I'm back! My last visit on 04-10-2008

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Heir Presumptive
Apr 16, 2005
Amsterdam, Upstate NY
United States
My last visit as Toledo was on 04-10-2008 at 12:57 AM, last post on 8/27/2007!

I'm back!!! I found my original username Toledo and PW buried in a word doc note. So I'll stop posting as username Anscadar and see if the Mods can merge both accounts in. Sorry for the confusion, my fault for forgetting my username Toledo and confusing it with my former avatar, a picture of El Cid.

When I found my word note on the PC I wrote down that the Royal Forums was ***, and a list of people at the old version of the forum I interacted with at some point. I don't know if anyone is still around but some unfortunately, I read some passed away in the many years I've been gone. :sad:

Here they are, if you are still here, I hope you are in good health :flowers:

Lady L
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As I said in the PM, welcome back!

You two accounts have now been merged into one, namely Anscadar into the Toledo account.

So many familiar names, and what a long time ago :). Let's hope that they are all in good health indeed.

I hope you managed to change your old password?
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Welcome back, Toledo! Wow, many of those names are so familiar. It's hard to believe how long I've been a part of these forums and witnessed so many changes. Glad you are back!
I'm so happy I kept old PWs and usernames in a word document I had for years and transferred it over pc after pc and laptop. I remember that 2007/2008 was a PC or laptop with Windows Vista. If it was the laptop, I recall it was a HP 17-inch/27 CM model, one of the first ones with a TV card to connect to the RCA cable and it weighted like 11 pounds/5 Kg.
Re old list of names
I miss Warren so much. He was so kind and always jumped in to help me with my questions and obscure royal trivia we both loved to learn about.
I also found three more names under incoming friend requests from 2007, hope they are around and healthy:
Ancient Princess
and Pindo

Welcome back, Toledo! Wow, many of those names are so familiar. It's hard to believe how long I've been a part of these forums and witnessed so many changes. Glad you are back!

Imagine, 2007 on my last post was 15 long years ago :eek:. I even remember a month after my last post I got a promotion in Sept 2007 and moved from a regional state office to our Central Office (hundreds of employees in a 12 story building) and my job involved me working on and with three agencies, Dept of Social Services, Dept of Correction (prison systems), Judicial courts and Dept of Mental Health. It required a lot or work for 14 long years. I used to continue it after hour because part of the job was doing presentations all over the state, on state services for former and/or terminally ill inmates, parolees and probationers. So, I used to take the surplus tasks and do research and work at home.

When the project winded down by 2018 I joined another similar one administered from my Central Office but focusing on Nursing Home residents to ease down into retirement by December 2020. And that year was the pandemic and, unfortunately, we lost the majority of the people in nursing homes from our work lists due to covid. I retired, we sold the old condo in Connecticut and purchased our first house in upstate NY. We have hundreds of trees, wildlife, etc.

I'm completely relaxed now at 61 from when I stared in the original Royal Blue Forums in 2005 at age 44/ And with time to read, write and learn everything absolutely not work related. So, lesson learned for you young people around: the day job is just that, a job. Don't neglect having fun by bringing work home. When you retire it won't even matter anymore!

I'm so happy to be back as the old Toledo, thanks for all your comments and I promise to post at least once daily.

And one of my hobbies is learning to write books now! That's why I started few years back a twitter account to curate news on new books, tutorials and news for self publishing authors at https://twitter.com/EditioBooks so feel free to swing by and try writing your first historical fiction novel, too!

Bye, and thanks for the lovely welcome back from so many old pals I missed from way back. A toast for Warren and many others watching us from above, I'm sure in royal robes with angel wings.

Toledo (briefly known in our RF town as Anscadar)
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It is good to remember Warren, we all still miss him.

Just a sidenote: we were never known as RoyalBlue AFAIK. That was another forum, not us. I believe that back in the days that forum was discontinued. Some members perhaps came here though most will have gone to other forums. There were a million of them in the early and mid. 2000s though many have disappreared and we now are one of the few old ones that are still standing.

This forum was originally known as LesTribunesRoyales. That was around 2002 even. I was only a lurker then. In 2004 -if I remember correctly- there was a change and we became TheRoyalForums. I was not a moderator yet at the time of the change so it is perhaps not very clear to me either.

Few of us will remember as it is such a long time ago and most moderators and members from those days have moved elsewhere. Social media has changed a lot and many will now prefer twitter to discuss royals.
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Welcome back, Toledo! I enjoyed your Spain's Viceroyalties thread. Hope to read more from you
Hi Toledo!

Must be something in the air. I'm now back after several years as well. Perhaps a reawakening of royal interest after so many major events :)
Hi Toledo!
Must be something in the air. I'm now back after several years as well. Perhaps a reawakening of royal interest after so many major events :)

I think what moved me to track down online the whereabouts of the Royal Forum was checking out news on Queen Elizabeth II's funeral events. When I saw the forum was still around, I had the urge to post. Like the feeling of visiting your old home from childhood again.
I stopped posting at age 46 in 2007, and now at 61 I could not even remember the username, only that one of the avatars was a picture of a statue of El Cid so I assumed that was my username too.

Talk about living a 1956 Anastasia movie moment in internet life not remembering even the now nonexistent email to retrieve the PW! Just out of change I found the username yesterday while browsing in here, and the PW just this morning. Thanks to Marengo and the mods my account was both restored and merged with the 80 plus posts I made as username Anscadar.

And to be sure, this time I added the name and PW to my excel list where I keep the home accounts data. I'm not losing it again :lol:

Welcome back, Toledo! I enjoyed your Spain's Viceroyalties thread. Hope to read more from you

Thanks! That's because I've been reading and watching in YouTube during the past year books and videos, like panel forums, on one favorite subject of mine which is the time period from the first organized Spanish settlements to the Wars of Independence after the Courts of Cadiz were dismantled.

This month I'm in my Mexican Empires history mode and just yesterday I found a animation video on how Emperor Maximiliam converted and extended the Chapultepec castle into a palace later used by Mexican presidents as their 'White House'. When you are retired and the office life is just a blur, learning and researching new stuff on things you like is a joy to do.

Ps. I just posted the link on this section and the video is animated, you can mute the sound and still understand it
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I think what moved me to track down online the whereabouts of the Royal Forum was checking out news on Queen Elizabeth II's funeral events. When I saw the forum was still around, I had the urge to post. Like the feeling of visiting your old home from childhood again.

Same for me as well. Life got too busy for a little bit, but I'm so pleased to be back again :flowers:

Many thanks to the wonderful Marengo for helping us old-timers find our way back again!
Welcome back to the Royal Forums, Toledo!!! Enjoy it again!!!

I am enjoying it all over now that I'm getting used to the settings and the search page. I'm getting into the routine to visit early morning with coffee and late at the end of the day before bedtime. Thanks to everyone for your warm welcome, especially the senior forum members from all over the World I interacted with before I left in 2007-2008, it's glad to 'see' so many around. :hug:

With this post I officially made it to 2000 posts!!!! I wonder had I not stayed away since 2007 or 2008 how many posts would I have now? :ermm:

Still, I'm so happy I found my way back to the Royal Forum in 2022 and I finish the year missing so many members I knew way back that have passed away and glad to see so many new members that enjoy reading on history, royal news and everything that involves a Tiara moment. ?

With this post I officially made it to 2000 posts!!!! I wonder had I not stayed away since 2007 or 2008 how many posts would I have now? :ermm:

Still, I'm so happy I found my way back to the Royal Forum in 2022 and I finish the year missing so many members I knew way back that have passed away and glad to see so many new members that enjoy reading on history, royal news and everything that involves a Tiara moment. ?
Congratulations for your 2000th post ! Welcome back !:flowers:
Congratulations on your 2000th post! It is excellent that you have an interest in royal history.
It is good to remember Warren, we all still miss him.

Just a sidenote: we were never known as RoyalBlue AFAIK. That was another forum, not us. I believe that back in the days that forum was discontinued. Some members perhaps came here though most will have gone to other forums. There were a million of them in the early and mid. 2000s though many have disappreared and we now are one of the few old ones that are still standing.

This forum was originally known as LesTribunesRoyales. That was around 2002 even. I was only a lurker then. In 2004 -if I remember correctly- there was a change and we became TheRoyalForums. I was not a moderator yet at the time of the change so it is perhaps not very clear to me either.

Few of us will remember as it is such a long time ago and most moderators and members from those days have moved elsewhere. Social media has changed a lot and many will now prefer twitter to discuss royals.

Thanks Marengo! That clears up a lot of vague memories I had with two forums using the same names and many of us recycling the usernames from Royal Blue to Royal Forums. Royal Blue was the old one I used an avatar picture of El Cid, and then my last avatar was a picture of Alfonso XIII king of Spain. I do recall an exodus at Royal Blue and some of us stayed in here so many years ago Frederick and Mary were not even married.

The internet forums have an amazing history I wish someone, with more memory than us, would find a way to document royal-related forums in one of those family trees. We did all this decades before social media, as it is today, existed and we depended on articles and not on minute-by-minute news like now.

And I'm glad to finish 2022 finding my way back home in the old neighborhood and with so many new registered people around. :flowers:
Thanks Marengo! That clears up a lot of vague memories I had with two forums using the same names and many of us recycling the usernames from Royal Blue to Royal Forums. Royal Blue was the old one I used an avatar picture of El Cid, and then my last avatar was a picture of Alfonso XIII king of Spain. I do recall an exodus at Royal Blue and some of us stayed in here so many years ago Frederick and Mary were not even married.

The internet forums have an amazing history I wish someone, with more memory than us, would find a way to document royal-related forums in one of those family trees. We did all this decades before social media, as it is today, existed and we depended on articles and not on minute-by-minute news like now.

And I'm glad to finish 2022 finding my way back home in the old neighborhood and with so many new registered people around. :flowers:

That would be very interesting. What was this "Royal Blue" forum?
Right now, English forums about royalty I think there are only three. But TRF is the best and most complete.

I found a page about the history of TRF:



Glad to be here with you all.
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