Prince Daniel's 50th Birthday - 15 September, 2023

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Imperial Majesty
Jun 22, 2007
SVT publishes an one hour documentary about Daniel turning 50 on 29th August.
Carina Bergfeldt interviews Prince Daniel ahead of his 50th birthday. He talks about growing up in Ockelbo, what it's like to marry into the royal family and how to keep the romance alive after twenty years together. We also get to see the prince do yoga with Generation Pep, be received like a rock star at Swedish Championships in Young Entrepreneurship and show his favorite painting among the art at Haga Palace.
Prins Daniel 50 år _ SVT Play
It's good, I think, that Prince Daniel's milestone birthday won't be entirely overshadowed by his father-in-law's and Sweden's jubilees. The 50th birthdays of Crown Princess Mary of Denmark and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway were/will be publicly commemorated, and I can't see why it should be different for Prince Daniel, who has worked just as hard for his monarchy as his Scandinavian neighbors.
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Daniel's done well.

Victoria (and Sweden) struck gold with him.
It's good, I think, that Prince Daniel's milestone birthday won't be entirely overshadowed by his father-in-law's and Sweden's jubilees. The 50th birthdays of Crown Princess Mary of Denmark and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway were/will be publicly commemorated, and I can't see why it should be different for Prince Daniel, who has worked just as hard for his monarchy as his Scandinavian neighbors.

Crown Princess Mary's 50th birthday was overshadowed by omicron and Daisy's Golden Jubilee, she sadly doesn't had a gala dinner but she gained a exposition at Frederiksborg Palace
Carina Bergfeldt tells at her Instagram about her documentary/interview of Daniel due to his 50th birthday:

I have wanted to interview Prince Daniel since May 2010, when I read a long article in Svenska Dagbladet signed by Karin Thunberg.
In it, the then-to-be prince talked about how unconcerned he was about his role of walking three steps behind Victoria for the rest of his life.
"For me, it's no problem to go one, two or ten steps behind and still retain my self-esteem. That's just the way it is,” he said.
At the time I was living in a relationship with a person who had a very hard time with successful women. The better I was doing, the worse the relationship got. I thought this Daniel Westling sounded like a UFO.
The years went by. I learned that there are men who can handle successful women out there. I found one and married him in the blink of an eye. But curiosity about Prince Daniel persisted.
Was he really as confident in his role as he claimed? Does he never get frustrated by going behind, and all the focus is on someone else? As the year went by, the number of questions I wanted to ask Prince Daniel in particular grew.
When I got my talk show and was asked about a dream guest, the answer was obvious. And for four seasons I have been calling the court's information department and nagging. Or begged and asked, call it what you will.
Finally I got a meeting with the prince. And then one more. And as his 50th birthday approached, he chose to do one big interview. With me.
I am happy and proud of it. There were no premises. I could ask anything. And I did.
I've followed the prince on five occasions from the beginning of May onwards, and today it's official.
The show airs at 20.00 on August 29 and I hope you'll watch to get to know the man who walks three steps behind our future queen a little better."

Carina Bergfeldt says to Expressen that she thought Daniel would say 'I don't want to answer that' once or twice during the interview, but it never came. He answered everything, Bergfeldt writes in a comment to Expressen.
When asked how she prepared for the interview and conversation, Carina Bergfeldt tells that she looked at unreasonable amounts of 'The Year with the Royal Family' programs and interviews that were done in connection with various holidays. Interviews with the King, the Queen, the Crown Princess, interviews with the Crown Princess couple. She even watched some documentary about Haga Palace to familiarize herself as much as possible with the environment where they would be.
Spelet bakom Bergfeldt prins Daniel-intervju

Two more photos of Daniel and Carina Bergfeldt
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Carina Bergfeldt spoke with Aftonbladet about her interview with Daniel due to his 50th birthday.

Carina started contacting the court about interviewing Daniel before the first season of her talk show. Since then she has continued to call and ask at regular intervals. Finally, the court agreed to an informal meeting. Then one more. And then Daniel said yes, says Carina and admits that he was somewhat hesitant at first after all.
What fascinates him apart from the obvious, that he is married to Crown Princess Victoria?
- That's the role I'm interested in. We have seen in other royal families that it is not always easy to be a prince consort. Prince Philip didn't always love his role, Prince Claus of the Netherlands also had a hard time with it at times, and you don't have to go further than our neighboring country Denmark for an example of someone who really didn't always enjoy the role. My curiosity is simply why Prince Daniel would be so different.
Carina describes Daniel to begin with as very funny. Carina laughed a lot. Daniel offered himself and joked. Obviously Carina kept a distance and respect for the office, but Carina still thinks we get to see a side of him that hasn't been shown much.
Carina told at Instagram that she was allowed to ask whatever questions she wanted. Daniel laughed at some questions, but he was still enthusiastic about answers. Some things he didn't want to go into too much detail about, but on the whole he answered.
Did you feel that he was completely honest all the time or did he ever meander?
- I asked if he ever wants to scold the referee when he is with Oscar at football and Estelle at basketball. He said no, laughed and said it would be beneath his dignity. I think we both know he wasn't being completely honest there, says Carina.
Prins Daniel intervjuas i SVT av Carina Bergfeldt – fyller 50 år
SVT published already last night the one hour long interview/documentary "Prince Daniel 50 years" by Carina Bergfeldt, which will be shown at SVT this evening.
I watched parts of it now in the morning. We see Oscar in the beginning of the interview, Victoria is also interviewed. Among other things, Daniel tells, that he made his famous wedding speech with a couple of his friends - they discussed about ideas what he would say in it.
Carina Bergfeldt asks how Daniel and Victoria hold the romance alive, after 13 years of marriage and two children. Daniel says that if a couple has that chemistry he and Victoria have, the chemistry is there all the time but it is about taking time for the to of them, sometimes there is a lack of time for that due to their jobs but he thinks he and Victoria have succeeded in that. Carina says that it's great to have that chemistry after 20 years. Yes, really, and a good chemistry, Daniel smiles.
Daniel says that he has a very good relationship with the King and Queen and Victoria's siblings, he feels community and a loving relationship there.
Daniel speaks so warmly about Victoria and their children, his childhood in Ockelbo and his friends.
SVT play

More about the interview when I have watched it all.

And of course SVT points out Daniel's answers about the rumors of divorce:
In February last year, the court came out and denied a rumor that the crown princess couple would divorce due to a betrayal in the relationship. Now the prince himself tells about the background.
- It was a mean, false rumor that we experienced had major consequences, he says in the program "Prince Daniel 50 years".
After a long period of rumours, the court and the crown princess couple denied the information that they were planning to divorce in early 2022. A decision that Prince Daniel still thinks was absolutely right.
- I don't think any raisonnable person believes in that rumor anymore, he says in an exclusive interview with SVT's Carina Bergfeldt ahead of his 50th birthday.
Prins Daniel_ Så påverkades vi av skilsmässoryktena _ SVT Nyheter
Will Prince Daniel's 50th will coincide with the Kings Golden Jubilee?
Will Prince Daniel's 50th will coincide with the Kings Golden Jubilee?
Prince Daniel was born on the same day that his future father-in-law ascended the throne.
Prince Daniel was born on the same day that his future father-in-law ascended the throne.

Apologies what I meant was will his 50th Birthday celebrations clash with the jubilee and perhaps will be celebrated at a later date?
Apologies what I meant was will his 50th Birthday celebrations clash with the jubilee and perhaps will be celebrated at a later date?

The Marshal of the Realm Fredrik Wersäll said already on 29th November 2022 to Svensk Damtidning: "Prince Daniel will be celebrated - but not on that particular day".
Svensk Dam avslöjar_ Prins Daniel stoppas – får ingen 50-årsfest _*Svensk Dam


When Carina starts to interview Daniel, Oscar comes there.
- Oscar has been to training camp today, in football, says Daniel and lovingly pats Oscar on the back.
When Carina asks how it went, Oscar answers with a curt "good".
- Nice that you came up. We'll get started right away here. Then dad feels a little calm when you bring great energy, Daniel says..
Carina asks Oscar if his summer vacation has started yet.
- Yes, yesterday, Oscar says.
Prins Oscars oväntade drag mitt under intervjun – förvånar alla _*Svensk Dam

And it is an honest prince that we get to meet in SVT's 50th anniversary interview:
A father of two who responds with a surprised "Yes!" when Carina Bergfeldt asks if it happens that he and Crown Princess Victoria cook the food themselves.
Who wants milk in his coffee and who tells us that he is having a bit of a so-so sleep:
- I go to bed far too late and wake up too early.
So do the royal kids ever get hot dogs and instant macarons?
- Instant macaroni - not so often. But macaroni!
Prins Daniels ärliga ord – talar ut i SVT-intervju _*Svensk Dam

Daniel spoke about his kidney transplant and says that as he received his father's kidney, they were able to plan for it. Then it's difficult to plan it perfectly, so he had a few weeks where he went on dialysis and then he was feeling very bad.
Today, Daniel has lived with his father's kidney for 14 years. After the transplant, everything felt good and he says that there have been no direct setbacks since the operation took place.
- I don't notice it today, any more than you take medicine every day for the kidney to thrive. I was lucky, there are hundreds of people waiting in line to get an organ.
- This stress... it's terrible not to be healthy and then have to wait year after year. Some do not survive because of the wait for their organ, says Daniel.
Daniel talar ut om svåra sjukdomen_ ”Tar mediciner varje dag” _*Svensk Dam

Prince Daniel's poignant words about his serious illness in a big interview
Prins Daniels gripande ord om sin svåra sjukdom i stor intervju - Allt om kungligt

Prince Daniel appearing for a longer, more exclusive interview is nothing out of the ordinary.
Therefore, the news that Carina Bergfeldt, who chased the court for 13 years after an interview with the prince, hit like a bomb.
The journalist and presenter had the opportunity to sit down in front of Daniel for an entire documentary about everything between growing up in Ockelbo and life as a prince over Sweden.
Svensk Damtidning's editor-in-chief Johan T Lindwall visited this morning SVT's "Morgonstudion" to discuss the conversation between Carina Bergfeldt and Daniel.
According to Lindwall, the prince gets "five out of five royal crowns":
- Very open, very private, very unexpected. Skillfully executed, very relaxed. There is a lot of training behind it. To sit in an interview like this and not slip up for such a long time, which Daniel does not do, is impressive.
According to the media, the documentary came out just this year because the prince turns 50 on September 15. Lindwall believes that there is also another reason:
- The interest that existed for the royal family around the wedding between Daniel and Victoria no longer exists. In the past, a number of media companies went on state visits and published articles every day to portray their lives and how they work. Today it is very quiet around the royal house, and it bothers them that now no one reports on what they are doing. Then they have to find the media themselves. This interview would never have taken place ten years ago, because then the mass media interest was so great.
- I also think it is this exclusivity surrounding the royal house, that mystery. It must not be too often because then everyone gets interviews. We're talking about this interview because it's so unique. If Daniel had done five interviews like this, then we wouldn't be standing here talking about them.
Johan T Lindwall_ Därför ställde prins Daniel upp på unika intervjun i SVT _*Svensk Dam

Johan T Lindwall was as a guest also at TV4's Efter Fem-program
Lindwall said:
- He has never been this private, open and honest. This is perhaps the most bald interview he has ever done. He gives himself out a lot and talks a lot about his private life. Unusual for royalty.
Lindwall pays tribute to Daniel for his courage and honesty.
- Daniel is a man of the people who has entered the royal family and he goes his own way. I think he is doing very well, excellently well I would say, he says.
Johan T Lindwall hyllar prins Daniel efter sällsynta intervjun_ _Aldrig varit såhär privat_ _*Svensk Dam

Daniel has previously said that it is no problem to walk one, two or ten steps behind Victoria and still retain his self-esteem. Daniel says in the interview:
- It's really simple. I know my role. Most people want to hear and see Victoria, and I'm fine with that. I think she's amazing. She has such a nice connection with people and sees people and makes them feel good. I go behind and enjoy and try to contribute, but have no problem seeing my role and my situation in the whole thing.
Victoria says:
- I have been incredibly lucky to meet someone who wants to share the commitment I have. And I then met someone who wants to be on this journey and be a support, but who also enthusiastically and wholeheartedly commits himself so genuinely to his role. He has an easy way of taking people. For me, he has meant a lot, an awful lot, not only because he is my husband and father to our children, but also as my closest work colleague and support.


Carina asks Daniel about Ockelbo and Daniel tells how much Ockelbo means to him. He speaks so warmly about his childhood and parents, how he had a great childhood. What kind of upbringing his parents have given him. He has five childhood friends from there, a tight group. Just a couple of weeks ago these friends were at Haga Palace, they spent a couple of days together. At the veranda of Haga Palace there are 12 photographs from Ockelbo, taken by Gunnar Smoliansky. Daniel says that then he has a group from friends also from that time he moved to Stockholm about 30 years ago. And that he has a couple of best friends, whom he can call any time and speak about everything.
Daniel says:
- I feel incredibly privileged. I have two amazing children and an amazing wife. I have a very exciting role where I can do things I'm passionate about. I can influence society to some extent, at least try to do so. I try to make good things out of the situation. I am very focused on what I see as my calling.


Carina asks: Sometimes your children are used as an argument for the abolition of the monarchy, that they would be prisoners in a golden cage. What does the prince think about it?
- I can feel incredible concern for children who live in difficult environments, in dysfunctional families. Vulnerable children. Our children live in a safe environment, they are endlessly loved and are doing very well. Then there will surely come periods like for most children and young people when you have a hard time and maybe are depressed. You have to count on that in our case as well. But I believe so much in this thing about love and security, that it creates the conditions for children to feel good, Daniel says.


Daniel speaks also about the importance art has for him. He tells he visits art galleries, at least once a month. And Daniel has bought and chosen many pieces of art to Haga Palace. They walk at a room at Haga Palace and Carina says "beautiful painting" and Daniel tells he loves it, it's his favourite: Karin Mamma Andersson's painting "Svandamm" (Swan Pond)


Photos at a table at the veranda
Unseen photo of Daniel and Oscar beside the main door of Haga Palace
Some screenshots
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Marie Nyreröd, the producer of Daniel's birthday interview, was behind the camera during the interview, she was also responsible for the editing and the music in the interview. But it was not she who chose the music, but Daniel.
- Don't blame me, she says and laughs.
- The music I use in the program is also music that Prince Daniel listens to privately, Marie tells Expressen.
The producer had asked Daniel if he could share his private Spotify playlist for the interview, which he happily did. The playlist included artists such as Lars Winnerbäck, Kent and Håkan Hellström.
- Funny that he listens to Swedish, a little more narrative and text-based music, she tells Aftonbladet.
Daniels hemliga lista avslöjad – efter SVT_s vädjan _*Svensk Dam

Victoria and Daniel met when he was Victoria's personal trainer. Even in the role of prince, he has continued to be involved in issues related to activity and health.
Among other things, the Crown Princess couple runs the non-profit organization Generation Pep, which aims to promote better health among young people, as well as increase knowledge about children and young people's need for movement and activity.
The topic comes up in the interview with Carina Bergfeldt, who asks, who in the royal family would have accompanied the prince on a run.
- Victoria, she has always been spry. And the king is spry. Everyone in the family is probably spry, so I think most would keep up, at least for a walk, says Daniel.
He is then asked if it is easier to take the royals on a walk than a run.
- Yes, me too. I'd rather take a walk than a run, Daniel says.
Därför vägrar prins Daniel Victorias löprundor _*Svensk Dam

Daniel says that he is incredibly grateful for his wonderful upbringing and that Ockelbo is close to his heart. The small town has made him who he is today. Daniel tells that he had an incredibly nice upbringing with mother, father and sister at home. It was safe and loving. He says his parents have very good values that they tried to pass on to him and sister Anna.
Daniel also says that he has established his values from an early age, thanks to his parents Olle and Ewa. Daniel tells that his father was very careful to point out that "just so you know, children, your mother is the smartest of the two of us, but I got the chance to study further" and Daniel thinks that sort of thing applies. It is a good example.
Daniels fina hyllning till pappa Olle och mamma Ewa_ _Bra föredöme_ _*Svensk Dam
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Let's hope he will invite their royal colleagues from all over Europe for the delayed birthday party as most heirs and their spouses seem to do at this milestone birthday.
I hope that due to Daniel's 50th birthday the Court publishes new photos of Daniel with his family, they could have been taken on the same day as the photos published this week.
Article at the Royal Court's website with good photos of Daniel by Clément Morin:

Prince Daniel turns 50 years old
On Friday 15 September, H.R.H. Prince Daniel turns 50 years.
At 06.54 on 15 September 1973, Olof Daniel Westling was born at the Regional Hospital in Örebro. The prince's birthday thus coincides with the day when Crown Prince Carl Gustaf became the King of Sweden.
Prince Daniel's birthday is celebrated privately in the family.
People wishing to congratulate the Prince with a gift on his 50th birthday are asked to consider The Princess Estelle Cultural Foundation or Generation Pep, which are organizations in which Prince Daniel has a deep commitment.
Prins Daniel fyller 50 år _ Kungahuset

HQ photos at court press room:
Kungahuset Pressbilder _ Royal Court Press Photos - Filtered search result for _category The Crown Princess Family
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Prince Daniel's birthday is celebrated privately in the family.

Unfortunate but unsurprising that Prince Daniel's milestone birthday is being treated differently from both his same-generation Scandinavian colleagues Mary of Denmark and Mette-Marit of Norway (whose birthdays were publicly marked) and his mother-in-law Queen Silvia (whose last milestone birthday was celebrated with an official reception and gala concert).
Unfortunate but unsurprising that Prince Daniel's milestone birthday is being treated differently from both his same-generation Scandinavian colleagues Mary of Denmark and Mette-Marit of Norway (whose birthdays were publicly marked) and his mother-in-law Queen Silvia (whose last milestone birthday was celebrated with an official reception and gala concert).

Did Mary's, M-M's and Sils' birthdays coincide with a Golden Jubilee of the Monarch? I don't remember, but I don't think so.
Did Mary's, M-M's and Sils' birthdays coincide with a Golden Jubilee of the Monarch? I don't remember, but I don't think so.

Daniel Westling was born on the same day of the same year that King Carl XVI Gustaf ascended the throne, so his milestone birthdays will always coincide with the jubilees of the monarch, and that is something which can be foreseen and taken into account.

Indeed, it is not the case for any other consort whom I am aware of, but I also do not think it is the reason for the absence of public celebration. Though there is no way to know for certain how it would have been handled if Crown Princess Mary, Crown Princess Mette-Marit or Queen Silvia had been born on the same day as the monarch's accession to the throne, I do not think their milestone birthday celebrations would have been eliminated altogether, though they may have been celebrated on a different date. There have been other ways, unrelated to birthdays, in which Prince Daniel has been treated differently from the others.
The 3 new portraits released by the Swedish Court are absolutely WONDERFUL.
Daniel Westling was born on the same day of the same year that King Carl XVI Gustaf ascended the throne, so his milestone birthdays will always coincide with the jubilees of the monarch, and that is something which can be foreseen and taken into account.

Indeed, it is not the case for any other consort whom I am aware of, but I also do not think it is the reason for the absence of public celebration. Though there is no way to know for certain how it would have been handled if Crown Princess Mary, Crown Princess Mette-Marit or Queen Silvia had been born on the same day as the monarch's accession to the throne, I do not think their milestone birthday celebrations would have been eliminated altogether, though they may have been celebrated on a different date. There have been other ways, unrelated to birthdays, in which Prince Daniel has been treated differently from the others.

It sounds as if you think he's being constantly slighted, but that is definately not the case. That he has to stand back at this special occasion is just normal. We can't have the royal family partying twice the same year.
50 years on the throne is very special and wont happen again in our lifetime. I'm sure Daniel can live with that.
Daniel Westling was born on the same day of the same year that King Carl XVI Gustaf ascended the throne, so his milestone birthdays will always coincide with the jubilees of the monarch, and that is something which can be foreseen and taken into account.

Indeed, it is not the case for any other consort whom I am aware of, but I also do not think it is the reason for the absence of public celebration. Though there is no way to know for certain how it would have been handled if Crown Princess Mary, Crown Princess Mette-Marit or Queen Silvia had been born on the same day as the monarch's accession to the throne, I do not think their milestone birthday celebrations would have been eliminated altogether, though they may have been celebrated on a different date. There have been other ways, unrelated to birthdays, in which Prince Daniel has been treated differently from the others.

Svensk Damtidning claims to have information about celebration of Daniel's birthday:
"And Prince Daniel will of course also be celebrated with a party - but only in two months: According to what Svensk Damtidning is informed, his big official celebration is planned for November."
Så ska Victoria fira sin Daniel – 50 år på fredag _*Svensk Dam
There is no way the Swedish RF would NOT publicly mark Prince Daniel's 50th birthday, as other European Royal households have done. The King's 50th anniversary of his ascension is a big deal - many of the next generation may not have the privilege of celebrating such a milestone
Ofcourse Prince Daniel’s 50:th Birthday won’t be overlooked… It’s just unfortunate that his actual birthday coincides with the accession day, but he will be celebrated properly…

With Queen Silvia turning 80 in December the swedish royal court have 3 celebrations to plan this year, so they have had to spread things out
Conversely, there aren't many people who get a Golden Jubilee for their milestone birthday along with the usual private celebrations and what seems like another large party to come later.

It could be said Daniel is having a plethora of opportunities and ways to celebrate.
Article in finnish newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet:
In the exclusive club consisting of prince consorts, Prince Daniel represents a modern and egalitarian approach.
The article also highlights what Daniel said at his interview on SVT with Carina Bergfeldt: "I didn't give up much when I married Victoria. But I got a lot".
Thank you very much for the translations and articles about the documentary. I have not watched it yet, but if the translated excerpts are characteristic of the interview then I agree with Johan T. Lindwall's assessment of the prince's performance. (His analysis of the interview in the light of the court's media strategy and dissipation of public interest over the past ten years is fascinating, too.)

According to Lindwall, the prince gets "five out of five royal crowns":
- Very open, very private, very unexpected. Skillfully executed, very relaxed. There is a lot of training behind it. To sit in an interview like this and not slip up for such a long time, which Daniel does not do, is impressive.
According to the media, the documentary came out just this year because the prince turns 50 on September 15. Lindwall believes that there is also another reason:
- The interest that existed for the royal family around the wedding between Daniel and Victoria no longer exists. In the past, a number of media companies went on state visits and published articles every day to portray their lives and how they work. Today it is very quiet around the royal house, and it bothers them that now no one reports on what they are doing. Then they have to find the media themselves. This interview would never have taken place ten years ago, because then the mass media interest was so great.
- I also think it is this exclusivity surrounding the royal house, that mystery. It must not be too often because then everyone gets interviews. We're talking about this interview because it's so unique. If Daniel had done five interviews like this, then we wouldn't be standing here talking about them.
Johan T Lindwall_ Därför ställde prins Daniel upp på unika intervjun i SVT _*Svensk Dam

This answer, for example, is both touching and a lovely example of diplomacy and sensitivity:

Carina asks: Sometimes your children are used as an argument for the abolition of the monarchy, that they would be prisoners in a golden cage. What does the prince think about it?
- I can feel incredible concern for children who live in difficult environments, in dysfunctional families. Vulnerable children. Our children live in a safe environment, they are endlessly loved and are doing very well. Then there will surely come periods like for most children and young people when you have a hard time and maybe are depressed. You have to count on that in our case as well. But I believe so much in this thing about love and security, that it creates the conditions for children to feel good, Daniel says.

What fascinates him apart from the obvious, that he is married to Crown Princess Victoria?
- [Carina Bergfeldt:] That's the role I'm interested in. We have seen in other royal families that it is not always easy to be a prince consort. Prince Philip didn't always love his role, Prince Claus of the Netherlands also had a hard time with it at times, and you don't have to go further than our neighboring country Denmark for an example of someone who really didn't always enjoy the role. My curiosity is simply why Prince Daniel would be so different.

The article also highlights what Daniel said at his interview on SVT with Carina Bergfeldt: "I didn't give up much when I married Victoria. But I got a lot".

Daniel has previously said that it is no problem to walk one, two or ten steps behind Victoria and still retain his self-esteem. Daniel says in the interview:
- It's really simple. I know my role. Most people want to hear and see Victoria, and I'm fine with that. I think she's amazing. She has such a nice connection with people and sees people and makes them feel good. I go behind and enjoy and try to contribute, but have no problem seeing my role and my situation in the whole thing.

It seems to me that Prince Daniel has not only avoided the mistakes of the last generation of male consorts, but he has even done well by the standards set for "normal" female consorts - by that I mean that there are a number of queens and princesses consort who I could not imagine saying "It is no problem to walk one, two or ten steps behind [my husband]" or "Most people want to hear and see [my husband], and I'm fine with that".

Carina asks Daniel about Ockelbo and Daniel tells how much Ockelbo means to him. He speaks so warmly about his childhood and parents, how he had a great childhood. What kind of upbringing his parents have given him. He has five childhood friends from there, a tight group. Just a couple of weeks ago these friends were at Haga Palace, they spent a couple of days together. At the veranda of Haga Palace there are 12 photographs from Ockelbo, taken by Gunnar Smoliansky. Daniel says that then he has a group from friends also from that time he moved to Stockholm about 30 years ago. And that he has a couple of best friends, whom he can call any time and speak about everything.

He does sound extremely fortunate and it is good that he acknowledged the importance of his family and friends. It also reflects well on Daniel, his friends, Swedish society, and the Swedish monarchy that they have been able to keep their bond strong for so many decades and after Daniel's transition from small-town commoner to senior royal.
Prince Daniel turns 50!
However, the prince's celebration is overshadowed by the King's big public celebration after 50 years on the throne.
- Prince Daniel is happy and takes a positive view of celebrating his father-in-law's Jubilee on his own 50th birthday, says Margareta Thorgren.
However, Daniel will be celebrated by the family before his father-in-law's big celebration on Friday.
- Prince Daniel will be celebrated privately with a traditional celebration in the morning. But his big birthday celebration will be a little delayed, says Thorgren, but does not specify it more than that.
And how does the royal house view the fact that Prince Daniel was born on the same date as his future father-in-law was elected king?
- They think it's a fun coincidence, says Margareta Thorgren.
Prins Daniel 50 år – så firas han av familjen _ Kungligt _ Expressen
The Danish Royal House congratulates Daniel at its Instagram

The Norwegian Royal House congratulates Daniel at its Instagram

Today the son of Ockelbo, Daniel Westling turns 50. The prince has been sparing with interviews before his birthday, but met Carina Bergfeldt in the SVT program "Prince Daniel 50 years" which was broadcast recently. "I have very much feelings for the place and for my upbringing," said the prince when his childhood years in Ockelbo came up.
Prins Daniel fyller 50 år – Gefle Dagblad
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