Fashion and Style of Royal Men, Part 7: September 2021 - July 2022

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Jan 29, 2005
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Welcome to Part 7 of the thread for the Fashion and Style of royal men!

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** Fashion and Style of Royal Men, Part 6: October 2019 - September 2021 **

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:flowers: Happy Posting! :flowers:
Yes, elephants and palm trees. Perfect for...September! In Sweden! ;) (Eh, why not.) Anyway, it's a clever design and looks good.

There's an even closer-up picture in CG's current events thread, which is how I spotted it, but it's a Facebook one and those don't last long.

It would actually be interesting if someone were to revive Jeeves and Wooster for a current-day setting, much like Sherlock. I'm sure Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie would still do it, and then we could see what passes the Jeeves standard these days.
We can always discuss whether Frederik's attire was too casual for the occasion but I genuinely like it. - Probably because I usually wear something very similar myself, so for that he gets a totally unbiased :cool::cool: from me.
Although the jacket and the shirt are held in subdued hues, they nevertheless contrast well and the result is good.
The belt may not be something I would wear, but I have nothing against it and it adds an extra touch to the whole appearance.

Men are genetically disposed to wear blue. That's just how it is. The sun rise in the east, men wear blue.
Although the blue jacket Frederik is wearing in the second photo is a lovely nuance, it doesn't work here.
Partly because the sleeves are too long but mostly because of lack of contrast.
With a strong colored jacket you wear pants in a strong color, like red and not this dusty rust hue. Or you wear dark, very dark, pants.
The shoes don't help either. Again too little contrast.
The result is a washed out mess.

Look at the Prime Minister in the back, she's wearing a good contrast. :cool:
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Yeah, nothing wrong with that. It's even a little subdued in comparison with other vests I've seen.
Perhaps a flower or a lapel-pin could have been added.

And now for a pet-peeve of mine: Unshaven men.
You either shave or grow a beard.
The only excuses for not shaving are: It's weekend, and you are doing nothing. Or you are on holiday, doing nothing. (And then only for so long your wife and children tolerate being scratched on their cheeks.)
Or you have just been returned to Earth after having been abducted by aliens.

Unless you are in a spaghetti-western, it does not look cool.

Anyway, stubbles mess up the lapels of your shirts.
And now for a pet-peeve of mine: Unshaven men.
You either shave or grow a beard.

You have a point. Though, a well trimmed and manicured beard does work for some.
This is perfect for the occasion. Nothing less.
Because Frederik visited and talked with - and got hugged - by people living in or near a shelter for homeless, addicts and other personal issues.

A tie and suit would immediately create a distance between Frederik and the people he visited. Here his attire, a day to day attire, created a connection and lessened the distance.

Whether it looked good on him, is really besides the point.
Some royals look very uncomfortable when on the job in casual clothing, others simply look odd, because we rarely if ever see them dressed casually.
But Frederik pulls it off and looks at ease, because we often see him dressed casually.
And his shoes.

What is it what royal men these years? Do they meet and go raid a shoe-store for suede shoes?
I can see Frederik, Haakon, King W-A and William gang up once a year, perhaps in disguise, and descend on a random shoe-store to buy all available suede shoes.

Apart from that I think William should call Mary and ask her to send a shipment of some of the belts she's bought for Frederik. That would add some much needed color to William's outfit. About 50 belts should suffice.
hmm - I think you have the South Africans to blame for that. The suede Shoes are called Velde Skoen - will place link at the bottom. They are give to every dignitary and celebrity that visits South Africa and the ambassadors had them out as well.
It is quite a small brand but many royals wear them.
Speaking of all blue in royal men, William today

I do like the pattern of his coat

but the pants needs to be retired :cool:
I am shocked to say that from head to toe he is a Right Royal Mess! What was he thinking? Any engagement that has people in uniforms or lining up for an introduction, whatever, means a suit or well-coordinated separates. William looks like he needs a garanimal wardrobe system for anything that isn't formal.

Everyone in that photo was better dressed than he was and while he wants to be closer to people, dressing down isn't the way. People are there to meet Prince William as their invited guest, not Wills dressed-down rumpled plonker.
:previous: If Prince William had a valet lay out the clothes and and help the Duke dress, would that improve William's appearance?
Prince Davit of Georgia and prince Filip of Serbia (with their respective wives) at the enthronement of His Eminence k.k. Joanikije II, Metropolitan of Montenegro:

And that photo illustrates very well why double-breasted suits work.
Needs a frilly shirt.

A minimalist velvet tux is a contradiction in terms!
Hmm, his pants are a little tight around the buttocks and, while I don't mind the wearing of a velvet dinner jacket per se, formal velvet slippers are a bit of an affectation. I guess we should be grateful that unlike some who wear them, they are not embroidered on the front. He is also not wearing either a waistcoat or a cummerbund or shirt studs.

I thought William looked very dapper!

Hmm, his pants are a little tight around the buttocks and......

Well fitted, perhaps?

A nice casual Prince Daniel on the picture for his birthday today!

Looks very well preserved for his 48 years!
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Looks very well preserved for his 48 years!
I agree. He looks very fine.
And I don't mind looking at William in his suit either. The shoes fit quite nicely with it. And are different from the standard shoes he wears.
I agree. He looks very fine.
And I don't mind looking at William in his suit either. The shoes fit quite nicely with it. And are different from the standard shoes he wears.

I liked the dress shoes as well, a great combination with the black tie.
The velvet jacket on William looks nice IMO....but what is going on with the slippers? At least that is what they look like....all he needs is a smoking jacket and a pipe!
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