In Spain the criminal trials has two phases:
1-the instruction, Judge Instructor, investigates the facts that have been denunciation.This stage ends with a resolution that it is called "Auto" is this resolution which establishes who are the persons defendant and the crime that is attributed to their (an "imputado" is not a defendant).That "Auto" has not been dictated still
2-The trial would be heard before a different judge at this stage of trial is where they must present evidence and it ends with the sentence.
The problem is another. No one can know the facts by which it is investigated to Carlos because that the investigating Judge decreed the "secret of the investigations","The secret of investigating" Besides facilitating the investigations have other function that is save the privacy of individuals investigated and engender the least possible damage to its image or business.
Do not keep the secret of investigation and that it transcend the press, is a crime.
It is obvious that this has been violated, evidence of this is that the Spanish and Danish newspapers have published it.. Someone has committed a crime of disobedience
Carlos has not been found guilty and the press already presumed guilty, it will significantly harm your business and person ...
and to think that the presumption of innocence is a basic democratic values ...
On the other hand, if the Danish newspaper said that Carlos has been arrested, it seems to me to say this is very serious, because Carlos has been called to testify has not been arrested ..
Arrested and being called to testify, This is not the same
When Call to testify to a person, the judge send a letter to the person, it says the day and time that the person have to go to court to answer questions.