Your Favorite Member/Members of the Grand Ducal Family?

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Louis and Tessy - for their showing of maturity by taking the diffuculty and responsibility of being parents, while they were nearly children themselves.

But in this family there aren't anyone whom I wouldn't like.
Only late Grand Duchess Charlotte doesn't arouse my sympa thy, because of her snobism and disdain towards her daughters-in-law (not only Maria-Teresa but also Helene, as I heard)

You're talking of Grand Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte I think. Grand Duchess Charlotte was the mother of Grand Duke Jean, the husband of Grand Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte.
HGD Guillaume is my favourite. I find him something of a role model, but I think the whole family are all wonderful if I'm honest.
I like Princess Tessy best. I admire the work she was doing before meeting Louis and I think she has really made a life for herself as a wife, mother, and royal. It wasn't as easy for her as the others since she wasn't born to this life at all. I worry she's becoming boring and stuffy like the rest of the family because I can take or leave the rest of them.
Basically I like the entire family. Two of them are my favorites.

My favorite member is Princess Tessy. I was impressed when I read that she was in the military. I believe that she had to prove herself to others before she was accepted into the family. Not an easy task given the circumstances. She seems to have a level of maturity that others her age don't have. This is also true I believe of Prince Louis.

Grand-Duchess Maria Theresa is another favorite of mine. She seems to be a very happy person, someone you would like to socialize with or invite to a dinner party. She loves her children and grandchildren and you can see that in the pictures of the family.
My personal favorite is sensitive, intelligent, classy Guillaume.

But the entire family is simply outstanding...a perfect example of how modern Royals should comport themselves, imo. :)
I like Prince Felix. We have the same birthday. :luxstandard::luxstandard:
I like them all. My favorite is Princess Alexandra. I also like Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie, Prince Felix and Princess Claire, Prince Louis and Prince Sebastien. I also like Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Theresa.
My Favourite 4
Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie.
Prince Felix and Princess Claire.
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