"A True Mulatto Face" by Kimba Hudson (2014) [Queen Charlotte, consort of George III]

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Apr 25, 2008
United States
"A True Mulatto Face" by Kimba Hudson (2014) [Queen Charlotte, consort of George III]


A True Mulatto Face: Kimba Hudson: Amazon.com: Kindle Store

The mulatto in question is Queen Charlotte, consort to England's King George III. My novel is an attempt to show how a mulatto wound up the wife of the most powerful monarch of her time (1761). When I first heard of this story, my initial question was, "How were her Negroid features not immediately detected and her wedding to King George called off?”

You'll have to read the book to find that out – but the evidence she was mulatto is so compelling that as I began encountering it, I could not help wonder why no one else had written a book about this amazing woman.

Indeed, the evidence Charlotte was half-black is all over the internet. At the top of the list is a description of her made by her grandson-in-law's physician, Baron Stockmar:

"Small and crooked, with a true Mulatto face."
--Baron Christian Stockmar, MD
Memoirs of Baron Stockmar - Ernst Alfred Christian Stockmar (freiherr von), Georgina Adelaide Müller - Google Books


Please note two things about Stockmar's choice of words: first, the word true; second, the capital M. Clearly, Stockmar meant to idiot-proof his meaning — let the world know for posterity Queen Victoria's grandmother was half black.

When I posted this quote in one of the forums several people replied Stockmar was only trying to say Queen Charlotte was ugly; that is, "mulatto" was a term for ugly during her day. But my research revealed its meaning is identical to its meaning today: a person of white and black parentage. The word "mulatto" is of Latin origin and seems to have taken the original meaning as early as 1593. Consider:

Origin of MULATTO:
Spanish mulato, from mulo mule, from Latin mulus
First Known Use: 1593

A mule, of course, is a hybrid, a cross between a horse and donkey. The Latin word for mule is "mulus" and from that we can see how some enterprising Spanish-speaker used it to mean a cross between the white race and black race — mulatto. Below is a painting made by a South American painter in 1780 graphically showing usage of the word during that time:


In other words, all available evidence shows Stockmar meant exactly what we mean when he used the mulatto in his memoir. Stockmar was born in 1787 and died in 1863. He arrived at the English court in 1816 two years before Queen Charlotte (by then Queen Mother) died. As Physician-in-Ordinary to her granddaughter, Princess Charlotte, and grand-son-law, Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, he was considered part of the royal family. His memoir, in fact, describes taking meals with the huge brood (Queen Charlotte and King George had 13 children who survived).

Therefore, we must conclude that when Stockmar described Queen Charlotte as "a true Mulatto" he most surely meant she had Negroid features.

Stockmar went on to become a respected diplomat and confidant of Charlotte's granddaughter, Queen Victoria. We have several letters from Queen Victoria discussing political matters with him. Stockmar was not only a physician, but one who while serving as a doctor during the Napoleonic wars, set up a military hospital in which wounded from both sides were treated. The man was no flake given to inexact descriptions; in fact, we could hardly expect there existed anyone better qualified than he to describe Charlotte's features.

His description was part of a dozen others describing members of the royal household. In each we see the same exacting language as in Charlotte's description:
The Regent: 'Very stout, though of a fine figure; distinguished manners; does not talk half as much as his brothers; speaks tolerably good French. He ate and drank a good deal at dinner. His brown scratch wig not particularly becoming.'

The Duke of York: the eldest of the Regent's brothers. 'Tall, with immense embonpoint, and not proportionately strong legs; he holds himself in such a way that one is always afraid he will tumble over backwards; very bald, and not a very intelligent face: one can see that eating, drinking, and sensual pleasure, are everything to him. Spoke a good deal of French, with a bad accent.'

The Queen Mother (Charlotte, wife of George III.): 'Small and crooked, with a true Mulatto face.'

Memoirs of Baron Stockmar VOL. I. E pp. 50

Another argument offered against Charlotte being a mulatto is that that no one else said she was, and that all the paintings of her show a decidedly Caucasian-looking woman. Not so! There are many references to her mulatto features in literature and many paintings and mezzotints that support Stockmar's description. In the series directly below the first portrait was painted by Royal Painter Allan Ramsey on Queen Charlotte's Coronation Day in 1761. The face and curly hair are clearly that of a young woman of African descent. The second portrait has kept the hair but substituted a Caucasian-looking face. The third dispenses with the hair altogether and gives a face wholly unlike the original. But please note, the brush-work is finer and more expertly done in the first portrait—and, more tellingly, it's the identical brush-work and technique seen in Royal Painter Ramsey's tens of other royal family portraits.


Many of the other Queen Charlotte portraits come in two flavors as well: one in which she appears to be mulatto; the other in which she is Caucasian. In the first portrait below Charlotte's hair is unquestionably an Afro; in the next the Afro is covered and her features whitened.


My book is an attempt to weave together all the bits and pieces of the woman into an engaging tale that explains how her marriage to George III might have happened. Since her supposed African ancestry has never been admitted by the British Royal family the book best falls under the heading of speculative fiction. But in the great tradition of the genre, the reader will find no liberties are taken with fact – where actual historical people and events are used, the facts are faithfully rendered.

Finally, the language used is modern. Shakespeare of course did the same thing in Anthony and Cleopatra. His players spoke the language of the day, not the spoken Latin vernacular (which no one alive knows much about). Likewise, I see no reason for my characters to say things like “Hoisted by my own petards, sir!” when it can simply be “I fouled up, sir!” I think the latter easier to read and more fun. In fact, I recently saw a gladiator movie where one gladiator says to the other, “I won't fight you!” The second gladiator replies, “Wait a minute – that's not the way it works.” I laughed my head off – a hip gladiator! -- because it struck me as exactly the sort of thing the second gladiator would say were his Latin vernacular known and used. My dialog attempts this same kind of hipness (and humor). I've translated a 250 year-old vernacular into something closer to our own. Some readers will like this; others won't.

As to literary reports of Queen Charlotte's mulatto features here are a few, after which our roller-coaster ride of 18th century fun and frivolity begins... Enjoy!


– Kimba Hudson

References in Literature:

“She was undoubtedly a plain young girl with a large mouth, with a rather swarthy complexion and, her nostrils spreading wide, with something of the appearance of a mulatto.”
George III A Personal History
by Christopher Hibbert 2000
George III A Personal History - Christopher Hibbert - Google Books
J.A. Rogers Writes:
From Crisis Magazine Feb 1940
“her portrait by Ramsay in the National Gallery shows her to be decidedly Negroid. I have a copy bought in London which I have been showing to both colored and white persons without saying who she was and they invariably take her for a colored woman…”
The Crisis - Google Books
The Princess Royal Geoffrey Wakeford
page 110 “her mulatto looks”
The Princesses Royal - Geoffrey Wakeford - Google Books
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Additional Links

“The jewels lit up her (queen Charlotte) fine, broad features, echoes of her mulatto ancestry…”
The Love Stones, by Tobias Hill
novel 2003
The Love of Stones: A Novel - Tobias Hill - Google Books
In an article in the Sunday Telegraph, 3/10/99, reporting Dr Steve Jones geneticist calculation that ‘one in five British people has a direct black ancestor’, it is stated that the explanation for Queen Charlotte’s ‘mulatto’ appearance is that …
Faithful handmaid: Fanny Burney at the court of King George III - Hester Davenport - Google Books
Steve Jones - Telegraph
The last of the cocked hats: James Monroe & the Virginia dynasty:
“the small, mulatto-faced Queen Charlotte, whose wide-slit mouth was reminiscent of the rigid demarcation line she set between virtue and vice…”
University of Oklahoma Press, 1945 Arthur Styron
The last of the cocked hats: James Monroe & the Virginia dynasty - Arthur Styron - Google Books
William Haig Miller, James Macaulay, William Stevens – 1873 – Full view:
The Queen Mother (Charlotte, wife of George III.) “Small and crooked, with a true mulatto face.” (An old playgoer reports that when George m appeared in a theatre without the Queen, the gallery used to call out, ‘ ‘ George, where’s Pug^ …
The Leisure Hour - William Haig Miller, James Macaulay, William Stevens - Google Books
Posthumous memoirs of Karoline Bauer: from the German, Volume 2
By Karoline Bauer 1884
Posthumous memoirs of Karoline Bauer: from the German - Karoline Bauer - Google Books
The Princess Royal Geoffrey Wakefordpage 110 “her mulatto looks”The Princesses Royal - Geoffrey Wakeford - Google Books
Parson Austen’s daughter Collins, 1967 Parson Austen's daughter - Helen Ashton - Google Books

George the Third
Stanley Edward Ayling – 1972 – 510 pages – Snippet view
patience when news of the death of the Duchess of Mecklenburg- Strelitz,Charlotte’s mother, arrived only four days … Her colouring was dark, and some discovered a hint of the mulatto in her looks.
George the Third - Stanley Edward Ayling - Google Books
“She was undoubtedly a plain young girl with a large mouth, with a rather swarthy complexion and, her nostrils spreading wide, with something of the appearance of a mulatto.”
George III A Personal Historyby Christopher Hibbert 2000http://tinyurl.com/2fxrg9q
If Queen Charlotte was, in fact, a Mulatto, why did none of her children or subsequent generations show any signs of African heritage? Doesn't make too much sense to me.
I guess that is the good thing about writing about the dead, you can say anything you want no matter if true or not. You cannot libel the dead.
If Queen Charlotte was, in fact, a Mulatto, why did none of her children or subsequent generations show any signs of African heritage? Doesn't make too much sense to me.
because she was not a mullatto. Could that be It?
To me Queen Charlotte was clearly mixed race based on her pictures. I thought that the explanation that her features were due to a Moorish / African ancestor from hundreds of years prior to her birth was preposterous, but I recently read something that made sense, and that is that there was so much inter-marriage / inbreeding and that Queen Charlotte had numerous lines of descent going back to one or more persons of African descent.

So no Queen Charlotte is not the product of a union of a white and black parent, but I do believe that she has noticeable African features due to African ancestry, which can be due to a Moorish / African ancestor from the 13-14th century, or maybe a more recent ancestor, but I think the key explanation is that her African features came about due to limited gene pool. FWIW I don't think that any of Charlotte's children look as obviously mixed race as she, but some of them like Queen Victoria's father, have subtle features.

I do think that it is interesting that Queen Charlotte's African features were observed and commented on but it was not a showstopping scandal. I think that it reflects the premium placed on royal ancestry.
Then where are the other royals from the extremely limited gene pool with the same features as Charlotte?

Whatever "evidence" people have, there are not many serious historians who have uncovered any kind of veracity for this theory (and this at a time when Charlotte's heritage wouldn't matter and would likely be celebrated), and quite a few who have said it simply isn't true.

As it stands, it's a nice pop culture wish. Nothing more.
Then where are the other royals from the extremely limited gene pool with the same features as Charlotte?

Whatever "evidence" people have, there are not many serious historians who have uncovered any kind of veracity for this theory (and this at a time when Charlotte's heritage wouldn't matter and would likely be celebrated), and quite a few who have said it simply isn't true.

As it stands, it's a nice pop culture wish. Nothing more.

To me I don't doubt that Queen Charlotte is mixed race, rather I can see questioning how her mixed race appearance came about. As I stated before, I thought that it was preposterous that the explanation was due that she had an African / Moor from the from the 13-14th century but the reveal that her lineage traces back to African / Moor ancestor multiple times gave the explanation plausibility.

Queen Charlotte's appearance is well known because she married George III of the United Kingdom. There are images of Charlotte's family members but not as numerous as Charlotte's. There are portraits of Queen Charlotte where she appears to be Caucasian, but there are also multiple pictures and comments that indicate that she is mixed race. It's understandable why pictures of Charlotte and her relatives would be "whitewashed"*, but help me understand why there are pictures and comments depicting her as appearing to be mixed race / having features associated with people of African ancestry?

So to answer the question, I think that it is a combination of recessive genes coming into play and there not being a lot of images and commentary about Charlotte's kin to be able to confidently state that she was the only one to appear to have African ancestry. Although if she is the only one who has her features, then to me that does not make me doubt her ancestry, it means another explanation like she was the result of an extramarital encounter or a foundling.

* Caveat, the images may not necessarily be whitewashed or edited, people can have different appearances at certain phases of their life.

Almost all historians agree that this is very unlikely to be true.
What is unlikely to be true?
To me I don't doubt that Queen Charlotte is mixed race, rather I can see questioning how her mixed race appearance came about. As I stated before, I thought that it was preposterous that the explanation was due that she had an African / Moor from the from the 13-14th century but the reveal that her lineage traces back to African / Moor ancestor multiple times gave the explanation plausibility.

Queen Charlotte's appearance is well known because she married George III of the United Kingdom. There are images of Charlotte's family members but not as numerous as Charlotte's. There are portraits of Queen Charlotte where she appears to be Caucasian, but there are also multiple pictures and comments that indicate that she is mixed race. It's understandable why pictures of Charlotte and her relatives would be "whitewashed"*, but help me understand why there are pictures and comments depicting her as appearing to be mixed race / having features associated with people of African ancestry?

So to answer the question, I think that it is a combination of recessive genes coming into play and there not being a lot of images and commentary about Charlotte's kin to be able to confidently state that she was the only one to appear to have African ancestry. Although if she is the only one who has her features, then to me that does not make me doubt her ancestry, it means another explanation like she was the result of an extramarital encounter or a foundling.

* Caveat, the images may not necessarily be whitewashed or edited, people can have different appearances at certain phases of their life.

Things like eye color and various other factors are a matter of recessive genes, but they rely on much more direct ancestry (your parents and grandparents and perhaps another generation back) than we are talking about here. Even with multiple intermarriages, if the only ancestor in question is as far back as in Charlotte's case (and I haven't heard claims of more than one woman), inbreeding isn't going to suddenly bring it out.

Additionally, Charlotte wasn't any more (or less) inbred than any other royal around her, so when I say "where are the others" I don't mean just her family, but then it should have popped up elsewhere in the very limited Germanic royal gene pool. If Charlotte is the only example, it's hard to make much of a case.

She was not regarded as physically attractive despite other qualities like being intelligent and many of the "mulatto" comments might have been meant as "ugly", as mentioned, or simply an offhand slur. If she had been beautiful, she would have been described in very different language, and I wonder if any of the discussion of her background would have come around.

It's simpler to perhaps think she was unusual-looking (that happens. especially with royals. even now) than reach for more complicated explanations like she was a foundling who happened to be raised as a princess and married a king.

The BRF is pretty aware of their ancestry. If Charlotte had mixed heritage, Charles would have likely embraced it by now (if not his mother at some point before). I understand why people want this to be true, but I think the weight of evidence is against it.

The more fascinating (and factual) thing about Charlotte is she managed to deal with 15 pregnancies!!
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If Queen Charlotte possessed African ancestry, any genetic evidence would likely be minimal in the current generation of British royals (William IV - Victoria - Edward VII - George V - George VI - Elizabeth II - Charles III) due to the passage of over 250 years. Consequently, the percentage of such ancestry, if present, would be insignificant. I've seen portraits of her where she clearly looks mixed, and I've seen portraits of her where she doesn't.
Stockmar apparently didn't like Queen Charlotte, so his comment may have been intended more as an insult than a description.

As for Rogers’ quote from Horace Walpole, a contemporary of Charlotte, we see a description of the new Queen with a hypercritical focus on how well conforms to the English beauty standards of the day. The complete quote is:

She is not tall nor a beauty; pale, and very thin; but looks sensible, and is genteel. Her hair is darkish and fine; her forehead low, her nose very well, except the nostrils spreading too wide; her mouth has the same fault, but her teeth are good. She talks a great deal, and French tolerably;…
from The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford, Volume 3, p.434; appearing in Dictionary of National Biography. Vol. X (Chamber to Clarkson)).
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