Alexandre & Nicole Coste Current Events 1 : Sept.2005 - Dec.2005

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here's a question: is prince albert dating someone? i ask this because of nicole's
interview. from what i have gathered the interview consisted of nothing.
Tzu An said:
There are times when I wonder if Albert spends his free time feverishly building a time machine so that way he can go back in time and dump Nicole.
Toooo funnnyyy!:D
Princess BellyFlop said:
The interview was not that short, but I got the feeling it was slightly shorter than his usual interviews simply because Nicole didn't have that many things to say and also referred a lot to PA. «You should ask Albert» came many times and it's boring to hear as would be «no comment» coming over and over. Ardisson's co-host who had to leave like the rest of the audience came back during the interview and left very fast as he seems so bored with her answers and attitude. QUOTE]

Well I'm glad she is finally learning not to comment on things that don't necessarily apply specifically to her. The whole comment she made about Tamara Rotolo was definitely not her place to make. I found in extremely tacky. In fact, I think she should have stated no comment when asked about TR.:cool:
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PA and alexandre photos

i notice in the photos with PA and alexandre PA is not smillling real big yet when he's photographed with pictures of his young nieces and nephews he has huge smiles with them. does anybody else see that?
hsieh said:
i notice in the photos with PA and alexandre PA is not smillling real big yet when he's photographed with pictures of his young nieces and nephews he has huge smiles with them. does anybody else see that?

Yup. I've noticed that too. He doesn't appear to have the same enjoyment of being with the little boy as he did with his nieces and nephews in years past. I might have been related to what he said about being 'trapped' and feeling obligated to visit rather than doing it because he really wanted to, or maybe it was some negativity brought about by the strained relationship with NC. It could have been very stressful even back then...we don't really know when things started to go downhill.

In any case, it's sad to see pics of him with the baby, and only one of him grinning like he's happy to be with the little tyke (that I can think of right now).
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Bunkycat said:
Yup. I've noticed that too. He doesn't appear to have the same enjoyment of being with the little boy as he did with his nieces and nephews in years past. I might have been related to what he said about being 'trapped' and feeling obligated to visit rather than doing it because he really wanted to, or maybe it was some negativity brought about by the strained relationship with NC. It could have been very stressful even back then...we don't really know when things started to go downhill.

In any case, it's sad to see pics of him with the baby, and only one of him grinning like he's happy to be with the little tyke (that I'm aware of).

Well, I agree with you Bunkycat -- sort of:)

I think it's true that PA and NC would have a seriously strained interaction (expected, obviously...) :cool:

I also think it may be, for sure, related to what he said about feeling that he was 'trapped' by the mother into the situation (but he did walk right into it). Especially so after she went public to get his attention right after his father died --- I know she says she had good reason for doing all of that...

As for me, I like to believe he loves his son, regardless of what he thinks/feels about the mother.:p

Hopefully he is able to put that aside one day (might not be soon, but who knows). Based on his statement, his concern is only on the well being of the little boy (I guess). Seems the boy is not wanting for anything -- he owns a house, and has nannies, bodyguards, plenty of money too.

While it may not have been clear to Albert before (maybe), I guess he understand it by now that NC is a very resourceful woman and quite capable when it comes to looking out for herself.
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Lillia said:
Well, I agree with you Bunkycat -- sort of:)

I think it's true that PA and NC would have a seriously strained interaction (expected, obviously...) :cool:

I also think it may be, for sure, related to what he said about feeling that he was 'trapped' by the mother into the situation (but he did walk right into it). Especially so after she went public to get his attention right after his father died --- I know she says she had good reason for doing all of that...

As for me, I like to believe he loves his son, regardless of what he thinks/feels about the mother.:p

Hopefully he is able to put that aside one day (might not be soon, but who knows). Based on his statement, his concern is only on the well being of the little boy (I guess). Seems the boy is not wanting for anything -- he owns a house, and has nannies, bodyguards, plenty of money too.

While it may not have been clear to Albert before (maybe), I guess he understand it by now that NC is a very resourceful woman and quite capable when it comes to looking out for herself.
I want to throw in something on this. I want to point out the photo's were suppose to have been taken by his attorney Thierry Lacoste however she convinced him according to the story that paternity couldn't be made by a picture. Sounded to me like Albert didn't turst her from the get go of having them taken with his son as to what her motives were. I still find this interesting she said it.
" One person from a Swiss laboratory came to take a sample of DNA from my son. It is Thierry Lacoste who had organized the thing. Later, he said to me jokingly: 'It would have been amazing if the test was negative...' As for the choice of name, I took Alexandre because it is the Albert's second name. For surname, the infant carries mine.
She didn't want to lie anymore that she was the mistress of a friend of Albert's. That tells me a man was being seen going in and out of the apartment and it wasn't Albert. The name she choice to give Alexandre was part of the man who set up the tests, made those remarks, didn't get the photo's. What I truly find interesting is why he told a reporter during a luncheon Albert couldn't go into the State of California or he would have to face a paternity suit by Tamara. Even the reporter found that interesting to slip or questioned was it intentional? What's that they say about keep your friends close but your enemies even closer. Friend or not I would be questioning my friend if I was Albert as to his motives on all issues in the area of Nicole. Almost sounds like a set up all the way around to me by more then Nicole and her cousins trying to sell the photo's 6 months before she did Paris March. But then I look for things like that. When something doesn't fit or feels odd I have to question it.
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LadyMacAlpine said:
I want to throw in something on this. I want to point out the photo's were suppose to have been taken by his attorney Thierry Lacoste however she convinced him according to the story that paternity couldn't be made by a picture. Sounded to me like Albert didn't turst her from the get go of having them taken with his son as to what her motives were.
LadyMacAlpine said:
Well, if PA and the lawyer absolutely did not trust her at all, then why would they ever give her those pictures (if they were the ones who made the photographs)?

Anyway, after the child was born, Albert knew Alexandre was his child -- he, the lawyer and NC knew this from the DNA tests. I'm not sure how keeping pictures (or implying that they could/could not be used to establish paternity) would affect any of that...

Just a thought:p
Lillia said:
LadyMacAlpine said:
I want to throw in something on this. I want to point out the photo's were suppose to have been taken by his attorney Thierry Lacoste however she convinced him according to the story that paternity couldn't be made by a picture. Sounded to me like Albert didn't turst her from the get go of having them taken with his son as to what her motives were.
LadyMacAlpine said:
Well, if PA and the lawyer absolutely did not trust her at all, then why would they ever give her those pictures (if they were the ones who made the photographs)?

Anyway, after the child was born, Albert knew Alexandre was his child -- he, the lawyer and NC knew this from the DNA tests. I'm not sure how keeping pictures (or implying that they could/could not be used to establish paternity) would affect any of that...

Just a thought:p
Nicole said it not me it was in an interview. She apparently wanted the photo's and he "the attorney" was suppose to "collect" them I believe the word was.
alexandre and PA

i feel sad for alexandre. i hope he never feels he is not wanted by PA. if alexandre gets older and looks at pics of him and his dad and sees his dad glum look compared with his dad and cousins that would hurt. regardless if PA thinks he was set up (even though whenever you have intercourse you might have a baby - that's what it's for) i hope he shows alexandre a tremendous amount of love. if PA didn't want a baby why did he have intercourse? if he's such a devout catholic why is he having premarital sex? it doesn't make sense.
In reguards to the pictures. They are very powerful. A woman with no DNA connection could leave a serious impression on the public with that kind of ammuntion. I think he was completely careless to let them be taken in light of the fact that he was set up.

I think the very best thing NC could do for Alexandre is to go get a real JOB and find a new man. I really though child support was for a child, not a mom. I also think her attempts, or claims, to force Albert to be a good dad are about as irresponsible as her birth control pill schedule. I may be cold but if I was Albert I would just leave them both alone until the boy was old enough to visit without his mother. That to me, seems like the only way PA has any chance of having a success relationship with Eric, without subjecting himself to a really scorned ex.

The interview sounds like an attempt to start repairing her image. Her answers, or lack of, indicate an attorney or PR person was advising. By not throwing any mud at PA, but rather his enemies (TR) she might be trying to win her way back into his graces. IMO
leahteresa said:
In reguards to the pictures. They are very powerful. A woman with no DNA connection could leave a serious impression on the public with that kind of ammuntion. I think he was completely careless to let them be taken in light of the fact that he was set up.

I think the very best thing NC could do for Alexandre is to go get a real JOB and find a new man. I really though child support was for a child, not a mom. I also think her attempts, or claims, to force Albert to be a good dad are about as irresponsible as her birth control pill schedule. I may be cold but if I was Albert I would just leave them both alone until the boy was old enough to visit without his mother. That to me, seems like the only way PA has any chance of having a success relationship with Eric, without subjecting himself to a really scorned ex.

The interview sounds like an attempt to start repairing her image. Her answers, or lack of, indicate an attorney or PR person was advising. By not throwing any mud at PA, but rather his enemies (TR) she might be trying to win her way back into his graces. IMO
Bravo! Well put! I could not have said it any better myself!

I agree that Albert should leave the boy alone, perhaps, until the child is abit older and is abit more able to do visits without the mother. NC said plainly that while she never expected Alexandre to be reigning prince, she certainly did not expect he would not 'have a father' as she put it. To me, that means she clearly did not expect to be a single parent -- she wanted PA to raise the child with her together 'like' a family -- even if he was not married to her, not formally living with her, etc. She expects him to be there in a 'family style' situation, even if it's only for the sake of obligation. She expects/wants that connection to Albert to continue. She's not going to let go, I think:rolleyes: (unless PA gets married).

It seems, based on her own story, every time he put distance between them, pushing NC out of his little circle --- and he should have left her alone, imo -- she found a way to clamor back using whatever way she knew -- going to his home looking for him, phone calls to him, crying, convincing him to have party for her birthday, and so on -- in my opinion to get his attentions and try to get him to have relations with her (she admits it)

Then after she got pregnant -- and he put even more distance again (not so nice), she escalate the drama -- she admits going down to Monaco looking for him again, he puts her in a suite at the hotel for only 3 days, she gets sick and turns the hotel staff on their ear (everybody except PA, she said -- again, I think, to capture his attention).

Then she starts gossiping to mutual acquaintences asking them to speak to Albert on her behalf -- again a bid, IMHO, to get his attention and to create pressure on him. But I don't know, it's just a guess.

So then after Ranier dies, he stops coming over and she decides he's probably not going to come back she runs to the media and tells them most everything -- to get his attention, shame and embarrass him, to force him into a corner publically. :cool:

The drama probably won't end with her -- she has 18-20 yrs. with nothing to do but figure out ways to get back into PA circle. She even said --- in that very same article where she painted him as a complete jerk -- that she and Albert were going to be friends.

Very determined she is.
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leahteresa said:
In reguards to the pictures. They are very powerful. A woman with no DNA connection could leave a serious impression on the public with that kind of ammuntion. I think he was completely careless to let them be taken in light of the fact that he was set up.

I think the very best thing NC could do for Alexandre is to go get a real JOB and find a new man. I really though child support was for a child, not a mom. I also think her attempts, or claims, to force Albert to be a good dad are about as irresponsible as her birth control pill schedule. I may be cold but if I was Albert I would just leave them both alone until the boy was old enough to visit without his mother. That to me, seems like the only way PA has any chance of having a success relationship with Eric, without subjecting himself to a really scorned ex.

The interview sounds like an attempt to start repairing her image. Her answers, or lack of, indicate an attorney or PR person was advising. By not throwing any mud at PA, but rather his enemies (TR) she might be trying to win her way back into his graces. IMO
Aloha LOL hun you are still after the Eric name. I agree with the photo's look at what is being done now with Jazmins. Child support is to better the life of the custodial parent. In most cases the mother does work in this one she doesn't since she is getting plenty. Because Alexandre is his son he is making sure his son is taken care of. Albert can get visitation without Nicole present through the courts if its proven the situation is not in the best interests of the child. There is a nanny that can be his security while with Albert. Meaning not taken away from his mother to scare the child. Its all up to Albert and what his advisers recommend to him. If Albert sees the boy regularly now or when he is a little older he will adjust. Mine was 5 and yanked away for weekend visits by two strangers. It's not healthy for the child to be forced into visitations really with strangers just because the absent parent has rights. Albert has them but he isn't forcing them. Look at it this way. If Albert forced it to take his son for weekends, force him into family outings or any of the other stuff and the child is having adjustment reactions with mixed emotions and the child looses weight Nicole will start screaming and guess what else can happen? Child looses weight she has custody she will be seen as abusive. Its no walk in the park to be the custodial parent with it. Albert's backed up from the situation to not have confrontations with Nicole in front of their son. I see him as looking out for his son.
I wonder what her other 2 older children and her ex-husband think of all of this.

I wonder if they've even been in the new home, certainly it would be beautiful and with enough room for her 2 older sons to stay for a nice visit and even to have their own single bedrooms. :)

Does anyone know if she even sees them anymore?
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Lillia said:
It seems, based on her own story, every time he put distance between them, pushing NC out of his little circle --- and he should have left her alone, imo -- she found a way to clamor back using whatever way she knew -- going to his home looking for him, phone calls to him, crying, convincing him to have party for her birthday, and so on -- in my opinion to get his attentions and try to get him to have relations with her (she admits it)

Then after she got pregnant -- and he put even more distance again (not so nice), she escalate the drama -- she admits going down to Monaco looking for him again, he puts her in a suite at the hotel for only 3 days, she gets sick and turns the hotel staff on their ear (everybody except PA, she said -- again, I think, to capture his attention).

Then she starts gossiping to mutual acquaintences asking them to speak to Albert on her behalf -- again a bid, IMHO, to get his attention and to create pressure on him. But I don't know, it's just a guess.
I missed the part about going to Monaco and his putting her up in a hotel. Good question about the other two I haven't heard if she got them back yet from her ex-husband.
tips from bill clinton

like i said if he didn't want a baby why did he have intercourse? in america our former president bill clinton was in a huge scandal because "he did not have sex with monica lewinsky". maybe PA needs some help from former president bill clinton.
hsieh said:
like i said if he didn't want a baby why did he have intercourse? in america our former president bill clinton was in a huge scandal because "he did not have sex with monica lewinsky". maybe PA needs some help from former president bill clinton.
Who knows:confused: Why beg the question:confused:

Maybe he was being like some guys, where if a woman is offering it, he'll take it. Maybe he was being irresponsible (my opinion).

Maybe he just did not want a baby with her. But who knows why. I sure don't.

Anyway, it is an established fact now that Alexandre is his son and nothing can change that. :)
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"So then after Ranier dies, he stops coming over and she decides he's probably not going to come back she runs to the media and tells them most everything -- to get his attention, shame and embarrass him, to force him into a corner publically." Lillia

If I was PA and burying my father and someone, anyone, came along and tried to steal the show. AKA: Take attention away from the respect a father deserves at his death. I would be really really pissed off.
leahteresa said:
"So then after Ranier dies, he stops coming over and she decides he's probably not going to come back she runs to the media and tells them most everything -- to get his attention, shame and embarrass him, to force him into a corner publically." Lillia

If I was PA and burying my father and someone, anyone, came along and tried to steal the show. AKA: Take attention away from the respect a father deserves at his death. I would be really really pissed off.
You took the words right out of my mouth.
leahteresa said:
"So then after Ranier dies, he stops coming over and she decides he's probably not going to come back she runs to the media and tells them most everything -- to get his attention, shame and embarrass him, to force him into a corner publically." Lillia

If I was PA and burying my father and someone, anyone, came along and tried to steal the show. AKA: Take attention away from the respect a father deserves at his death. I would be really really pissed off.

I agree as much as I never did before....
it's all about me

it's all about being a rich spoiled brat whose surrounded by yes men and being self absorbed and self centered. 250,000 kids die in africa every month. who cares about some pampered screw up.
hsieh said:
it's all about being a rich spoiled brat whose surrounded by yes men and being self absorbed and self centered. 250,000 kids die in africa every month. who cares about some pampered screw up.

Is that meant ironicly ? If not, I think it is going a bit far.
hsieh said:
it's all about being a rich spoiled brat whose surrounded by yes men and being self absorbed and self centered. 250,000 kids die in africa every month. who cares about some pampered screw up.

Who's the brat? confussed by your comment....
who's a spoiled brat?

the spoiled rich brat is PA. who else would it be? i don't think it's going a bit to far. the man is a drama king. 250,000 kids die every month in africa and he's whinning about being set up and the mother's attitude towards him. in otherwords he's not thankful for what he has he is only looking at what he sees as an imperfection in his life. well, the poor baby ( PA ) should be thankful he's not one of the 250,000 kids who are going to die this month in africa. he's furious because NC interrupted his 80 year old dad's mouring period? why isn't he furious 250,000 kids die every month in africa? i'm sure those 250,000 kids and their families would like them to be able to live to 80 years.
hsieh said:
the spoiled rich brat is PA. who else would it be? i don't think it's going a bit to far. the man is a drama king. 250,000 kids die every month in africa and he's whinning about being set up and the mother's attitude towards him. in otherwords he's not thankful for what he has he is only looking at what he sees as an imperfection in his life. well, the poor baby ( PA ) should be thankful he's not one of the 250,000 kids who are going to die this month in africa. he's furious because NC interrupted his 80 year old dad's mouring period? why isn't he furious 250,000 kids die every month in africa? i'm sure those 250,000 kids and their families would like them to be able to live to 80 years.

I fail to see the logic behind your argumentation.
hsieh said:
the spoiled rich brat is PA. who else would it be? i don't think it's going a bit to far. the man is a drama king. 250,000 kids die every month in africa and he's whinning about being set up and the mother's attitude towards him. in otherwords he's not thankful for what he has he is only looking at what he sees as an imperfection in his life. well, the poor baby ( PA ) should be thankful he's not one of the 250,000 kids who are going to die this month in africa. he's furious because NC interrupted his 80 year old dad's mouring period? why isn't he furious 250,000 kids die every month in africa? i'm sure those 250,000 kids and their families would like them to be able to live to 80 years.
This is off topic but will put it here anyway since you made that post. He is fully aware of the needs of children in Africa as in other countries. Apparently you haven't read up on the things he is involved in or perhaps you have and are trying to start arguments with us. We are all entitled to our own opinions however I am a fact person and I form my opinions based on fact. Everything you say is negative and not based on fact in regards to Albert II. Its my suggestion you read the following information then come back and make comment as to his not caring about the children in Africa or in other places. Lets not forget every Christmas the children from the orphanage are invited to the Palace for a party and get gifts. Just because he is a Prince he doesn't have to do any of what he does. Any woman he marries best be able to adjust to his schedule and not grip he doesn't have time to watch the TV show with her. Or he isn't tuned into every word she says.

c) Finally, the Foundation undertakes benevolent activities, principally in favour of infants, on both a local and an international level. Its main thrust is that of aiding the families of children handicapped through illness. This takes the form of intervention "in situ" (theatre workshops, fitting-out of premises) and the support of medical research via a special open-end investment trust.

Following the participation by the Prince in the Paris-Dakar Rally in 1985 and 1986, M.A.P. built, at Agadès in Nigeria, a dispensary inaugurated in April 1988, which carries his name.
Since then, the establishment has been added to, with the construction of a maternity ward and a pathology laboratory, and has become the most important health care center in Northern Nigeria. Isn't Nigeria in Africia?

Other humanitarian activities have been carried-out in Brazil, Madagascar, former Yugoslavia, Romania, Sri Lanka, India and at the doorstep of Monaco on an ad hoc basis.
The Prince has, on many occasions, taken it upon to make field visits. In the first day of March 2005, He visited "Princess Grace Orphanage" in Sri Lanka and some areas hits by the tsunamis in December 2004.

<LI>His Highness is also :
- Honorary Member of the International Institute for Human Rights since September 3rd, 1986.
- Member of the Support Committee for W.W.F. France since March 1990.
- Patron of the association "Outward Bound France" since March 1992. This association aims to train young people according to the concept of « learning through actions ». His Serene Highness is also Patron of the association "Outward Bound Monaco" since its creation in October 2004.
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=-1]In November 1999, HSH Crown Prince Albert of Monaco, Honorary President of AMADE, visited the Filipino branch of the organisation. On that occasion, he was presented with the main projects supported by AMADE in the Philippines: the Children's Legal Rights Office (CLRO) and the Mother and Child residential programme.[/size]

Sorry for going off topic Gabriella someone reading the above post might not know this information and believe what was said by hsieh.
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