would be announced at the Ball but none was. She was not seated next to Albert but across from him. She was escorted to the airport by the personal trainer.
To me that is no reason to be sad.

- An insider said there would be an announcement
Well I really think Albert and Charlene know when it's time to make such things. And the Red Cross Ball is not the right place for it. BTW there were many 'insider' saying there would be an engagement since the Olympics, so I wouldn't trust those kind of informations.

- She was not seated next to him
She sat right across from him, if you consider the protocol, that was absolutly right. Further there are many pics showing them holding hands and flirting with each other.

- She was escorted by the personal trainer
What's wrong with that? No one knows where Albert was. Noone knows where she was going. This personal trainer was with her on several paparazzi pics, and that is not a reason to be sad.

I also think she was just tired, and her outfit was absolutly okay. It was casual and chic, and that is my opinion.
tbhrc said:
To me that is no reason to be sad. .........
Agree on all points.
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LadyMichelle said:
This is not the style of a princess.
This girl will take the place of Grace Kelly... :sad:
I think it's really unfair to compare her to Princess Grace. Every women on this earth would pale in comparison to her.
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Yes, but

Yes, that it's true. But can you compare Charlene to others european modern princesses, like Mary or Letizia?

LadyMichelle said:
Yes, that it's true. But can you compare Charlene to others european modern princesses, like Mary or Letizia?


In my opinion not as long as she is not married to Albert. And so far she is his official companion.....
LadyMichelle said:
This is not the style of a princess.
This girl will take the place of Grace Kelly... :sad:
Oh please, aren't there more important things in this world then Charlen wittstock traveling with two unmatching suitcases? I am surely not a fan of hers, but really that is the least of her problems. If she is going to be a rpincess of Monaco, I expect a lot more of her then owning matching luggage and clothes that make her look good. IMO she could be more beautiful then Grace, have all the wonderful clothes in the world and always smile at the right time when a camera is pointed her way so you guys can say what a wonderful princess. To me she still would't do anything. I want to see someone who loves Albert for the man he is, not his title, someone who shares his ideals and will help him to realize them, someone who will help his humantarian projects, someone who will be there for him and support him when times are rough and not someone who will create additional stress by giving unsuitable interviews and using his postion to promote her own image. And frankly to me Charlene has nothing of what I expect of a wife for Albert. It looks at present as if he is of a different opinion and I might have to get used to seeing her around here (though I still have hope). BUt her unmatching suitcases is really not sth that should and would prevent her from becoming a princess.
paca said:
I want to see someone who loves Albert for the man he is, not his title, someone who shares his ideals and will help him to realize them, someone who will help his humantarian projects, someone who will be there for him and support him when times are rough

Okay so far no one of us can say if Charlene loves him for the man he is or not. No one here can say if she she shares the same ideals and if she will help him zo realize them. Or if she will be there for him when times are rough. No one knows it, only Albert and Charlene do. So that aren't proper reasons to dislike her, just my opinion.

paca said:
And not someone who will create additional stress by giving unsuitable interviews and using his postion to promote her own image.
Well it seems the only ones who are stressed by her interviews are some people on forums, but not Albert.... He is still 'dating' her even after those interviews. And how is she using his position to promote herself? I have no clue, sorry.....
I have no issues with how she is dressed, whether her luggage matches or not, and whether she brings a snack with her. She's dressed casually and comfortable, yet not skanky. Her luggage seems practical - does it really matter whether they aren't part of a set? And maybe she'd prefer to have a healthy alternative to what is served on the plane? Who knows?

Yes, I agree sometimes some of the pics make it easy to wonder how well she would do as a princess, however, I think present crown princesses even have some of those photos. Being a royal consort is a career, and can we really determine someone's potential by looking at pics? Could we judge any person's potential for any career by pics alone for that matter?

I think character, not looks, will be the most determining factor in how well she would do as a wife and royal consort and I've never met her, so I can't comment on that. If she makes Prince Albert happy, that's great, and hopefully he appreciates the pressure she will carry on her shoulders trying to meet the public's expectations and thus makes ever attempt to make the transition easier for her, should he decide to propose.
tbhrc said:
Okay so far no one of us can say if Charlene loves him for the man he is or not. No one here can say if she she shares the same ideals and if she will help him zo realize them. Or if she will be there for him when times are rough. No one knows it, only Albert and Charlene do. So that aren't proper reasons to dislike her, just my opinion.
I said that I am not a fan of hers and I said what I would like to see as qualities in the women Albert wants to marry. I did not say that Charlene doesn't have these qualities. Maybe she will show us her qualities one day. At present she is just smiling in pictures and giving interviews that do not reveal anything about her qualities except that she won't drawn in a pool.

tbhrc said:
Well it seems the only ones who are stressed by her interviews are some people on forums, but not Albert.... He is still 'dating' her even after those interviews. And how is she using his position to promote herself? I have no clue, sorry.....
Well, to me the whole family, appart from Antoinette looked pretty stressed coming in. And she only gave those interview, because people were interested in her due to his position, not due to what she actually acieved in her life. So I don't see what the point of these interviews were if not promoting her own image.
paca said:
And frankly to me Charlene has nothing of what I expect of a wife for Albert.

This was from your previous post. To me that means she has not one of those qualitlies you've mentioned before.

paca said:
I said that I am not a fan of hers and I said what I would like to see as qualities in the women Albert wants to marry. I did not say that Charlene doesn't have these qualities. Maybe she will show us her qualities one day. At present she is just smiling in pictures and giving interviews that do not reveal anything about her qualities except that she won't drawn in a pool.
So if you also don't know if she has any of those qualities, what makes you dislike her.

paca said:
Well, to me the whole family, appart from Antoinette looked pretty stressed coming in. And she only gave those interview, because people were interested in her due to his position, not due to what she actually acieved in her life. So I don't see what the point of these interviews were if not promoting her own image.

I have no clue why they looked stressed, but again there could be 1000 reasons for this and in the end no one of us knows them.

And about those interviews, again Albert ist still 'dating' her, so it seems to be okay for him.
paca said:
Oh please, aren't there more important things in this world then Charlen wittstock traveling with two unmatching suitcases? I am surely not a fan of hers, but really that is the least of her problems. If she is going to be a rpincess of Monaco, I expect a lot more of her then owning matching luggage and clothes that make her look good. IMO she could be more beautiful then Grace, have all the wonderful clothes in the world and always smile at the right time when a camera is pointed her way so you guys can say what a wonderful princess. To me she still would't do anything. I want to see someone who loves Albert for the man he is, not his title, someone who shares his ideals and will help him to realize them, someone who will help his humantarian projects, someone who will be there for him and support him when times are rough and not someone who will create additional stress by giving unsuitable interviews and using his postion to promote her own image. And frankly to me Charlene has nothing of what I expect of a wife for Albert. It looks at present as if he is of a different opinion and I might have to get used to seeing her around here (though I still have hope). BUt her unmatching suitcases is really not sth that should and would prevent her from becoming a princess.

yes, but concerning suitcase set I was Just joking!!!
As I told you paca, i'm a Pr, and my work is to give better image to person.
In my opinion Charlene, is trying to improve her OWN image, without success. She is dating a prince, but she is still criticized on ALL news paper of the world.
If you date ALBERT, You MUST to be compared to Grace. So, try to do your best in order to give the impression "I'm not beautiful as Grace but I have MY OWN personality and charme"
Charlene is alsways looking as a fish out of water.:ROFLMAO:

What Charlene needs is a Pr staff that can help her to improve this images , that as we say here in Italy is: something like water (so without taste!)

I don't Know if she is in love, or if she is dating Albert only for publicity,..... Is not my affair.

I think that probably as she is an atleth she has got a LOT OF PERSONALITY, but in this moment she is not showing it!

I think also that if she is really interested in Albert she should manage his image in different ways... for example, promoting foundraising events, charity events, or give her help to major organization of charity, helping children without parents....etc etc

in this moment she is only a 28 years old girl, that once was an atleth, that now is living with money of Albert, that dropped out the school....

is not what I will expect from a Princess.

Kisses Paca... you are my favourite!! :wub:

LadyMichelle said:
She is dating a prince, but she is still criticized on ALL news paper of the world.
So far she isn't really critizied by any paper in the world. They are just saying she will be the future wife of Albert. And every once in a while they say at this and this day will be the engagement.

LadyMichelle said:
I think also that if she is really interested in Albert she should manage his image in different ways... for example, promoting foundraising events, charity events, or give her help to major organization of charity, helping children without parents....etc etc

Actually that should be the task of Albert's wife, and again she is just his official companion not his wife and not his fiancée....
Imo, I think that Charlene will be around for little while longer, but I don't think she'll be in for the long haul. I just don't see her as Princess material. Firstly, I have a problem with her education..or lack thereof. Sure she could finish now, but she would just be finishing high school, no higher education is going to make her a target for criticism (as it already has..imagine if they marry!). Secondly, the image that she is presenting is not as great as it could be, if their relationship is for real then I agree with you LadyMichelle, she is in dire need of a PR team..ASAP!

Who knows..maybe she will surprise us one day as paca said, but as for right now..there is absolutely nothing flattering about her, imo of course.

I wish he is for the first time right in choosing a girlfriend and if they get to marry that she will be prepared for her role. We can see Mette Marit as the best example of someone who didnt seem to be a good choice but became a good princess as good as any other with better background.
After reading some of the latest post concerning PA and CW relationship, it seems we are right back on that speculative road of no return.

PA never stated he would not be accompanied by CW to events, he only confirmed there is no marriage/wedding taking place. IMO, the comment by him was made to slow down the gossip of the tabloids. We all know the tabloids ran rampart with printing articles regarding CW and PA relationship. Most of the information was false. If you pay close attention, it is starting up again. I really do not know what PA has to do to keep this gossip of his personal life to a minimum. Both parties stated the relationship is not of any type of proposal for marriage. Why do people insist of a marriage because CW showed up at the Red Cross Ball? Where is this meaningless information coming from? PA never said CW was going to be his princess bride. Men and women have all types of relationships. What make them any different from any other male and female? Just because we have seen them together via pictures does not mean they are getting married. This speculative list of what is going on between them is becoming endless. The only factual information we know of is PA stated he is not getting married anytime soon. Plus he added if it was Charlene we would know. So who is the culprit of continuing these false rumors? Is it the tabloids or people just carrying fairytales of what they think is going on between PA and
CW, who’s the guilty party (ies)?

As far as CW accompanying PA to future major events will probably continue. I would not put too much faith in the articles written in the tabloids. They are only writing false articles of what enquiring minds want to read. This is how they make tons of money. The pictures that have been posted thus far are only motionless prints and nothing more. How can you tell what is going on in the pictures if you were not there?

Let’s not put the buggy in front of the horse because of pictures posted. The pictures were exposed in the tabloids and the internet of Albert touching Charlene’s hand and a few exchanged glances were only to get the media’s attention. Guess what, it worked! None of us were present at the Red Cross Ball so how could we possibly know the reason behind PA’s behavior. He is a playboy this is no secret. Most playboys are the biggest “cassanovas”and this is how they behave with women; a tender touch and passionate glance, etc. I truly would not read too much into what the tabloids printed with their wild imaginations. Remember they are pros at writing these articles.

Until there is an official announcement given by the Prince via interview or his PR team put something in writing, Charlene is a friend/companion escorting PA to events.

As far as CW being spotted in the airport, so what! It only shows she was in route to a destination and we do not know where…
tbhrc said:
So far she isn't really critizied by any paper in the world. They are just saying she will be the future wife of Albert. And every once in a while they say at this and this day will be the engagement.

Actually that should be the task of Albert's wife, and again she is just his official companion not his wife and not his fiancée....

As I can read, there are a lot of magazines saing the same thing that a lot of people in this message board is writing: wrong dresses, no culture, no charme etc etc...

She is not his wife, she his not is fiancèè, but if she want to marry him, she should manage her imagine in a different way.
Do you remember what ranieri says about Grace, some days before they wedding?

"I liked this girl because coming from a country like America and the hollywood world, she has been treated as stranger. But She has learned the language. She talked to the people using her heart, she gave them something to dream, she permitted to them to be part of a dream.":wub:

Ok, maybe Charlene will not marry Albert. As you said she is not his fiancè, but we are waiting for a princess. Not only a simple wife. We are waiting for a Girl that will love Albert that's clear, but also we are waiting for a strong girl with big personality that can help Albert to manage this state, and why not, a Girl that can give to us something to dream, something of romantic, and glamourous...

I think that Charlene has got a big personality, but, she don't show it. This is the pity.... :huh:
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